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      darknessassassin - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      • Currently studying
      • Native tongue
      • Fluent in
        English, German, Latin

      darknessassassin's Achievements


      Newbie (1/14)



      1. I mostly study in libary and in my room. I might even pick libary over my room because there are many distractions in my room. I like studying somewhere quiet so I can totally focus on what I'm studying and have full concentration. I guess I could never study somewhere outside where is noisy.
      2. I never really wanted to quit but I wanted to take a break for a while. I'm not a type of person that would quit anything if I made any progress or especially if I made far. Mosr of the time it's not that you can't do it, it's that you have try harder.
      3. No one's really pushing me into doing something I don't want. I make my own decisions and if I feel like I want to learn new a language/or I'm in the progress just my will and reasons why I wanted to start in the first place will keep me motivated.
      4. French doesn't sound that much romantic to me as Spanish. I'd put it like this: Spanish, Italian, French. I've seen many Spanish movies, including drama with romantic elements so I must say Spanish really can sound calming and romantic.
      5. Yes, I want to learn Russian but currently I'm way to bussy to start. I'm putting it off due to other work I have to do and study. I'm thinking... maybe after summer vacation I could find some time.
      6. Well, since elementary school English (as my second language) was my favorite subject, I did really well in school, teacher told my parents how I'm a bright kid with potential so they put me in additional German class in fourth grade. In high school I had both English and German + new language, Latin. In high school I decided to learn Spanish because I always wanted to and I already knew a lot. I'm now thinking about learning Russian. I was always good in languages rather than in anything else. I think knowing more languages opens up more possibilities for work and other things. It's also because I like traveling and it's always good to at least know few words in native language of the country you're visiting.
      7. I love Spanish songs and I loved them before I started taking Spanish course. So yes, I loved them despite the fact that I didn't know the meaning of the words. I think Spanish just sounds so delightful.
      8. Yes, they are. They helped me a lot when I started taking Spanish course (in real life) and I wanted to learn it faster and work harder so I also looked up on internet for free online tutorials. I found a great website on whom you can watch free video tutorials, there are many lessons, they give you tests and tasks... It was really fun. Sadly, I can't remember the name of that website.
      9. Now that you mentioned it, I must say yes. :grin: However, it's about the tone you speak with. I have many relatives from Germany and they naturally have a louder voice so when they speak it does sound aggressive.
      10. I sometimes use Googletranslation and it's really helpful. I use it when I can't remember a certain word and/or how to spell it. However, Google translation should definitely not be used for translating sentences/text. Many people actually do that and they fail. It doesn't work that way.
      11. I barely ever use it and when I do I mean it in a sarcastic way. I never use lol when I'm actually laughing. When something is actually funny I use a simple "haha".
      12. I heard word "lunatic" for the first time in some movie with Ben Stiller and I spent the rest of the night laughing. I was about 14 years old back then. I'm not sure why but I still find that word pretty darn funny.
      13. Yes, I very often catch myself in situation that I know certain word in English but I don't know it in my native language (Croatian). I guess this happens because I think in English and I even use English more than I use my native language.
      14. Yes, it is possible. One of my friends developed British accent just by watching too many British TV shows/series. I know this might sound unrealistic but it is true.
      15. I'm from Croatia and I started learning English in first grade of elementary school. In fourth grade I started learning German, and in high school I started learning Latin. I learned these three languages through whole high school. I also started taking Spanish courses in high school.
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