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      Favorite American Authors? | English Literature Jump to content

      Favorite American Authors?


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      Who are your favorite American authors?  I don't read as much as I'd like to and my tastes cover a wide range, but here are a few of the author's that have inspired and challenged me:

      Phillip Roth

      Cormac McCarthy

      David Foster Wallace

      ee cummings

      Harper Lee

      Mark Twain

      Who do you like?

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        Edgar Allan Poe

        Stephen King

        Peter Straub

        Richard Matheson

        If you'd notice, these authors mostly write horror stories. I love horror in writing. It's scary in a different way because it describes what happens in much detail which we usually miss when we're watching it instead.

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        My top favorite American author is probably Kurt Vonnegut, for his humor and satirical works. After that, it'd probably be Ernest Hemingway or Emily Dickinson. If I had to pick an author that is still living, it'd be Orson Scott Card.

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        John Steinbeck and J.D. Salinger are my favorite American authors.  I think Catcher In The Rye is the best novel.  His short stories are also excellent.  Raise High The Roof Beam Carpenters was a fantastic read too.  Steinbeck has a lot of underrated books including The Red Pony, Tortilla Flat and The Winer Of Our Discontent.

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          On 10/2/2013 at 9:24 PM, BradHemphill said:

        ee cummings

        Harper Lee

        Who do you like?

        I love cummings too :) And I really wish Harper Lee wrote some more books. I loved "To Kill a Mockingbird", it's a masterpiece.

        My top favorite American author is probably Kurt Vonnegut, for his humor and satirical works.

        Ooh, Vonnegut is on my top 3 favorite authors' list, no doubt :)

        One author that I love and who wasn't mentioned yet is Joseph Heller.

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        J.D. Salinger, John Irving, John Steinbeck, Sylvia Plath and Zora Neale Hurston are my favorite American authors. I was reading an interesting article the other day on how men only read books written by men. That made me think of my own favorite authors list and felt I should include one of my favorite female authors.

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          On 10/2/2013 at 9:24 PM, BradHemphill said:

        Who are your favorite American authors?  I don't read as much as I'd like to and my tastes cover a wide range, but here are a few of the author's that have inspired and challenged me:

        Phillip Roth

        Cormac McCarthy

        David Foster Wallace

        ee cummings

        Harper Lee

        Mark Twain

        Who do you like?

        Some of your favorites are also favorites of mine.  I also like Mark Twain; pretty much everything of his that I have read thus far.  I also like David Foster Wallace's "Infinite Jest," and Harper Lee's classic, "To Kill a Mockingbird."

        Some of my other favorite authors and favorite books include:

        Jayne Anne Phillips -- her short story collection, "Black Tickets"

        Richard Powers -- "Three Farmers on their Way to a Dance"

        Lorrie Moore -- "Collected Stories"

        There are many others but these are the ones that come to mind. 

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        My favorite authors are Sarah Dessen, Elizabeth Scott, and Robin Jones Gunn. Sarah Dessen and Elizabeth Scott are Young Adult authors, and they write Young Adult Contemporary and Romance fiction. Robin Jones Gunn is a Young Adult Christian author, and she writes both Young Adult and Adult Romance and Contemporary Christian fiction.

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        My favourite American author is Hemingway. Generally speaking, I'm a fan of the entire Modernist movement in literature. A couple of the more contemporary authors I enjoy are Stephen King and George R.R. Martin. Oddly, I think one of the best examples of American is Gaiman's "American Gods", though as far as I know he's British.

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        • 4 weeks later...

        F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of my favorites for a few reasons. Firstly, I of course love The Great Gatsby. It is one of the most brilliantly written novels ever.

        Secondly, I am fascinated by his tragic personal life. The man died thinking he was a failure because Gatsby was not popular until 20 years down the line after he had already passed.

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        With so many exceptional writers in America its hard to narrow it down to just a few.  Edgar Alan Poe, Hemingway, and Emily Dickinson are good to start with.  Mark Twain is always a must read.  I have been reading John Updike and the novels of Rebecca Wells and find them both to be excellent and captivating writers.

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        • 2 months later...
          On 11/3/2013 at 1:40 PM, Dame6089 said:

        F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of my favorites for a few reasons. Firstly, I of course love The Great Gatsby. It is one of the most brilliantly written novels ever.

        Secondly, I am fascinated by his tragic personal life. The man died thinking he was a failure because Gatsby was not popular until 20 years down the line after he had already passed.

        I second this. The vision of Jazz Age America portrayed in Gatsby is fantastic; it's a novel I often find myself dwelling on subconsciously. It's still very relevant today. As a huge fan of the book, I did actually enjoy the recent film adaptation too (although I know this isn't a particularly popular viewpoint!)

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        I don't really know the Authors by name but I love the book that I have read that is called Call of the Wild. A huge suggestion for whoever wants to learn English and have a decent amount of English knowledge.

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        My favorite American authors are Harper Lee and Mark Twain. Their style of writing is just captivating and the stories send your thoughts way back into yester-years.

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        • 1 month later...

        Even though she only wrote one book my favourite American author is Sylvia Plath. The only novel she wrote was "The Bell Jar", but she is also known for writing a lot of poetry. I think "The Bell Jar" is one of the most beautiful books ever written. Plath writes beautifully, and her prose seems to flow really naturally.

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