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3 ideas when learning a new language


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Here are some tips for starting to learn a new language. 

1.Have fun with it! Learning a new language is easier when you are enjoying yourself. Think of creative ways to learn that are fun to do. 

2. Find a friend to learn with. If you have someone to motivate and work with you it makes everything easier. 

3. Make a schedule and stick to it. Pick specific times during the week where you put everything else aside and practice. 

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Thanks for the tips Carlyarn23 for the tips you have discussed. These are indeed very helpful for us who are trying to learn a new language and also for those who are in the process of already learning a language or two. I can really relate to this because I am in the process of learning two languages also. Let me add though that we can always look in books and watch TV or even search the web as tools for learning a language. It is also best to have a mentor and then to immerse in the culture if we can which is I think a very indispensable tool in trying to learn anything new. 

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The tips you gave are dead on. The most important part of learning a language is to have fun with it. If you dread the idea of having to sit in front of a computer and are forced to learn one or other language, you probably will never learn it.

If have the you have a friend that speaks the language you are learning, not only will it be easier for you to learn it but you can learn more of the culture of were the culture is from.

There is only one way to learn any language and that is to sit down and actuality learn it.

Good post.

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I think when you're enjoying learning, it is easier to master whatever it is, be it a skill or language. So that is one great way to advise people, to have fun with language learning. More often than not, we tend to take things too seriously and end up getting frustrated when we don't meet a certain quota or requirement. It is important to know that the journey is more than the end itself. What's important is that you enjoyed the journey of language learning even if you do not become such a genius in that language.

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This is THE way to go!

If you don't enjoy it don't do it! I know easier said than done...but true nonetheless!

Do what you love, if you can do it with a friend - AWESOME!

And being able to do it regularly....what's better?

Always strive to make it fun!

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I think the tip about enjoying the key here. And when you want to enjoy learning a language I would suggest you learn your basic structure and get to the most delicious part of the language which is literature. Just read some quality books and you would have learned the language and enjoyed yourself too.

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Yes! You must always enjoy what you do! That is always going to be key to your success. For me, when I am trying to learn a new language I try to watch movies that are in that native tongue and place subtitles on. For example, English is my native language but I am currently trying to learn French. Therefore, I have been watching many French movies with English subtitles. I find that the more I hear the language the more comfortable I become with it. As well, I have found a ton of mini clips and short story type shows online in French that have really helped. If you are looking for some extra help with learning your new language this may be a worth while option! 

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Scheduling is a really good advice. I am an avid list maker and post-it user. I have numerous little piece of papers and schedules all over the house in connection with chores. When it comes to language learning, making a bigger or colorful schedule really can help you to motivate. It's of course not so strict you can always have some rest days, especially if you are learning language in an intensive way. Don't forget about the ways sleeping and resting can really help you learn.

The knowledge still working in your mind, once you stopped physically studying.












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Here are some tips for starting to learn a new language. 

1.Have fun with it! Learning a new language is easier when you are enjoying yourself. Think of creative ways to learn that are fun to do. 

2. Find a friend to learn with. If you have someone to motivate and work with you it makes everything easier. 

3. Make a schedule and stick to it. Pick specific times during the week where you put everything else aside and practice. 

You make some very good points, and have actually included one of my personal favourites; 'have fun with it'! I just feel that the minute language learning becomes a chore, it's the very minute your passion goes out the window. Thanks for sharing :)

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Thanks for the tips! I guess the reason why I always end up not finishing my Spanish course on Duolingo is because I'm pressuring myself to learn the language. By doing that, I lose the fun factor that's supposed to be a part of the learning process. The thing that started out as a hobby then became a chore, which eventually led into me stopping my progress, and then dropping the course entirely after a few days. 

I'm going to relearn my Spanish and this time, no more pressure. I'm going to have fun, and I'll see if everything will turn out differently this time around.

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The best ways to learn a new language are :

Getting your friends to start learning the language and then creating group session helps a lot.

You must keep the process interesting and should not try and force a schedule on yourself. Just try different things and go with the flow.


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Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing well! My advice to someone learning a new language would be to do these things at some point in their journey. Watch movies and TV shows in the language you are trying to learn. Also, do not be afraid to express yourself. Yes, you might make grammatical mistakes when speaking. Yet, others will appreciate your effort and will not make fun of you!

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I agree with making a friend! I have downloaded tons of Spanish language software, read a lot of books and tried worksheets. All of that helped, but having someone to practice with has helped me the most! 

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I always remind myself about my goals why I would want to learn a new language. If I do not know the reason or the goal I would most likely get demotivated or distracted easily. I understand the idea of having fun while learning and making a regular schedule but what really works for me is knowing what benefits should I get from this new language. 

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