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      dylr88's Content - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      Everything posted by dylr88

      1. For me, it depends on the language. When I'm learning Korean I have to say reading and writing Hangul is the most challenging part, training my brain to recognise Hangul words. Long words can also be challenging at start, I also find it hard in German too, but I easily get used to it within a week, just takes time. Grammar in German and Spanish was also hard and takes time for me to remember the rules.
      2. It has opened the doors for me to have confidence when travelling to countries who don't speak my native language, given me the opportunity to learn a new way of thinking, life and culture and meet new people and open my mind and eyes to their world. I feel more self confident and makes me feel happy being able to communicate in different languages that I could never speak or understand before. It psychologically feels great.
      3. Nah, because I'm learning languages as a hobby, and I've found lots of free resources, I haven't bothered buying or paying for lessons, I've also made friends with natives who want to be teachers or teach, and that also makes them more eager to teach me or at least help me with difficulties in the language, like grammar, also I get to make friends and chat about anything. I find paying for lessons online for me expensive for my purpose of learning, and since I can research free information, I don't bother. Paid lessons are great however, if you don't want to bother going through the process of researching etc. And can be useful if you really need to learn the language thoroughly course by course or when information/free lessons are hard to find.
      4. I'm introvert, I'm not very sociable, in fact, I find it hard to do it, but language learning, I enjoy it, and it is possible, you don't need to be sociable out going person to learn a language, you just need the time and will power to do it. It's can be hard though, especially if you have anxiety for example, and you're not talking a lot to people, but it's not impossible, I do a lot of reading and listening to help me with language learning, as well as chatting online to natives, sometimes I have the courage to talk, which helps me improve my listening skills vocabulary and confidence, as I'm not a confident person.
      5. Yes, I think in a language I am learning, I sometimes make conversations up in my head like I'm talking to someone in the language I'm learning, or thinking what to say before I talk to my friend on Skype. I am not however advanced in the language I'm learning, so most of the times I think in my native language, but I try to find out how I would say it in the language I'm learning. Thinking in the language you are learning really helps you improve and bring bck your vocabulary.
      6. Me gusta Tengo Tú Love por Sie7e, y canciones de Juanes, Alex Ubago y Enrique Iglesias, Tambien me gusta Chino y Nacho, y algunas músicas religiosas como "yo te doy la mano" y "hoy señor".
      7. Me gusta montar en bicicleta, ir de excursión y viajar. Tambien me gusta jugar videojuegos en mi tiempo libre, y me gusta ir de comer.
      8. One of my main problems when learning a language is listening, I am able to read and understand more written words, i.e from chat, or reading books, articles etc. than listening, I do manage to pick up and understand what people are saying sometimes in conversations or radios/videos etc, but most of the times, it's blurry, and I feel that I'm struggling. What do you do to successfully improve your listening skills when learning a language?
      9. I native language is Welsh (and also English) but I'll tell you why I think Welsh is special to me. It defines where I'm from the country and region where I was brought up to speak, it's an ancient Celtic language and one of the world's oldest languages, it gives a sense of identity, the rythym of music the hard strength of words, and poems associated with this ancient and surviving language is special. This language too has been oppressed, if that's the right word, in the past but unlike some other Celtic dialects/languages such as Scottish Gaelec it has managed to live and grow stronger despite Anglicisation and attempts in the past to abolish it. Welsh may have changed since the 11th/12th century but it has modernised and is still used today.
      10. Boludo, meaning jerk or stupid, it literally it translates to something like big balls, usually used in Argentina, from what I've learnt, it is used among friends too in a friendly way, like pal. Grillo is a cricket. Pulpo is octapus.
      11. I have considered it since I learnt the basics in high school, there was a deaf classmate of mine who I tried with the help of an assistant teacher, not sure what you call her rank but she helps people with disabilities. I used to find it fascinating to be able to try out sign language, and it feels great when I get a response. Nowadays I never have the chance to use it, and I don't think I ever will, I can still remember some basics, now, maybe I might consider trying to learn it in the future just out of interest.
      12. You want to learn a language like Japanese, Korean or Arabic, languages with different way of writing, script etc. I am learning Korean myself, and reading is quite difficult, I see a whole text and takes me time to read, even though I know every Hangul letter. What methods do you take to train your mind to automatically recognise letters, words and phrases in a language thats totally different to yours?
      13. A private tutor could probably help me understand and learn easier but it all depends, I had a private tutor before, not language learning related, but still struggled a bit to understand, I only understood the topic I was learning through my own pace and researching, the tutor helped me a bit through keeping me motivated and testing me. Some people might find tutoring helpful while others like myself rather learn by our selves. Courses are similar too in my opinion, although I personally would go on a course where I can practice with others if I had to choose between the two.
      14. Is there a difference between Irish Gaelic Manx and Scottish Gaelic? In the way they are spoken, vocabulary and grammar? Can they all understand each other when speaking in their native languages or are they very different when spoken?
      15. Some people in the UK especially in England think my accent sounds a mixture of Welsh and English accent, personally I don't think I have an accent, but they say I do. I speak and hang around with English people and my accent has somehow turned to them, but as soon as I start speaking Welsh it goes back to a North Wales -Welsh accent again. When I speak Spanish I tend to use a Colombian or Mexican accent which I get from my online friends who are from there and through watching Mexican TV documentaries and programmes online, but because I don't appear Mexican or Colombian when I was speaking Spanish in Mexico, they thought I was from either Spain or Uruguay I can now do a Bisayan accent when I speak Bisaya which I pick up from my relatives and friends in Cebu, when i try to speak tagalog I speak it in a Manila accent like the one you see on TV similar to Kris Aquino's accent So, some can guess where I have learnt and pick up the accents..
      16. Thanks for this I'm always interested in learning more of the Tagalog grammar to help me speaking the language, and stop getting mixed up. This really helped
      17. What motivates me is being able to use the language when speaking to a native, and especially when they help me or I manage to do good. Learning at my own pace motivates me to try harder and keep moving on.
      18. I watch video lessons on YouTube, download pdf articles and create vocabulary lessons myself through searching the net so I can review them when I'm not using the Internet. I also use Livemocha italkinand Lang-8 to practice and get help from native speakers.nI also use Duolingo, found their app very useful and great to use.
      19. I love to be able to speak Khmer, especially that I want to go to Cambodia, but I am not sure where to start and how, . Anyone got tips and advice to get me started? Thanks,
      20. I been trying to practice thai scrpt through youtube videos and I still find it difficult though, but I find their language and writing interesting and would love to be able to learn more.
      21. I wouldn't spend more than 100 pounds (or even dollars on a language learning software/materials because I don't feel it's worth it for me, with the languages I'm learning, I have learnt through free resources, materials and online friends, it might help me learn faster and understand more if I pay on resources, but because I do it as a hobby I don't think it's worth it. I tried Rosetta Stone once, belonged to someone I know, very pricey! But didn't find it very effective, I only found the Spanish version helpful because it help me remember vocabulary and I already taught myself before for free. I also found it boring. I tried the Russian version too and that was so complicating, so I tried free resources I found online, and that helped me more to understand the language.
      22. Boludo. It means someone who is stupid, or just clueless or dumbass, but its also used in a friendly way when calling to friends. Burro is donkey. Mi casa es tú casa, which means ny house is your house.
      23. Me gusta el ciclismo, es una de las cosas que me gustan hacer en mi tiempo liebre. Me gusta jugar el Xbox, comiendo, escuchando músicas y aprendiendo idiomas.
      24. I'd love to converse and say something in Irish, and learn the language, where would be the best place? Also, if I were to speak it in say, Dublin, would I be understood?
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