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Absurd ways to learn languages


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Unfortunately, in those days we had no internet. We were given words to unscramble and place in the crossword or small sentences to complete and place the answer or missing word in the crossword. This way we were more able to retain the new words.

Oh, I see. My bad. Do you think it really worked though? In my english classes we'd do crosswords sometimes too, but it never really helped me learn or retain vocabulary

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  • 7 months later...
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These are really funny. I like that people are using alternative ways to learning new languages. I guess they seem absurd, but honestly whatever works for you. I agree with the idea of translating songs, because of our ability to remember. It is amazing what the mind can do and the way it works. Great work on the new language. 

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There are definitely a ton of crazy ways to memorize words and sentences in a different language. But don`t worry about it, if it works for you. The important thing is to actually learn what you want to learn, no matter how crazy your ways are. :D

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Hello everyone! My name is Jorge Solis. Yes! I think we all have our own silly ways of learning phrases or even funny words. For instance, I could not remember the word "disrespect" in English. Therefore, I created a way to memorize it: My friend got new SPECS, my friend DISREY got new SPECS: DISRESPECT. I know it is very silly and perhaps childish but it worked for me! I am now fluent in English!

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My method isn't really absurd but the repetition can be absurd. For instance, whenever I encounter a new foreign phrase or expression and am able to grasp what it means, I play it over and over in my head - even mimicking the manner in which it was said. After constant mental repetition, every time I'm in a situation where there's a need to speak that particular foreign phrase or expression, it just comes out of my mouth loud and clear. 

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Well, the most awkward thing I ever did to study a language was actually when I first got to China. There, when going out, I always took my translator with me. And then, in the Bars & Discos, I translated everything from English to Chinese and showed them the output on my translator. Then, after reading my message, they wrote down their answer (with a special pen) directly on the screen of my little translator and I translated it back to English  :grin: This was the only way I could communicate with Chinese people when I first visited China about 10 years ago:=) I do speak Chinese now and this definitely makes things much easier, hehe :=)

That is totally my method! :D

I do the same exact thing when my language skills fall short!

Another thing I do, but it's not really all that wack, is I make my friends (who are the natives of whatever language..) to teach me some really old school pick up line, or some really wack phrase. Of this I would then know only the rough translation, then I would just say it to people and have fun with the reactions.

One such phrase in Chinese (which linguaholic may know) is 吃豆腐 - this could roughly be translated as sort of innocent "sexual harassment." Basically not the hard core kind. This phrase really does put smiles on Chinese people when you use it at the right time! Ahh, good times.

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That is totally my method! :D

I do the same exact thing when my language skills fall short!

Another thing I do, but it's not really all that wack, is I make my friends (who are the natives of whatever language..) to teach me some really old school pick up line, or some really wack phrase. Of this I would then know only the rough translation, then I would just say it to people and have fun with the reactions.

One such phrase in Chinese (which linguaholic may know) is 吃豆腐 - this could roughly be translated as sort of innocent "sexual harassment." Basically not the hard core kind. This phrase really does put smiles on Chinese people when you use it at the right time! Ahh, good times.

hahahaha. I know that one, that's right :=)

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I am a visual learner so for me, I have to write it down. The act of writing it helps me to absorb it completely. I write it, say it out loud and then remember it and recall it. I go through so much to remember things these days.

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I found some music videos online. They are rap songs that contain bits of grammar lessons. I found them entertaining and quite fun but the lessons did not stick to my memory that well. I soon forgot everything when I stopped singing those songs maybe because I am not into rap music as it makes remembering more difficult for me. 

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