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A joke, in spanish.. who gets it!


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Haha Petesede! I get it! :laugh:

Ok, my turn...

Un gorila entra en un bar y pide una cerveza. La chica del bar esta muy sorprendida, pero le sirve.

" Cuanto es? " Dice el gorila.

" Cinco dolares," responde la chica.

Algunos minutos más tarde, la chica supera su timidez y pregunta directamente al gorila,

" Perdone, pero no tenemos muchos gorilas por aqui."

"No me extraña," dice el gorila, "Si la cerveza cuesta cinco pavos!!"

hehe, well I thought it was funny!

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It's ok Livetoerr!  You'll get it!  Practice makes perfect.  Honestly, I still don't get most jokes and I've been at it a while.  I'm surprised I got the two I did.

What parts of the second two don't you understand?

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Oh wow, I thought pavos might have been a local currency when I read it.  You've actually taught me something new!  Mizore742 - what does it mean? I though he was just saying "yeah, no wonder you see many gorillas.  It's too expensive!"

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Well I didn't even notice my iPad auto-corrected spending and changed it to splendid. I wonder what I typed for it to change to that.

I know one of the translations for the word "pavo" is "turkey" because a lot of "meats" here are made out of turkey. You have to look at what you're buying if you want ham or hotdogs to actually be ham or made from beef. More products are made from the turkey counterpart than the actual meat you are looking for. That was hard to get used to at first.

However, looking at SpanishDict, it means a whole lot more! Like a five-peseta coin. *shrug*

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Un gorila entra en un bar y pide una cerveza. La chica del bar esta muy sorprendida, pero le sirve.

" Cuanto es? " Dice el gorila.

" Cinco dolares," responde la chica.

Algunos minutos más tarde, la chica supera su timidez y pregunta directamente al gorila,

" Perdone, pero no tenemos muchos gorilas por aqui."

"No me extraña," dice el gorila, "Si la cerveza cuesta cinco pavos!!"

This is funny. It's a great commentary on the cost of even a beer in some pubs.

The first joke, I didn't really get the punch line. So, I didn't think it was funny.

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This is funny. It's a great commentary on the cost of even a beer in some pubs.

The first joke, I didn't really get the punch line. So, I didn't think it was funny.

The tomato asks the pear how long a have you been waiting (´cuanto tiempo espera´?)

The pear thinks he's saying how long have you been a pear.

Es pera and espera.

A pear. And waiting.

In Spanish they sound the same if you don't say it right.

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Ok, now I get that one.

However, it was lost on me because I'd expect it to be, "una pera" not, "es pera." I couldn't figure out why the pear was waiting its whole life. I do tend to take things literal, while I'm learning; so, it confuses me when someone deviates from what I've learned.

I'll get it one day.

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Hahahaha, the pear one is very funny!  I love jokes that are simple and short, yet funny.  Simple jokes are the best because they don't require you to think so much.  Here is a joke I found that I think really fits the bill ;)

- Mi marido es un bombón.

- ¿Es lindo?

- No, es redondo y lleno de licor.

I hope you guys like it. It's quite simple and easy to understand.

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  • 3 months later...

The tomato asks the pear how long a have you been waiting (´cuanto tiempo espera´?)

The pear thinks he's saying how long have you been a pear.

Es pera and espera.

A pear. And waiting.

In Spanish they sound the same if you don't say it right.

Ah, I totally wasn't getting it. I could translate it all, and figured there was some wordplay, but it totally just escaped me. LOL Sad.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can you all please explain these jokes as well? I am not getting any, though I understand the words and what they mean. After the first one was explained I loved it and would like to know what the others mean too!

Please could someone explain?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a beginner when it comes to Spanish, so I required some outside help with all of these, but jokes are a great way to learn another language!

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I'm not getting any of the jokes. Mostly because, when it comes to the important part I don't know some of the words lol. I am picking up a couple of new words though, while learning not to take everything so literal ( Like the pear joke). That would've been a really nice one had I not missed the "es pera" part.

Please keep the jokes coming. Also if possible could you continue to explain the joke after the fact, so that I can understand anything I may have missed?

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