If the word is repeated and it has negative connotations then i think that it loses value. Also another sense of repeating without adding meaning to the words one is saying such as I love you is a way to take value away from a word.
I think that spanish is easier and my reason is a bit vague. I think that it is easier as it sounds a bit more sexy than french to me. I think that is the only reason, but at the end of the day i would say that this is a 50/50 really.
If the movie is in english then i would hate to watch it with the subtitles on. i think that it takes away from the movie experience. A lot of my time and energy is spent reading instead of enjoying and watching.
I love languages in general and i have had the opportunity to learn some african languages. One thing that i noticed about their language was that when it comes to writing, everything is as it sounds. You spell it as it is and i found that to be very interesting. I do wish that English somehow took this approach as that would make spelling so much easier.
I have had the opportunity to be engulfed by the British and i tend to think that their English is more refined and pure compared to American English. I also think that they stay true to the non phonetic nature of their language. An example is how they spell center as centre.
I have always rated a language by its sex appeal and i find that Spanish is one of those that you could be having a fight with your significant other in English, but once it goes into spanish........its all love. Anyone agree.
It is a really intimidating language as I have heard they use another alphabet to ours and so for me things like that are real hinderances and barriers. I think that if I was to get into the language really well it would be from hearing or being engaged in a Chinese community. That way you can pick up on some of the phrases more naturally.
Ok this is crazy but at the same time it is really funny. I however would not want my Chinese friends to see this. And i knew that you can not really learn Chinese in 5 mins. I was curious though.
Here are a couple of my favorite quotations: Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand. Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
I don't study very much in advance for exams. I used to but studying for weeks just doesn't suit me. I prefer to just go over important notes a couple of days before the exam. I don't feel confident going into my exams but I'm pretty relaxed, after all it's only an exam. I go into the hall thinking that I can only do my best, that's all I can aim for. Too much stress before an exam isn't gonna get you anywhere!
I constantly put lol in my texts and online chats, I don't even know why. Basically whenever something makes me smile, or I have a little internal chuckle or whatever, then I just slap it on. I don't really even ever think about it.
It should be "an" ear. "an" is used before all vowel sounds. There's a lot of bad English on the Internet. It's actually much easier to say 'an ear' than 'a ear', so I bet you that many of the people who write 'a ear' would actually say it aloud as 'an ear'.
You can start a sentence with a conjunction, but you shouldn't do it too often. If you find yourself using them too often, you should consider changing the style of your writing. Starting your sentences with conjunctions will annoy your readers if you do it too often. I do however love doing it. I think it helps me truly express my thoughts and feelings.