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Everything posted by GamerPerson

  1. First :Talk to Mr. Johnson. Then, see the supervisor for the next meeting.
  2. There's truth to this. You wouldn't know how often my Professor and students say that they went to to Japan and learned more from their peers around them. People learn that way since childhood. You learn more and more you're around others and words increase with school and time. After all, if you don't use, you lose it.
  3. Good Morning - Spanish: Buenos Dias! Japanese: Ohaiyo! (Informal) Ohaiyogozimasu (Formal) How are you? - Spanish: Como estas? (Informal) Como esta usted? (Formal) Japanese: Genki desu ka? What is your name? - Spanish: Como te llamas? (I can't remember in Japanese. >_<)
  4. I had a friend that used it once and said that it was a great program, but lengthy. He said that it's lessons are long and that it can be overwhelming, if you're trying to learn the language by yourself. So, I would suggest learning in a class or group of friends that want to learn the language too. A little push from others can motivate you to doing great things, after all.
  5. That's not right. What do they get out of it by making you feel stressed about translations? If they wish to know what's being said, they should learn the language. Now, if you're watching the movie and you say: "That's not what they said." Or "This translation is wrong, they said such and such." Or if you're trying to challenge yourself to see if you know the language, as well as you think you do, then sure. It's alright. However, they shouldn't be making you feel that way. Talk to them about that.
  6. Just as Geko said, Google isn't all that reliable when it comes to certain languages. My Japanese professor told us to be wary of using it, as well. It can lead to some misleading translations of certain words and characters. What maybe true for one word, doesn't make it true for all. There's so many words in the Japanese language that some may only apply to some objects, counters, or usage of time/counting. You're never suppose to use one form of the number form when counting because the other meaning of the word four means death.
  7. This is true that we have so many people that are of different backgrounds since the beginning of the "melting pot." However, we're far from being perfect. If more people were willing to learn, at the very least, two languages, I'd say we'd be a bit closer as a nation. It takes time for people to let go of hate of any sort, but I'm hoping that more progress will be made long after I'm gone. Here's to people being able to get along a bit more and cultures being a bit more accepting of one another.
  8. I saw this one tip on how to learn another language in a Korean soap: When you first wake up, have a foreign dictionary next to you and flip to a random page. Choose a word that looks interesting and think about what that word means. This will bring that word up in your mind to think about how it's relevant to whatever is happening that day. Other than that, short of surrounding yourself around people, it's a good tip on learning how to be knowledgeable in another language.
  9. I'm nowhere close to completing my language bucket list. I just want to learn two of them, besides my first language. I wish I were completely fluent in Spanish that way I can converse with my boyfriend's family with ease. The other language I wish to be fluent in is Japanese. For the longest time, I wanted to go to Japan. So, to be able to at least learn the language and write it fluently will make me a very happy calm.
  10. Never happened to me, but if it's a general discussion, I'll jump in. If they're saying something that I could relate to, I don't see it as rude to talk to them. You're just making casual conversation, nothing wrong with that. In fact, I think maybe she would probably be impressed that you would speak to her in her language or at least attempted to. From what my Japanese professor once said, if you try to speak to them in their language, they'll think highly of you because you took the time to talk to them in the appropriate tongue.
  11. I have to agree with you, DancingLady. If it's in the US, more than likely you're going to want to learn Spanish as your secondary because it's the other language you hear other than English. Of course, it also depends on the location of your job too. If you're trying to get work in a Chinese distract of your town, it's probably best to know English and Chinese.
  12. While it may be harder for that person, I don't think it's impossible. All you have to do is exercise your mouth to form the words correctly. Practicing everyday with something simple, like the vowels or alphabet, makes it easier to pronounce the language. That was one of the few things that my Japanese teacher told me when we opened out to a new lesson. So, to me, that makes sense! After all, practice makes perfect if you're tackling a new language.
  13. One of the main things that I loved about college. I would most definitely go back just to simply learn another language. I'm sorry, but high school isn't as effective at teaching another language to it's students. In all my high school years, I was surrounded by classmates that gave the teach a hard time and made it all the more harder to learn. It wasn't until college that I learned new concepts and was actually able to progress; probably because people were there to learn and it was coming out of pocket for most of us.
  14. I'm like that with some words in Japanese. It's been awhile since I've studied it, but I believe there's a word that means to buy. However, if you don't give it the slight pause, it'll mean cow or something. Words that are slightly close to pronouncing things have always tripped me up. Just like kawaii and kuwaii. That letter difference can trip you up and you'll end up insulting someone by mistake instead of complimenting them.
  15. I would say two or three. Being able to have a few options are nice. For me, I would have to go with Spanish and Japanese because of the fact that I want to be able to talk to my boyfriend's family in Spanish. There's also the fact that it'll be the main second language you would hear in the US; so that'll give me more of an edge in getting a job. My third language would be Japanese because of the fact that I'm heavily interested in their culture after it started off with just a mild interest because of anime.
  16. My professor in college told me that the test that they take in Japan is INCREDIBLY hard. The sentences are structured in a way to trick you into going what would be the right answer typically, but the question would be asking for something else entirely. I can't recall the example that he used, but the sentence could be along the lines of: "We is 3." Then want you to correct it, but what they're looking for is something to do with the number.
  17. Average usually takes about 4 years or so. That's only if you're diligent, though. Of course, you can always go the route of trying to survive by knowing some basis and be thrust into that country that speaks the language. There were alumni at my college that said that they went to Japan after a few classes of Japanese and was sent there to study abroad and they learned along the way. Some of them had a host family, who they had to resort to charades at times to get their message across.
  18. There were a couple of occasions where, before I was interested in learning it, my dreams were in Japanese. I would be talking to someone in their language and we understand and joked with one another. The weird thing is, even though my dream self understood, I didn't understand! It's always an odd experience to come across such an event. Makes me wish I could learn another language in my sleep and just wake up fluent in it one day.
  19. This is actually the first time I've heard about something like this. I've always had a hard time learning Japanese. Do they have only have a select few languages or all of them? Thanks in advance for your post!
  20. I actually saw this in Steam the other day! I have it on my wishlist, but was hoping that someone would review properly. I didn't want to waste money on it, if it wasn't worth my time. Thanks for the tip, though!
  21. I think the best motivator would be survival. Being dropped off in a country where none speaks the language you're accustomed to is a challenge. You have to try to learn what's being said, even if it sounds gibberish to you, you have to learn the currency so you can buy essentials and then you have to interact with people to get social queues and the what things to say to help you in your time there much easier. If that doesn't make you learn a new language, I don't know what will.
  22. That's simple, RhodaDEttore. It's a broken system over here. The experts always wonder why we're behind and they implement new teaching methods that only show a promise for a short time, then fizzle out. The reason for that plays into several factors. The school has it where a curriculium is set up that the students HAVE to learn by a set date. Now, that SOUNDS great, in theory, but we all know that even the BEST laid plans go awry. You have to facor in: You're dealing with OTHER human beings. People that won't always want to follow whatever you have set up. Example: You can try to teach little kids, but they're balls of enegry, it's a wonder that they can sit down for a school day period, let alone learn another language. If it's for older kids, they're going to want to talk to friends and text, more than likely they're going to fall behind because the teacher now has to play babysitter. Learning curves. Some students aren't going to get the material that the teacher will have to spend extra time trying to make sure they understand the lesson. In most cases, this ends up eating up more class time till the point of it backing up classroom learning. Multiple classes. Connected from the previous point, teachers don't always have the luxury of just teaching one class till they all get it. They have to teach different classes of the same grade. Some of them may be ahead of the others and are on schedule for the curriculum, while others are a week behind them and you'll have no choice BUT to skip ahead to try to teach them the new stuff. Thus, we have improper learning methods of mastering a new language.
  23. Yes, I would try to pursue it. Even though, it may be a hard or hopeless endeavor. When it comes to matters of the heart, I go to pieces. What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic like that. I would go a step further and not only learn his language, but teach him mine, as well. I think we'd have a hard time communicating at first. More than likely, we'd end up with a game of charades of trying to figure out what the other wants. Eventually though, the love is what will be the fuel for the fire to keep trying.
  24. No, I agree with you and everyone else here, starshinesis. It doesn't seem to be a topic that would make much off a big deal when learning, so I don't know why he's teaching it. I never liked some words in our language. You get words like these and then words like inflammable and flammable, which just mean the same thing! There's no purpose for them. Unless, at one point there was and it just became obsolete with time.
  25. I believe that's your instinct telling you something. It's not considered weird, not at all. I get those feelings too. It's one of accomplishment because you know that deep down that you understand what's being done. It shows that you're learning. The same can be said about anything. No matter if it's a language or another subject in school. Once you get into the swing of understanding it, you feel like you're on top of the world.
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