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      Dreaming in your second language? | Language Learning Jump to content

      Dreaming in your second language?


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      I've only had this happen to me once and it was a really strange occasion. It had been years since I had been in school and used French. I live in western Canada, there's not a big French speaking community so I don't get to use it a lot. Out of nowhere I had this nightmare in French. I was trying to talk to my friends but every time I spoke it came out in French. No matter how hard I tried to speak English it wouldn't come out. I don't remember a whole lot else from the dream but that's weird right? :laugh:

      Anyone else had experiences like this? Well then lets hear it!

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      I don't remember what the dream was about, but I remember to have had a dream where all people in it was speaking in my second language, including myself.

      In the same dream I was aware that everything was spinning around this language, but even my though were flowing in my native language  :wacky:

      What I can remember accurately is that this dream came up when I decided to put aside any second language and polish my native grammar and spelling, which I always considered good, but I began to discover were not at all.

      However, a few months later after attempting it, I came online for the first time and could not renounce to my second language but improve it every day and up to date  :love:

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      I have had dreams where people were speaking in many languages, including my second.  The problem was although I could understand everyone (even other languages I do not study) no one else could seem to understand.  Perhaps it was more of a nightmare, since all chaos ensued, but I did wake before anything went awry.

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      I always have dreams in Spanish and I find them to be so weird because I hear people speaking perfect Spanish. I don't even know some of the words they are saying. It's like watching a telenovela and I am trying to keep up with them.  :frozen:

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      I've had some instances when I've dreamed other people talking to me in my second language, probably because I myself don't even really speak it that much in my daily life, and only ever hear it, so I guess it feels relatively natural even in dreams. I wasn't weirded out by it at all.

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      • 3 months later...

      Yes. My second language is English and thus I have always dreamed with it. I actually often do not speak or say words when I'm dreaming and I wonder why. But sometimes I do and most of the time it's in English. Sometimes it is in my native tongue.

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