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      George Orwell fiction besides 1984 | English Literature Jump to content

      George Orwell fiction besides 1984


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      Does anyone read George Orwell aside from his famous novel, 1984?

      I read Keep The Aspidistra Flying and I loved it!  I'd like to read some more of his work but don't know what to pick out.  Yes, I have read Animal Farm.  Do you have any recommendations?  Considering the recently uncovered PRISM program and The Patriot Act, Orwell can be viewed as a prophet.

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      I haven't read Orwell since high school (long time ago) and at that time, I didn't exactly love him. I want to reread him now and see what I think. Sounds like he was ahead of his time, though. I'll dig him out or check him out--from the library.  :frozen:

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      I am going to give "Coming Up For Air" and "A Clergyman's Daughter" a shot.  Those looks like good ones.  He doesn't actually have that much more fiction than what I posted already in this thread.  I wish he was more prolific.  Maybe his soul was reincarnated in the form of Edward Snowden.

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      I've read the Clergyman's Daughter and its nowhere as good as 1984 or Animal Farm. I don't think Orwell truly found his voice until the Spanish Civil War had ended.

      1984 and Animal Farm are pretty much the only fiction of his that I would suggest to someone.

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      I've read both 1984 and Animal Form, and whilst I agree that they are excellent pieces of propaganda, I feel that in terms of literary value they're rather lacking. Winston Smith is character with many obvious flaws and insecurities, but Orwell's emotionless writing makes it next to impossible for me to feel sorry for him. Furthermore, the man is a blundering idiot who gets himself into trouble that could have easily been avoided. It makes the plot feel forced and completely unnatural.

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      Animal Farm is my favorite work written by George Orwell. I like the use of an allegory to reveal all the flaws within communist Russia. I like how he choose roles to suit each animals. I like how how he portrayed the sheep and the ducks as being stupid, and as a result, were easily brainwashed the likes of Boxer and Napoleon. This was a very important lesson for me to learn even in seventh grade in high school. I learned the importance of thinking for myself, and not allowing others to place ideas within my head without me analyzing and critically thinking through them first to decide whether I should accept them or not.

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        On 10/11/2013 at 6:25 PM, jodiann12 said:

      Animal Farm is my favorite work written by George Orwell. I like the use of an allegory to reveal all the flaws within communist Russia. I like how he choose roles to suit each animals. I like how how he portrayed the sheep and the ducks as being stupid, and as a result, were easily brainwashed the likes of Boxer and Napoleon. This was a very important lesson for me to learn even in seventh grade in high school. I learned the importance of thinking for myself, and not allowing others to place ideas within my head without me analyzing and critically thinking through them first to decide whether I should accept them or not.

      That's my favorite George Orwell book too. It speaks a lot about the evil side of the humans race.The Road to Wigan Pier is also really good, it made me appreciate life more.

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