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Basic Chinese Grammar


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Looking forward learning a new language, I thought that Chinese could be the next, so I was searching for free online resources to start with, and I found this site that promises to be a good one.

Topics included in these basic Chinese grammar lessons include:

Table of contents

Basic Units of Word Structure in Chinese




Compound Types I

Compound Types II



Word Classes I

Word Classes II



Adjectives: Stative Verbs

Numerals & Measures


Adverbs I

Prepositions & Conjunctions


The Chinese Sentence

Sentence Structures I

Subject-Predicate I

Subject-Predicate II

Copular Sentence

Sentence Structures II

Sentence Structures  III

Complements I

Complements  II

Prepositional: use Coverbs


Adverbs II

And the full course can be found here, http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~rsimmon/chingram/

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I looked through some of the sections within the link and I thought they were decent.

How the teacher at the school I'm attending teaches new learners is by this book:


it follows many basic phrases for everyday life and general conversation with text readings that incorporate not only the characters in that chapter but also ones from past so you don't forget words. It also has pinyin, word definition in English, and also a index that shows all words in Characters and English translations.There are also multiple levels of the book so when you are ready to can go to the next step

You are also going to want one of these:


To look up words in Chinese yo have to find out the radical for the word and although it may seem like guessing at first you learn that it follows a uniform style and by looking up many words you not only learn the radicals of most words but become increasingly fast at identifying them, and its also good for just being a Chinese-English or English to Chinese dictionary.

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for sharing this Wiki Wanda. It is a very good source. I use it as well from time to time!

Yeah, isn't it great? For me, it's so much easier to look something up quickly than in my grammar books, and the explanations are often simpler.

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Yeah, isn't it great? For me, it's so much easier to look something up quickly than in my grammar books, and the explanations are often simpler.

Yes, indeed. I do have a great Grammar Book, though. But most probably it is only available in German. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 30/11/2013, 1:08:43, DonnieDarko said:

I looked through some of the sections within the link and I thought they were decent.

How the teacher at the school I'm attending teaches new learners is by this book:




it follows many basic phrases for everyday life and general conversation with text readings that incorporate not only the characters in that chapter but also ones from past so you don't forget words. It also has pinyin, word definition in English, and also a index that shows all words in Characters and English translations.There are also multiple levels of the book so when you are ready to can go to the next step


You are also going to want one of these:




Goodluck to our chinese language studies :laugh: My tutor required another book which is the New  Practical Chinese Reader but I want to check other books and learning tools too to help me. Thank you for all these useful sites.




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The New Practical Reader is a good book and used a lot for teaching Chinese. Be aware that it switches quite quickly from pinyin to Chinese characters only, so make sure you are on top of those or you will find yourself in trouble once you get to the next ones ;)

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15 hours ago, zhouhaochen said:


The New Practical Reader is a good book and used a lot for teaching Chinese. Be aware that it switches quite quickly from pinyin to Chinese characters only, so make sure you are on top of those or you will find yourself in trouble once you get to the next ones ;)

I'm actually getting confused now with the book that's why I'm looking for another reading materials. Hahahaha! I love how challenging the chinese language is but it's very difficult. I also think I'm going to be confused when I go to a chinese speaking country that uses the traditional method and not the simplified one. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/12/2016 at 4:59 PM, innovativecat said:

I'm actually getting confused now with the book that's why I'm looking for another reading materials. Hahahaha! I love how challenging the chinese language is but it's very difficult. I also think I'm going to be confused when I go to a chinese speaking country that uses the traditional method and not the simplified one. 

I recently had the interest to learn Chinese Mandarin, I also came across the idea of simplified and traditional. With you expressing your worry now I am torn between choosing which route to go. Is it simplified or traditional or should I learn the easy one as a beginner or dive to the traditional right away? Anyone else having this issue?

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9 hours ago, kurdapia said:

I recently had the interest to learn Chinese Mandarin, I also came across the idea of simplified and traditional. With you expressing your worry now I am torn between choosing which route to go. Is it simplified or traditional or should I learn the easy one as a beginner or dive to the traditional right away? Anyone else having this issue?

It depends on your purpose for learning the Language. Simplified are much easier to learn and are used in mainland china. I would recommend simplified to anyone planning to spend time in Beijing or read mainland news.  I did have a friend who learned simplified characters and then moved to Taiwan. Taiwan has not adopted the simplified version. He had to relearn how to write everything in the traditional characters.

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On 3/22/2016 at 2:34 AM, NikkiR said:

Simplified  are used in mainland china. I would recommend simplified to anyone planning to spend time in Beijing or read mainland news.  I did have a friend who learned simplified characters and then moved to Taiwan. Taiwan has not adopted the simplified version. He had to relearn how to write everything in the traditional characters.

Oh I see. this comment somehow gave me a sense of direction. I am more on the appreciation of the language for now but if ever I get to be fluent in speaking and writing Mandarin then maybe I should put it to good use like finding online opportunities to do translation or transcription. But that is going to be the long term plan but for now I need to satisfy my yearning to appreciate the language. 

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