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      What languages do you want to learn next? | Language Learning Jump to content

      What languages do you want to learn next?


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      I'm currently learning French and German in school, and I'm also learning Spanish from Duolingo. I'm also fluent in English and I can speak two Indian languages (one of them being my mother tongue). I really want to learn Italian, Russian and Portuguese (and I've just started Italian and Portuguese on Duolingo).

      What languages do you want to learn next?

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      My first love has always been French. But then when I started learning Italian, I found a greater love. Both of these has gone rustic for me because as we all know, practice makes perfect, and I haven't been utilising those skills for ages. My plan is to go back and take lessons in both in the near future. The idea is to get up to speed on conversational level, at least. I find that it's always easier for everything else to fall in place when you've laid that "foundation". I just have a few other things to sort out before I get to that :(

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      I'm a native arabic speaker, and I've learnt French in really young age !! And after I've learnt English later, now I'm trying to learn italian as you and i'm facing a lot of problems , because I have a weak memory now and what I've learnt is numbers lol.

      i hiope that I can learn it this year so I can learn spanish or dutch later .

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      Right now I am learning dutch :)  I'm not even close to being fluent in dutch, so for the moment I don't plan to learn any other language.  I first plan to perfect dutch, then after that I might polish my Hebrew reading skill after that I might actually learn colloquial Hebrew.  Once and if I ever master it, I might jump to learn French.  I have been dreaming about learning Russian, but I doubt that will ever happen.

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      We once had some Japanese guests in the office and our boss said that knowing Japanese or Nihonggo is an advantage in dealing with Japanese businessmen. But when I started searching on how to learn the basics, I was stumped because Nihonggo is a simple language, easy to understand but hard to learn because of the idiom.

      Now I am thinking of researching on Chinese. But what kind of Chinese?

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      Hmm that's a tough one. I would have to say that the next language that I would love to learn would be Japanese. Last summer I worked at a school with a teacher who was from Japan. Both of us taught a class where the students were able to learn some basic Japanese, and I loved learning too. I think that it would be pretty cool to be able to speak in Japanese.

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      Well, right now I'm really only thinking about learning what I'm working on right now; if I start worrying about learning something else right away I'm just going to rush myself and get frustrated. But, if I do somehow manage to master the German language, I really would love to work on Japanese. I know it'll be hard, especially when it isn't even the same writing as English and German are, but I've always been very fond of Japan and the Japanese language.

      Some other ones I'd be interested in, but would be less likely to want to put the same amount of effort that I'd be willing to put into German or Japanese, would be Spanish & French. I live in Canada where French is the official second language, so obviously it would be helpful to learn. One of my close friends moved away to Quebec several years back, and it would be nice to know something of the language so I can communicate if I ever visit him there.

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      I had been to Hongkong first in 1994 then in 2012 twice, 2013, 2014 and this year we have a trip again in October. You can say that I am a habitue of HK. So maybe it is about time that I learn some Chinese. The only words I know are:

      1. Nihaw - to mean hello

      2. Sheeshe - to mean thank you

      It's really a shame that I have been going to HK every year but I have nothing to show except those 2 words.

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      • 2 weeks later...

      I've checked a lot jobs in the are where I will be living, and it looks like it would be more than useful to speak both German and french. So I might learn those two in an attempt to get a good job :)  or at least an ok one, it seems I already speak 3 of the most asked languages in most jobs there: Spanish, English and dutch.

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      Our trip to Vietnam is next month already and I still have to learn a word of Vietnamese. I wonder why there are no vietnamese in this site. Maybe we have to invite them so they come to teach us, hahahaaa. But seriously, I don't want to be a stranger in Vietnam, a  tourist with no knowledge of their language.

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      • 4 weeks later...

      Well, when my English would be better, I would think about Spanish, even if I'm not sure I would ever take the leap someday. The advantages of these two languages is that these two languages are languages I will often meet in the future and spoken by many people, meanwhile for example, French is not really spoken outside of France.

      Yes, you might think about Africa, sure they share many terms but they also have different strong regional words that you need to learn, especially the one used frequently to be idiomatic. And I have the opportunity to communicate with way more people with Spanish. I already discovered that with English so I'm pretty convinced already. The only problem is that Europe is really diverse language speaking, so when someone come from Europe, basically, there's a low likeliness I will meet a French/English or in the future, a French/English/Spanish native speaker.

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        On 7/25/2015 at 10:12 AM, turtledove said:

      I'm currently learning French and German in school, and I'm also learning Spanish from Duolingo. I'm also fluent in English and I can speak two Indian languages (one of them being my mother tongue). I really want to learn Italian, Russian and Portuguese (and I've just started Italian and Portuguese on Duolingo).

      What languages do you want to learn next?

      I am also using duolingo but because this is self phased I tend to slack and forget about the lessons. I am trying to learn French and Spanish. I gave up on Spanish because I am getting nuts about the conjugations.

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      I'd really love to learn Russian. Although my native tongue (BCS) belongs to the Slavic group of languages there are many (maybe even more) differences than there are similarities. For us (BCS speakers) it's easier to read and understand than it is to understand someone speaking Russian. A big problem is the difference in the way words are accented in Russian. We share a lot of similar words but there are many that are written and sound the same way but have quite different meanings in Russian and BCS.

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      • 3 weeks later...

      I'm a native English speaker and I've been living in Chinese for over 6 years but my motivation to learn Chinese in classes (before work, ugh) has been up and down. I would be very very interested to see it in the Chinese format and I think it would help me a lot with grammar, which is my weak point! I NEED Chinese! If you're also interested in seeing that choose a Chinese language course.

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      I am planning to learn the language in Malaysia I am not sure if that is Bahasa then would also want to learn Korean. Reason would be to be able to find a high paying job that hires people who can speak the said languages.

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      Since I am an anime lover, I would love to learn more about the Japanese language. Although I have already taken Nihonggo classes in college, I still want to broaden my knowledge about it. Another language I would love to master is French. I have always been in love with it. :)

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      After I perfect my English, I'm probably going to learn German. It's going to be incredibly hard though, so I don't know. An alternative would be Korean or Japanese, but I can't see myself using them much, so that's unfortunate. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see learning which language would benefit me the most. Definitely not Chinese though. I won't be learning it, regardless of if it benefits me or not. I just don't have the passion for it for some reason. I tried years ago and failed.

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      I`m currently trying to learn Italian. It is the closest language to one that I already know (Romanian), and I think I should be able to learn it pretty fast. The next one after that would be Spanish, which is also a Latin type of language, from the same family.

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      Well, right now, I'm learning Korean. I love watching Korean series so I would really like to be able to learn the language. It's annoying to read wrong subtitles that doesn't even make sense most of the time. Lol. Next on my list would be Japanese or Nihongo as I also love watching anime series from Japan. It would be easier to know the language and enjoy the anime graphics than spend my time reading the subtitles.

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      Well next up for me is trying to learn Japanese because I really love the language as I like to understand things that are uniquely Japanese and that I would like to go to Japan for a visit. Another reason is that I would like to understand Japanese Anime that I love to watch.

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