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      1. I am a lower intermediate French learner trying to introduce reading into my program to accelerate my french learning. The problem that I am facing however is that fact that most French books seem to be written in Le Passe Simple which is a tense that is redundant to spoken French. While...
      2. I love reading books in English, especially the classics. One of my favorite authors, I have to say, is Jane Austen, and Vladimir Nabokov (though he is Russian). I was wondering what yours were
      3. I know that sometimes the books we get assigned to read in school can be boring. However, I've found some interesting reads, and I'm interested in knowing what everyone's favorite (or least hated) book from school is. Mine was "The Outsiders".
      4. Learn new languages by reading anything you choose. This was inspired by other site/projects like the opensource Lwt, the closed source lingq etc... Here's how it works: - You import any text you want. - When you read, there's a built-in dictionary which allows to quickly ge...
      5. Better English Issue #1 Wins Kirill participated in, and finished, his first half marathon on September 15, 2019. Kirill is a full time lawyer, father, husband and mor...
      6. One of the ways that I learned vocabulary in English was watching movies in English and reading the translation in the subtitles, I always thought that it helped me and my teacher always encouraged us to do so. After some time and practice I stopped using the translations as subtitles and started wa...
      7. Hi, I would like to share a project offering bilingual stories to help children learn a language: Https://
      8. Good morning dear learners If you are interested in learning French I can propose you a great place. It is a French group on Facebook. I created this group yesterday (and I have already more than 200 people inside ! It is amazing). How does this group work ? Every week I propose an...
      9. Yeah, this is our own app. It is new and we are studying on it. I am believing this app can easy people's reading on a foreign language. Reading Browser is showing you translations by Google Translate. Check it out..
      10. Are there books that you wish were translated into your native language? I have a lot of those. There are some excellent fiction and nonfiction books that I've read in English that I really enjoyed and I'm pretty sure my Polish and Russian friend would love too. Unfortunately, not all of them s...
      11. I was thinking about this not such a long time ago. I remember that several times, both in real life and on the Internet, I heard people say something like "I used to really like the books of X, but now that I've read his biography I no longer like that author". I've had the same happen to me a coup...
      12. Sharing some techniques on how to learn German or say any other language (vocabulary, accent etc.) fast. 1. Read books – this is my favorite – good for those who love reading and at the same time wanting the benefit of learning the language on the side. You may be slow at first but that is norm...
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