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Do you have a lot native english speakers as friends?

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Hi there!  I was just wondering how many  of you actually have actually developed friendships with native english speakers?  If so, how did it started? How long have you been knowing each other and for how long?  Having friends whose native mother tongue is english can be an advantage if you want to keep your knowledge of english fresh :) But sometimes that kind of friendships just happen naturally and it's wonderful!

I don't have many friends whose native tongue is english, but I have many friends whose second tongue is english! We use english when we meet and talk! It's very fun and good to keep our english skills in top condition.

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I do, yep, but maybe that's because I spent a good 4 years in Australia so I made friends from there. Nowadays, with Internet and things, it's very easy to befriend people halfway across the world as well.

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I haven't few friends who grew up speaking English mainly although I'm not sure I would say that automatically makes English their native language. I've also met a few acquaintances in the past who were born and raised in the U.S. but none that really stuck around long enough. My English speaking friends are the closest I have to native English speakers but they also speak my native language fluently.

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Well, Baburra, yeah, some people grow up bilingual, so you could say their mother language is english as well, which is very cool!  I wish I could have grown up that way, sadly no, english is just my second language, speak it fluently but didn't grow up bilingual. Either way, some people speak english so well even though they are not natives.

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I do, yep, but maybe that's because I spent a good 4 years in Australia so I made friends from there. Nowadays, with Internet and things, it's very easy to befriend people halfway across the world as well.

Well, that could definitely help, lol. We are living in a highly global world, it's so easy to go from one place to another by plane in a matter of hours... it use to take months to do that some years ago.  It's just amazing when I think about it. I know traveling by plane isn't the best and most comfortable experience, but can't deny planes are making things easier now...

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That depends on whether or not you're flying first class lol. In all seriousness, I actually love flying. That sense of adventure is awesome.

Well, that could definitely help, lol. We are living in a highly global world, it's so easy to go from one place to another by plane in a matter of hours... it use to take months to do that some years ago.  It's just amazing when I think about it. I know traveling by plane isn't the best and most comfortable experience, but can't deny planes are making things easier now...

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As I mentioned in previous post, some people in my country were raised to speak only standard English and speaking Creole is actually weird for them. It happens to be the same the other way around for the rest of us but we all can still be friends because we switch languages without even thinking about it being weird.

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I don't have friends who are native English speakers, but that's not really a must in our country, because everyone speaks and understands English anyway, so if you have difficulty learning the language, then you can ask other more fluent compatriots to teach you how to speak it fluently.

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  • 3 weeks later...

English is widely spoken in my country. Among my friends, we have the tendency to use English more than our native tongue. It's primarily because there are thoughts that are easily expressed in English.

Having native-English speaking friends is definitely a big help when you are trying to improve your English. There are nuances in the language that only the native speaker can offer. In my case, we have a Korean colleague, but was raised in the US since he was two years old. So, that's the closest I have to a native-English speaker. It can be quite challenging to speak with him, but thankfully I can get by, LOL!

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Yes I do. I come from a country where our native tongue is Malay but I speak fluent English due to the fact that I'm English educated. My international friends tend to compliment me for my English and are usually surprised when they hear me speak as I do not have an accent.

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  • 5 months later...

English is widely spoken in my country. Among my friends, we have the tendency to use English more than our native tongue. It's primarily because there are thoughts that are easily expressed in English.

Having native-English speaking friends is definitely a big help when you are trying to improve your English. There are nuances in the language that only the native speaker can offer. In my case, we have a Korean colleague, but was raised in the US since he was two years old. So, that's the closest I have to a native-English speaker. It can be quite challenging to speak with him, but thankfully I can get by, LOL!

I feel the same way towards English :)  I feel it's easier to express what I really feel through it, even easier and more natural sounding than my mother language. In my opinion Spanish is not as expressive as the people think, but that might be because I'm no poet ;)  It's great to have a native English speaker as a friend, whenever I have a doubt (not very often anymore) I ask my British friend.  Now what I really need is a smart native dutch speaker... those are hard to find, lol.  I have a lot grammar related questions...

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I recall having two teachers in high school who were British, but that was a long time ago.  Right now, I have had friendships with a couple of native English speakers, some from the United States and others from Australia.  However, they are mostly on Twitter.  We used to be talking about news in general, particularly the cable news networks such as CNN and Fox News.

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I don't have any personal relationships with people whose mother tongue is English. I have developed friendships with native English speakers online though. And talking to them surely helped me a lot when it comes to improving my English communication skills.

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