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Try Linguistion!


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Fact: You’re probably learning languages incorrectly. Why? Because you’re using the wrong approach to learning your specific language and it’s frustrating the CRAP out of you.

Fact: Every language has a specific formula for learning it correctly and if you don’t know it, you’re gonna end up paying out the ass for a “magical” program or textbook that claims to be able to teach you languages painlessly and instantly.

Also a fact: That is horsecrap.

If you want to learn languages correctly, you have to know the formulas. Fortunately, that can be provided for you FOR FREE  at www.linguistion.wordpress.com.

Tips, guides, advice, and random fun stuff will always be available for language learners who are tired of the horseshit and just wanna learn a language the right way.

Don’t fall for the horsecrap. Visit  www.linguistion.wordpress.com

Linguistion is new, so I would be so grateful for some honest feedback!

Thanks guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Ok, thanks for the very enthusiastic introduction to Lingustion LOL It sounds very interesting and since it's free and I have nothing to lose, I'll go over and see what you've got t offer. I'll be sure to come back here and give you some feedback. I'm mainly interested in Italian and French, so I hope they're among the languages that you offer :)

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Hi there!  Cool blog, I have already checked some of your posts and it looks like a very interesting blog.  I see you are focusing on Chinese?  I checked the site you recommended in your blog ''Fluent u'', sadly they don't offer dutch :(

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, this seems like a really great site. Sometimes I find that I am running in circles with learning a new language and I suppose I now know why. Thank you for sharing this I will definitely be checking it out. I really like that it is a free way to learn. A nice alternative the other overpriced classes. I will let you know how it goes! 

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The information on that blog is the real deal when it comes to language learning.
But why would you run your site through *.wordpress.com?
Sounds very limited when it comes to customising your site though.

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Well, it looks like your main focus is Chinese. Anyway the guide on things one should know before studying in Beijing is interesting and spot on (particularly the part about bargaining).

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