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      Slang Words: What are young people saying these days in your country? - Page 2 | Language Learning Jump to content

      Slang Words: What are young people saying these days in your country?


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      "Epic" is one that I heard a lot either in online gaming, among friends and among younger crowd. Everything that is 'great', 'awesome', 'amazing', just gets summed up with that one word . 'That movie is so epic!' and when it's not great? they just add the word fail next to it.

      "Noob", "Newbie" is very common among the younger crowds especially who plays games. When I failed trying to do something, even my husband would be like 'Such a noob'.

      My favorite slang has always been 'Number two' and 'Drop the kids in the pool' as going to poo. I had no idea what it was until my husband told me "Be right back,I need to go do number 1' . I was like 'what does that mean?'. he told me 'It means you go to pee? and if u go to poo,then it's number 2'. I think the funniest thing was when he told our friends in Singapore that he's going to drop the kids in the pool, our friend was like 'I thought you don't have kids'. I said 'He meant he is going to poo' .He thought it was so amusing he used that as his broadcast on yahoo for a week.

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        Guest akasha24

        Here are a few things we say in Hungary:

        Mi a pálya?- What's up?

        Nincs zsém.- I haven't got any money.

        verda- car

        buksza- purse

        séró- hair

        Jó a csukád!- I like your shoes

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        The people I hang out with here all speak English, so they usually just utilize the new English slang words like epic and various other ones that came with the online culture. They don't use it often, though, thankfully, as I dislike hearing online speak in real life, but I never say so just so they don't feel like they have to fix the way they speak. I don't mind it that much, anyway.

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        You could probably write a book for how many words and sayings in the United States have different meanings. Words like "Swag", "Yolo" and then,"Thats tight", "For real", "That's sick" etc. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to learn English as a second language and trying to pick up all the different meanings for words and sayings.

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        In the U.S. the word "dope" has become a very popular word, which in regular sense means, "drugs" such as heroin, or as older people refer to marijuana. But, to people that use it as slang term, it means, "that's cool'' or "that's awesome." And this one is probably the one that makes me laugh the most, "word," meaning "ok" or answering someone that is telling you something, I guess it's simple to say "word" instead of, "alright" or "I understand."

        I am 23 years old now, so there are new slang words that high school kids or teens in general are using, like "raw" which, actually has multiple definitions, and where they come up with these slang phrases or words in general, I have no idea.  :laugh:

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        Where I come from, there are so many slang words out there that we are using, it does not make any sense. Although some of the basic ones, are those that are abbreviated. Nowadays all the young people do is abbreviate everything that they say lol.

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        I hail form the United States. Off the top of my head: 

        Chill, Cool, Awesome, Sick, Sweet, Bro, Dude, Yo, Heyo, Nah, Ratchet, Baller, Bomb Diggity. I'm sure there's a lot more, but that's some of the common day vernacular.

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        • 6 months later...

        There are many slang words that are being used by young people and even adults  in my country.

        Wa di pree, meaning, what is happening? or what's on the agenda.

        Di ting sell awf, which means that something was outstanding.

        Yu zimmi, which means, are you understanding me?

        They are terms that I would rather not hear but I'll definitely have to live with because I doubt they'll ever go away.

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