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Spanish Literature Resources


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Browsing the forum I found that nobody else has posted yet Spanish Literature resources, so I thought to start this forum with a text that being a bit outdated, is still valid to understand modern Spanish

Spanish literature in Mexican languages as a source for the study of Spanish pronunciation (1934)

Author: Canfield, D. Lincoln (Delos Lincoln), 1903-; Hispanic Institute in the United States

Subject: Spanish language; Indians of Mexico; Mexican literature; Spanish literature; Indians of Mexico

Publisher: New York, Instituto de las Espñas en los Estados Unidos

Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT

Language: English

Digitizing sponsor: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries

Book contributor: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries

Collection: univ_florida_smathers; americana

Scanfactors: 6

This text can be downloaded here, http://www.archive.org/download/http://archive.org/details/spanishliteratur00canf

Another useful resource is the Argentinian Digital Library Project, where you can download free Spanish text from renowned Argentinian authors.

This project is Spanish-only, http://www.biblioteca.clarin.com/pbda/autores.htm

Project Gutenberg, is the largest source for classic literature in many languages.

You can browse Spanish-only literature straight right here, http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/languages/es

If you know other Spanish Literature sources, please add them below this thread :)

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For some reason I have found Spanish literature a little harder to find online than some other languages.

Another good resource is http://librivox.org/.

If you do a search for Spanish you will find some good resources. The best part of librivox is that they have a team of volunteers that read the texts. So for a lot of books you can find audio as well, which is very helpful.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Thanks for these resources. What a brilliant way to progress now that I am done with online learning material. You can also search on google looking for filetype:pdf, but be sure to check the copyrights!

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