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1 hour ago, ElleRose said:

Hey guys, I have an essay to write in German. It's Meine Ferien (My Holiday).
So, I just provided these points to translate in German. 

1. I went on holiday near to my hometown in Kuala Woh, Tapah. It is also known as "Batu Tujuh" picnic site.

In meinen Ferien ging ich an einen Ort names Kuala Woh, welcher sich in der Nähe meiner Heimatstadt befindet. Dieser Ort ist auch unter dem Namen Batu Tujuh bekannt.

2. My mom took me there by car. 

Meine Mutter hat mich mit dem Auto dorthin gebracht.

3. It is situated in Tapah - Cameron Higlands road. 

Der Ort befindet sich in Tapah und zwar auf der Cameron-Highlands-Strasse.

4. There is a greeny forest for the recreational area.

Es gibt dort ein tolles Erholungsgebiet, welches unter anderem über einen schönen (grünen) Wald verfügt.

5. All the trees here are estimated hundred years of age.

Alle Bäume in diesem Walt sind hunderte von Jahren alt.

6. Kuala Woh is a recreational water park which people can do activities such as picnic, camping and fishing.

Kuala Woh ist ein hübsches Erholungsgebiet mit einem Wasserpark. Es eignet sich für Aktivitäten wie Picknicken, Campieren und Fischen.


1 hour ago, ElleRose said:



1 hour ago, ElleRose said:

4. There is a greeny forest for the recreational area.

5. All the trees here are estimated hundred years of age.
6. Kuala Woh is a recreational water park which people can do activities such as picnic, camping and fishing.
7. There is also a hot springs in a certain areas where people can boil eggs.
8. I'm just walking around and relaxing my mind from the hectic works.
9. There is a suspension bridge but I can't walk through it because of the fear of heights.
10. The chalet are situated in the area but I'm not allowed to go in.

11. I found a lot of interesting information signages about Kuala Woh.

12. There is a lot of people hanged out with their families and friends. 

13. After spending hours at Kuala Woh, I'm decided to eat and leave. 
14. This is one of the best memory of my holiday.
15. I buy the keychains from the souvenir shop.


First of all, I'm sorry for my poor English. Maybe some of you think that words above are simple, but actually I didn't take German course last semester due to my heavy schedule. So yeah, my German is really2 poor. And for those who help me to translate these points, I'm so grateful that God send me kind hearted people in my life. You're a life saver! I love you with all my heart !! <3 <3 <3



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