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      Hardest language? | Language Learning Jump to content

      Hardest language?


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      I think any language that is not your own is a hard language to learn as it is all new to you. I think the hardest thing about new languages is remembering them, I often learn new words and phrases and at the time I know them but if I don't have a chance to continue practicing with them I forget them and have to start learning them again. I wish there was a way that when you learn something it stays there without practicing constantly but it doesn't work that way. Whenever I am busy and stop learning a language for a while when I return it takes a long time to get back into it and remember what it was you learnt.

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      They're all difficult to learn, but especially so if they belong to a different root language. Learning a latin-based language is easier if you already speak one, for instance. Learning Chinese must be incredibly hard for Westerners because of the difference in sentence structure. It's almost an entirely different way of thinking.

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      but especially so if they belong to a different root language

      I think he hit the nail on the head there. For the reasons stated, I find Japanese much tougher to learn than Spanish and French. Spanish, French and English also share a lot of words and roots, so that makes it easier.

      Though, I must mention that, for some reason, I find Kannada very tough to learn, even though it shares similar roots as my mother-tongue, Malayalam.

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      Strangely, I've found Japanese hardest for me to learn, even though my mother tongue is Chinese and I'm decent at it. The squigglies of hiragana just aren't easily memorizable to me, maybe it's just because I'm too old and I don't learn stuff that easily anymore, like all the other languages I learned since I was a kid. :C Sentence structure and vocab are pretty easy to pick up and store in the word bank, and I can speak passably, but I just can't write the words.

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      In my opinion, I think Mandarin and French are the hardest languages, but who knows? There are probably many languages that I haven't even heard of, but from the ones I know, it's Mandarin and French.

      They seem to be so complex, and I'd really have difficulty attending these kinds of language classes.

      Good question!

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      French was IMO the hardest language I've ever had to learn [or attempted to, TBH]. The reason I found it difficult was that I had a negative attitude and since it was mandatory to learn French in the school I studied in, you just submit to the rules even if you hated what you were doing. . .

      Attitude has more to do with how difficult a language appears to be [to you].

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      As far as I know the Chinese is the most difficult language to learn. There are too many characters(not words) to memorize. And it has 4 accents to be used...

      In my case, I couldn't even pronunciation some of the words.. just my case.

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      It's funny to think about it and find that my native language is the hardest for me; learning Arabic of writing and reading is not a big deal, but the hardest is of deep learning, it's not easy.

      For me, I feel excited when I learn languages. It's like a hobby for me. :grin:

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