Once upon a time, people sent off job applications at the post office and then had to wait to receive a letter of response in the mail. They would be sent a job offer, a rejection, or an invitation to an interview. Now when we apply for a job, we can usually get regular updates …
Applying for jobs can be intimidating. When hiring managers write advertise vacant positions, they often use Business English jargon and field-specific terminology, which can be difficult to understand. Fortunately, there’s plenty of advice available to help you get to grips with the professional lingo of application forms and job descriptions. Maybe you are confused by …
New Year is that particular time when people start using a new calendar and the present calendar’s year count increases by one. As soon as the countdown of the last seconds of the current year ticks off to zero, well-wishers greet their loved ones with “Happy New Year!” Yet, there are those who choose to …
Abbreviations related to eras like “BCE” and “BC” can be intimidating at first glance, leading us to want to skip them while reading. But is there really a difference between “BCE” and “CE”? And if there is, which should we choose? Let this article help you out of your confusion. What is the difference …
When we want to get something we want that we can’t do ourselves, we ask people around. At work, we mostly do this act through email or chat. If we say things right, we would surely get our goal; if we don’t, then we might be left hanging for hours or doing things by ourselves. …
A proficient speaker, more often than not, is also an effective writer who varies the structures of his sentences to add interest and tone to his piece. He can do this if he possesses a good grasp and sound understanding of grammar and syntax – the most important tools of a writer or speaker. Many …
If you are applying for a job in the U.S. federal government or at a private company that is regularly contracted by the government, the job posting might state that applicants need to have national security clearance. If your first thought is, “what on earth is that?” you aren’t alone. But the fact that you …
What makes the English language interesting and colorful is its use of idioms or idiomatic expressions. An idiomatic expression is a phrase whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meaning of its constituent elements. One of these idioms we aim to learn is “at its best.” So sit back, relax, and let’s start exploring …
The English language can be an abundant source of grammar pet peeves that some users thought they were correct all along. These grammar bits and pieces can be mind-boggling yet enslaving at times. So, we’ve listed the world’s most favorite grammar irritants just for you. Thumbs up, thumbs up! That’s what we take this time …