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  • 13 American Accents: Can You Guess the Hardest? Did You Know? There’s a term for words we frequently use that don’t add any real meaning to our sentences—they’re called crutch words. For instance, in the sentence “I was just, you know, really tired and, you know, couldn’t concentrate,” the phrase “you know” is a crutch word/phrase. Other examples of common crutch words are “actually,” “honestly,” and “basically.” SPELLBOUND WORDS Good morning, Muggles! I vividly remember the excitement of one of the Harry Potter book releases during my…Read more
  • One Language to Rule Them All? DID YOU KNOW? Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs date back to around 3300 BCE. This writing system used over 700 symbols to represent objects, sounds, and ideas. Hieroglyphs were primarily used on monuments and tombs, telling stories of pharaohs, gods, and daily life. A BOOST OF BRAVERY Hello — Marcel checking in 😊 Feeling like you need a boost of bravery today, Reader? Courage isn’t just about grand gestures; it’s in the small, everyday acts that push us out of our comfort zones. From standing up…Read more
  • Get Ready to Laugh Did You Know? The first language spoken in outer space was Russian. Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space, communicated with ground control in Russian during his historic flight on April 12, 1961. LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE Bonjour, Feeling like the world needs a little more laughter, Reader? You're not alone! In a time when everything can seem a bit too serious, a good laugh is just what the doctor ordered. Funny quotes have a way of brightening our day and putting things into…Read more
  • 20 New Words Breaking the Internet 🤯 Did You Know? The Central Siberian Yupik language, spoken by the indigenous Yupik people in Siberia and Alaska, has about 40 different words for snow. Each term describes different conditions and forms of snow, such as 'bank' for 'snowflake,' 'and' for 'snow on the ground,' and 'muruaneq' for 'soft, deep snow.' EXPLORE THE LATEST LINGO Good Morning, Linguaholics! Merriam-Webster, the renowned American dictionary, has recently added 690 new words in their latest update. We're excited to share…Read more
  • Dive into the Magic of Book Quotes Did You Know? The Guugu Yimithirr language, used by an indigenous group in northern Australia, uniquely uses cardinal directions—north, south, east, and west—instead of left or right to describe positions. This requires speakers to keep a constant spatial awareness, integrating an advanced geographical sense into their daily communication. ECHOES OF INK Joyful morning! This morning, as sunlight spilled across my reading nook, I was lost in a well-loved novel, reminded of the profound joy…Read more
  • Uplift Your Day Did You Know? The English language has over a million words, with new ones being added regularly thanks to technology and pop culture. WISDOM TO LIVE BY Have you ever felt overwhelmed by life's decisions, unsure of which path to take, Reader? I have. It’s something we all experience at times. One day, feeling particularly lost, I came across this quote: "The best way out is always through." It reminded me that pushing through challenges often leads to growth and clarity. I wanted to share…Read more
  • Supercharge Your Brain Did You Know? The Eyak language, once spoken in the coastal areas of Alaska, became internationally known when its last native speaker, Chief Marie Smith Jones, passed away in 2008. This marked the first time a North American language was declared extinct in recent history. Efforts are now underway to revive Eyak through language learning apps and educational programs, using the extensive documentation that was left behind. WHISPERS OF WISDOM Good morning, Ever stumbled upon a quote that…Read more
  • 🦉 Explore the World's Most Unique Words Did You Know? In Finnish, the word 'kalsarikännit' describes the peculiarly Finnish act of staying at home and drinking alone in your underwear. This word captures a unique cultural phenomenon that isn't easily translated into other languages, highlighting the quirky charm of the Finnish language and lifestyle. RARE WORDS Joyful greetings! Today, let's delve into the fascinating realm of RARE WORDS, each uniquely enriching our conversations with vibrant splashes of meaning. Intriguingly, some…Read more
  • Share the Love Did You Know? The first English dictionary was written in 1755 by Samuel Johnson, a prominent English lexicographer and literary figure. His comprehensive "Dictionary of the English Language" took 9 years to complete and set the standard for modern dictionaries. IDIOM SPOTLIGHT: CAT IDIOMS Good morning, This weekend, I couldn't stop laughing at my brother’s cat, July. She’s like a ninja, popping in and out of nowhere! Watching July, it hit me how much animals, especially cats, pop up in our…Read more