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Spanish Lyrics Translations

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Where can I translate some lyrics? I heard the song "Yo No Fui" and wanted to have it translated. I used Google Translator, but of course most of the meaning is lost. Does anyone know of a site that does this or has English/Spanish translations of songs? Thanks!  :grin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a couple that might work for what you're looking for:



Let me know if they help!

Thank you for these websites! I was just asking a forum poster about how to translate Spanish lyrics as a way to learn Spanish. He said that it was effective for him, but I never thought about trying! I am excited to go try now. I will start with these websites you have listed. Muchas gracias!!  :wink:

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  • 1 month later...

Here's a couple that might work for what you're looking for:



Let me know if they help!

This is really cool, thanks for sharing it. I had been using google translate for the longest time but like sillylucy said, with google translate it often loses meaning. Google translate is often literal while lyrics have a lot of idioms and metaphors that don't translate literally very well.

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  • 9 months later...

I forgot about lyrics.com becasue this is a good way to learn language too. You can listen to the song and then read the words while you sing a long. It helps with the learning and you get to understand what they are saying quickly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you actually want to do the translation yourself, I recommend a good online dictionary. My personal favorite is leo.org - it is VERY accurate (unlike Google) and it also has a forum where you can find a lot of questions answered outside the regular translations (great if you're looking for idiomatic expressions or slang). If you sign up you can ask specific questions about certain words or phrases and users are usually very helpful.


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  • 10 months later...

I am going to try all of these.  I am a huge Spanish music fan, mostly Selena and Kumbia Kings.  I like others, as well, like Olga Tanon and Giselle, but Selena and Kumbia Kings are my favorites.  I have tried translating them myself, but I never took any classes, so I don't really know much about the idioms.  Hopefully, these will help. I figure learning my favorite songs will help as a stepping stone to learning Spanish, then other languages. 

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