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Learn Japanese Discord Server: Join us NOW!

Learn Japanese Discord Server: Join us NOW!

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The Linguaholic Discord Server is going strong. 

In less than half a year, our dedicated Discord language learning server now counts almost 2000 members. 

Since the very beginning of this server, the Japanese channel has been one of the most frequently used channels on the whole server. 

Some even say that the Japanese channel has actually even more activity going than our general chat room. And that definitely says a lot. 


Practice your Japanese with us!

Practicing Japanese has never been easier. Just join our server and head over to our japanese chat (#study-japanese). 

Here are some neat statistics showing the activity on our Discord server for the last 14 days. You will see at a glance that our Japanese section is absolutely killing it!

Japanese Learning Discord Server

11,576 messages in 14 days. Just in the Japanese section of our Discord server. Not bad, really. 

In fact, this is 3 times more activity than even in our general chat room. 


Japanese native speakers and eager students

We do have some Japanese native speakers on board. 

Also, we have lots of language buffs with us that are eager to study Japanese

If you are new to Discord, you will quickly find that our server will help you to improve your Japanese skills. 

On our Discord server, you will be able to chat with like-minded people and you can also enter a voice chat and talk to language enthusiasts from all over the world by simply entering one of our voice channels. 


Japanese Quiz Rooms

If you do have general questions about the Japanese language, you can simply drop these in our #study-japanese channel. 

If you don’t know the meaning of a kanji, just drop it in there and ask for some advice. It shouldn’t be all too long until you will get a satisfactory response to your question.

However, we got something even more exciting in store for you: Our Japanese Quiz Rooms.

Simply join one of our 3 Japanese quiz rooms to get your Japanese to the next level with the help of the infamous Kotoba bot. 

With the help of this bot, you can prepare for any JLPT exam by either just challenging yourself (and the bot) or even your Discord friends (doing quizzes together and see who’s better/faster).

This bot is no joke. It is totally free and comes with an incredible amount of features and quizzes. 


Newbies start here

If you are new to studying Japanese, give our Discord server a go and we will be most happy to point you in the right direction. 

Mastering Japanese takes a ton of time. And as there’s so much that goes into really knowing the ins and outs of this fascinating language, the very first steps in learning Japanese can be a bit overwhelming. 

There’s Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, Romaji and a whole lot of other stuff that you need to get familiar with. 

This is why one of our awesome Discord Members (Bitesdadust, known as Bites von der Dust these days) crafted a very handy article that gives Japanese newbies very clear instructions on where they should actually start with their Japanese language learning journey. 

To get to this article, all you need to do is to join our Discord Serverhead over to the Japanese language learning channel #study-japanese and check the pinned messages. You will find the link there


What are you waiting for?

If you are serious about studying Japanese, make the first step right now and get on our server.

And don’t worry. The Linguaholic Discord Server is completely free. You can chat to people, talk to them in the voice chat and sometimes we even have some giveaways that are up for grabs. 

That said, you’d better get on board now and become a true Linguaholic! We count on you!

In fact, just have a look below. There, you can see what is going on in our Japanese channel. And you can directly join the conversation & register!