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Do you miss SharedTalk? I made SharedLingo

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Hi. My name is Vladimir and I'm professional web developer. Some time ago I used to be an active member of SharedTalk - language exchange community which main feature were real-time chats. I believe that many of you either have heard about it or were the part of the community. Unfortunately, that great place was closed by owners lately, without any visible reasons.

I tried to find good alternative but failed. Seems like there are no similar sites. I mean sites where you can haveinstant conversation with native speaker of language that you learn.

Therefore one day I decided to create my own. I have all the skills and experience required for such complex project. I named it SharedLingo. Today you can check it out: http://sharedlingo.com

SharedLingo is a "clone" of SharedTalk. Clone in a good meaning. It brings the same experience - choose someone from online members, send chat request and start talking right now. Or, join a public room for language that you want to practice.

Please, take a look and let me know what you think about SharedLingo. There are no members yet (it's published just today), but I'd appreciate if you sign up and spread the word to other people who might be interested.

Here is what I really want to hear from you:

- Should I continue spending my time on that project?

- Would you like to use it?

- What could be improved?

Thanks for reading. Hope you'll like SharedLingo.

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