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  1. Lol wtf I thought it was a few months old at most, pretty mind blown that it's 20 years old! Wasn't expecting that
  2. Of course, look at actors! Some of them nail it perfectly to the point where you can't tell what their native language really is. A good example I know of is Hugh Laurie (Dr House from House MD). He's actually British
  3. Lol I can't deny I like some J-pop, dunno what my friends would think if they found out. Who cares though. Ganbatte!
  4. My number 1 tip is to be persistent! What I mean is, have a set amount you should do everyday or whenever, and keep to the schedule. It will seem daunting at first, but persistence is the key to most things. if there's something you can't understand, just come back to it the next day. Good luck!
  5. Katakana for a few reaons. Firstly I learned hiragana first so naturally I'm more at home with it compared to katakana. Also as someone else said, katakana has characters that look similar. I should really practice them more since I still occasionally have to think about a certain character
  6. Yes in high school I wanted to stop taking the Japanese class because of how difficult it was becoming but my teacher convinced me not too. I'm glad I listened because I'd be so angry at myself if I did quit
  7. Unfortunately this is the case. Any program would just be too big for a smartphone to handle. If there is any, I can't imagine them being terribly accurate.
  8. It's helpful but should only be a tool in your toolbox of learning Japanese. It doesn't cover a whole lot so while you might learn some basic things, often you'll find you have no idea what something else means. it's worth a try though to see if you like it.
  9. Japanese is the hardest to me, I've only tried french and Japanese though and it's the harder between the two. So I don't really have much experience to make a better call but yeah.
  10. I find learning a language fun in itself. I don't really need to use a certain method to enjoy it since it's all good to me. With that said, I prefer reading/writing over speaking/listening though
  11. Quite a helpful post. DO you mind if I print this out to use for study? Plurals have always been a weak point to my learning Thanks!
  12. This is actually pretty interesting. I had no idea lol. Thanks for sharing 13!
  13. I watch Sasuke quite a lot. You guys might know it as Ninja Warrior. It's a reality tv show. Basically its the hardest obstacle course in the world, it's pretty great to watch for anyone really. Check out out some time!
  14. I've always liked the look of katakana so when I saw it was available as a class in highschool I decided to take the class. One of the best decisions of my life.
  15. A textbook is the best place to start. There are lots out there, some better than others. Textbooks usually cover all the kana in the Hiragana/Katakana alphabets and usually 50-100 Kanji. It can be done at your own pace and they usually include a cd with all the resources. I recommend Genki to start good luck
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