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      What kind of learner are you? | Language Learning Jump to content

      What kind of learner are you?


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      We all have different learning styles, and that's why some language learning methods fail for some, but for others they're an absolute success.  I actually found a very interesting article talking about the different learning styles out there, here is the link:

      After you read it, please let me know what kind of learner you think you are.  I personally think I'm a mix between visual and read/write.

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      That's amazing :)  I actually suck at learning something using my ears (unless I have to repeat it over and over and keep reinforcing it constantly).  I do better when I'm given a lot examples, this worked great with math :)  Because once you get a lot examples, isn't hard to figure out how to solve a problem or equation.  Same happens to me with the languages... but I'm better at memorizing things :)  Like whole expressions, that's how I learnt english.  Books have never worked for me tho :P

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      Mostly combination although it leans more on read/write kind of learning. I remember when I was still studying, I would specifically remember things like where a term or topic is written on my notebook which helps when I have an exam. It's odd but my brain sort of orders it that way and it helps me remember.

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      That was a really great article! Thank you so much for sharing it.

      I couldn't help but laugh when I read the visual learning summary.

      It fits me to a T !

      I already knew I learn visually, but it cracked me up to see my personality just laid out and 100% correct about me. Really cool.

      I notice that I learn best when I am shown a picture and hear the word at the same time. I remember and can tell you the word every time I see that picture. I have no clue what the word means if I just hear it though, such as- I am told the word, asked what it means and not shown a group of photos after. BUT if I am shown a group of photos and asked to find the word I am told audibly, I get it correct every time.

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      You're more than welcome, Becka!  I'm glad you liked the infographic :)  I actually found really accurate and useful too, I'm a mix between a visual and a read/write learner and so far this is the only article where I hear something about the read/write learning stlye!  I found a lot of the things in the visual learner section to be true for myself as well :) 

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        On 9/30/2013 at 4:48 AM, evapfromm said:

      Thank you for that link. We had to take tests in school to see what kind of a learner we are, and I never seemed to fit into Audio, Visual or Kinesthetic. I am definitely a Read/Writer learner.

      You're very welcome :)  I actually had a very similar test when I was younger, I could never fit in any of those learning styles either.  But I always knew it was easier for me to learn by writing and memorizing.  Because visual never quite did it for me.

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        On 10/1/2013 at 9:55 AM, DiesIrae said:

      Mostly combination although it leans more on read/write kind of learning. I remember when I was still studying, I would specifically remember things like where a term or topic is written on my notebook which helps when I have an exam. It's odd but my brain sort of orders it that way and it helps me remember.

      Same here, I think I'm a combination between visual and read/write learner  :)  For me it's easier to remember things I previously wrote, it really helps me to memorize things! So I don't think it's odd at all :)  I think each person is different and this also applies to learning languages and things in general.  That's why is so important to find out what your learning style is :)

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      I am an eternal learner.

      I keep my eyes open and learn every minute.  I think, learning is a never-ending process.  If you have an open mind, you can learn from every experience you encounter and every person you meet.

      I think, if you have the right mindset, you will be a student all your life - you can learn from womb to tomb.

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        On 9/30/2013 at 2:08 AM, Trellum said:

      We all have different learning styles, and that's why some language learning methods fail for some, but for others they're an absolute success.  I actually found a very interesting article talking about the different learning styles out there, here is the link:

      After you read it, please let me know what kind of learner you think you are.  I personally think I'm a mix between visual and read/write.

      I am one of those people that learns by doing. I can read a book or some instructions over and over and in the end becoming blind to it. However, if someone shows me what needs to be done, then that's it and away I go. I suppose this relates to the way I learn my new language. Learning by doing is the way for me.

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      I wonder the ability or interest in learning a language is greater among those who identify with the read/learner type. It seems like the majority of the people who have replied so far at least somewhat identify with that type. Not that other types of learners can't learn a language as easily or even better than a read/write learner- that would be silly. :)

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      Thank you very much for that link Trellum. I do believe that I learn the same way that you do. I love to learn through reading and writing, and I'm also a visual learner. I love diagrams, charts, making lists and notes. I also like to make outlines before writing an essay and I also like to map out my thoughts using diagrams when preparing a research project or essay.

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      • 1 month later...

      I think that I'm a visual and auditory learner, I don't recall learning a new language by trying to read it or write it out or through other methods. I learn quickly through the constant repetition of seeing and hearing the words/phrases.

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      I've always been a kinesthetic learner. Once I've done something once or twice, I understand it. Math teachers have always been extremely hit or miss for me in that regard, because some will explain how something is done and leave us to it while others will walk us through how it's done while we have similar problems in front of us. When I have the former I tend to rely on the step-by-step sample problems in the textbook to get me through the class.

      This is one of the reasons I've always struggled while trying to teach myself a language. I need to be able to use what I'm learning, so I need either a classroom setting or just someone to practice with, or I'll end up forgetting pretty quickly.

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      I am both the auditory and visual learner, which I often read books and write down the unfamiliar words for a few times in order to have them memorized. Another method would be by repetition, which it helps me to understand the language better when I use it often. I can also understand better by listening and reading.

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      • 2 months later...

      I am a visual learner. I can not learn if I am being lectured or if I have to listen to information. It just goes in one ear and out through the other. I can only learn if I read it myself. I also learn if I watch videos of things being done. I can't learn with instructions.

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      I'm the read/write type of learner. I use my flash card app to check for the character of the day, then I write the character repeatedly on a notebook until I fill up an entire page.  :grin:

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