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      Improving your language with the things you love doing, your hobbies | Language Learning Jump to content

      Improving your language with the things you love doing, your hobbies

      Dora M

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      I am learning Spanish, and I really like cooking. So I thought why not combine the two and improve my language skills by having fun with old and new friends, preparing a delicious meal, discussing Spanish and Latin American food and other vital subjects. Being an entrepreneur, I actually even thought about making a bit of money with it.  :wink:

      What do you think? Would you come?

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      • 2 weeks later...

      I like to dance and do yoga so I have many dvds for Indian dance with a voiceover in Hindi and I have yoga videos with the same thing. I also love watching movies so I read a lot of Hindi film magazines (like the hindi ersion of filmfare). 

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      • 5 weeks later...

      That sounds like a brilliant idea for anyone who would like to improve on their new language. I would definitely come and grasp whatever I can too. I'm sure your friend would enjoy such circle, learning Spanish while exchanging food ideas, great.

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      Combining a hobby with language learning is totally awesome in my opinion. More so, if it is all about food as well. I think sharing food and a common language is a great way to learn about another culture.

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      I remember when working as a travel agent finding there are businesses who have set up classes that incorporate activities like cooking with language, more focused on the cooking but I found those that attended the classes were helped to pick up the native chefs language during the class which was very hands on. I think mostly focused on Italian and French classes, I believe there were other classes similar to this (other languages, that is)

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      Yes, I think it's a good way to go about it because it just adds even more reasons or motivation as to why you would like to learn a particular language. I myself like to watch a lot of Japanese shows, and I felt like reading subtitles just doesn't cut it since I lose a lot in the translation - especially because a lot of those shows are comedies and jokes usually are very hard to translate, so I just chose to learn Japanese so I could understand it first hand.

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      One of my friends said this was how he first learned English. Not to a near native level but how he really got a good grasp. Sometimes learning the grammar and so forth can seem a chore but if you are doing something you enjoy then It'll come a lot easier.

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      Yes, this sure is an effective way. Actually I first start off translating the things that I love in the language that I am learning. That way, I remember words, phrases and sentences faster and they stay in my mind longer; they just don't slip. It would also pay a lot, if music is among your hobbies. Listen and explore the songs and the artists the country of the language you are learning. This works for me. I love music; I do not see that if you do the same, this will not work for you. Good luck on learning languages. Have fun!

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      My big hobby is games. I spend a lot of time playing online games. Actually I'm sure I originally learned English so well thanks to games. I've been actually playing with Russians a lot to improve my Russian skills, and it's working. The only challenge is that I don't know how to write in Russian alphabet with the computer. Have to learn that one.

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      I think this is an awesome idea, and effective as well! I am a classical singer, and I find it easier to learn words and phrases through song, so a lot of my language learning comes from learning foreign language songs. It's a great way to learn not-so-common phrases too! I also love movies as well, and for me it really helps to watch foreign movies with the subtitles off (or even just change the language on the DVD of a movie if you can) and this helps a lot too.

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      This is so cool! I'd love to come! Though I don't know where exactly, but given the chance, I'd love to take the opportunity! I don't know how to cook (but I'm eager to learn), and I also want to learn Spanish, haha!

      Though for now, I'm learning Japanese and I'm enjoying it while watching anime. I'm starting to get the gist (at least, the basics of the basics), and I'm loving it, haha.

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      Yes. I too earn money by enhancing my writing skills. Although it is not one that interests me the most, at least I get to earn a little by doing things inside the comfort of my own home. Although I am soon planning to do other work.

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      • 7 years later...
      • 2 years later...

      Its an efective way to start learning imo, its motivates you to learn the language and you learn as it is applied practicaly

      I play online with Korean friends, and that is how i learn korean bit by bit


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        On 7/24/2024 at 2:43 AM, HendrikMG said:

      Its an efective way to start learning imo, its motivates you to learn the language and you learn as it is applied practicaly

      I play online with Korean friends, and that is how i learn korean bit by bit



      immersion through hobbies is definitely effective. i did something similar when i started learning French by watching French movies with subtitles. what games do you usually play with your Korean friends?

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        On 7/24/2024 at 6:38 AM, williamserna0628 said:

      but wouldnt it be difficult chatting with fluent speakers right away? how do you keep up?


      I always keep a bilingual dictionary around if I don't recognize the words. Otherwise, I've picked up most words and grammar through conversation with bilinguals. Articles like this can help, as well:সাম্প্রতিক-প্রবৃদ্ধির-পর/

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