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sidney last won the day on February 10 2017

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  • Native tongue
  • Fluent in
    English, Tagalog

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  1. I think English is the easiest to learn among them all. Then next would be Spanish, French, German, and Tagalog. I don't think I can name up to 7 since I only study a few languages.
  2. I think that way too. I won't bother learning a language that has some foreign characters because it's like interpreting a symbol, it would entail more effort in studying. I know German has some weird fonts, but nothing major, just some weird lines on top of the letters.
  3. I have a dictionary that's smaller and thinner than a notebook, and it's an English-Spanish dictionary. I think it can be handy when you are travelling and you have no internet access. But I also would prefer the digital version or just google the word or sentence when the need arises.
  4. Yes I do struggle with learning my chosen language like most people. But what I do is allot an hour or 2 every weekend before going to sleep to study and practice my chosen language so that I will learn bit by bit.
  5. Yes, I remember that when I first heard the songs of the band Rammstein, it got me interested to know what their song titles meant in English, so I googled it at first. Then eventually I find myself pasting the whole lyrics of their songs on Google Translate.
  6. I'm just a casual language learner, so I "give up" pretty often, since I'm not really serious and it's just for fun. I think if learning a language eventually becomes overwhelming then it's not a bad thing to give up. We should not force ourselves to do something if we don't want to.
  7. True, that's why I was never drawn to study the French language. It seems really complicated for me and you will have a small target people for that, since only France and Canada are the only countries that speak French.
  8. That's fine, just look at Penelope Cruz, she has a thick accent, yet she still was able to become a successful Hollywood actress. I think that as long as you can speak and understand the language fluently then you have all that you need to "get by" in a foreign country. In India, call centers are quite popular there even if the people there have thick Indian accent while they speak English.
  9. I'm from the Philippines. Actually no, they made us learn our names first and how to properly introduce ourselves. Then the teachers started to teach us those nursery rhymes.
  10. I agree. Just look at the Indians, even if they speak fluent English, their accent is still very thick and noticeable. Also the Chinese. They have a thick accent. Luckily, us Filipinos have a neutral accent and it's very trainable to adapt to the US accent.
  11. Definitely English. I mean, it's the "international language" that we consider now, right? Aside from English, I also think Spanish is one of the common language in the world. Lots of countries, like a whole continent speaks it, right?
  12. I would also agree to what has been suggested, you should just go along with Spanish, because lots of countries speak it, so it would be more useful than Italian or French, which is spoken by a lesser number of people compared to Spanish.
  13. Usually they come in the form of nursery rhymes, like "Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water", etc, but it's taught bit by bit so as not to overwhelm the student.
  14. Pronunciation has always been my weakest point in learning a new language. You really have no idea how a foreign word is pronounced, so you also have to observe and research how it is pronounced by going to Youtube and listening to pronunciation videos.
  15. Aramaic would be nice to learn, because that's the language that Jesus spoke. I'm a Roman Catholic, so naturally I would be curious to see for myself what kind of language the people in Jesus' era were speaking that time.
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