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      romantic language


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      I think all of the Romance languages sound beautiful but my favorite is French. It has a charm and a sound that just catches my attention and makes me think of sunsets and travel. I just love how it sounds and I want to learn to speak it one day, although I don't have much use for it. I also like French accents, though I prefer Spanish ones.

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      I find Persian to be the most romantic language I've heard. The words just seem so rich, like a cup of Cappuccino made with rich cream from a Swiss dairy farm! I hope I'm making sense here! French comes second, although not a close second!

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      My vote goes to Italian. I believe all languages have the ability to sound beautiful and mesmerizing but personally speaking, I find Italian to be the most romantic language I've ever heard. I may be a bit prejudiced though because I really like everything related to the Italian culture.

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      • 3 weeks later...

      I love Italian! When someone is speaking in Italian it sounds like they're singing because of the rhythm of their accent. That's why I think it's the most romantic language. I just love hearing this language spoken.

      Just imagine being in Italy and hearing all of the locals speaking to one another. It's just dreamy!

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      French doesn't sound that much romantic to me as Spanish. I'd put it like this: Spanish, Italian, French. I've seen many Spanish movies, including drama with romantic elements so I must say Spanish really can sound calming and romantic.

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      • 3 weeks later...

      I strongly believe and feel that French is the most romantic language. It has rhythm and life on its own. It is very stylish. The liaison and their nasalizing make this language really beautiful. It is not choppy, but continuous which makes it very appealing to the ears. It also does not sound harsh which makes one who speaks it attractive.

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      i voted japanese but its actually chinese sorry i don't know how to change the vote. i would really like to learn chinese bacause it seems like a good challenge. i hear its very difficult and takes a lot of effort to learn it. i'm currently learning spanish.

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      For me, the most romantic languages are French and Italian. I mean, not just with the words we associate with love and sweet things, but almost everything in general. While playing Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker on my PSP, just hearing them say "Militaires Sans Frontières" almost made me fall in love in spite of knowing the fact that it means "Soldiers Without Borders," haha

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      • 4 weeks later...

      I believe it is French. I like the sound of it when they say the words softly. It feels so sweet and romantic and it gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!

      My second choice would be Spanish. I feel that it is too intense and passionate to be romantic. It's more sexy than romantic.  :wacky:

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      French has always been known as 'the language of love' which is ironic as France has historically been known as one of the most war hungry nations. hahaha

      My favorite romantic french phrases are:

      1) Je suis sous le charme -I have been charmed

      2) Tu es ma joie de vivre - You are the joy of my life.

      3) Tu es dans toutes mes pensées - You are in all my thoughts.

      4) Tu es pour moi la plus belle - You are, for me, the most beautiful.

      5) Mon amour pour toi est aussi grand que le monde - My love for you is as grand as the world.

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