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How can tell that you are addicted to languages?

Wanda Kaishin

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Wait, what? Really? You're addicted to learning languages? Not that I'm denying that's real, but that's the first time I heard about such a thing. When I was at the beginning of my studies I was really into learning as much as I could and studying really hard, but I don't think I would have ever studied so much if I hadn't had to.

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I am also surprised to read that. So you don't have a job right now but you are studying a bunch of languages at the same time, am I getting it right? How many? And were you able to be fluent in any of them? If all you do is study languages day in and day out then you really must be addicted to it!

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I knew I was addicted when I realized that, comfortably sitting in a pleasantly warm water in the bathtub and washing my hair, I'm simultaneously reading labels on the liquid soap bottle, and shower gel, and anything else that is close enough to my eyes, in all the languages I can understand. Sometimes also those I can't understand. And I do it every single time. Once I see some text, even if it's "Your skin will be soft and moisturized" or some other useless rubbish, I just must read it, compare it to its French/German/Spanish counterpart and ponder about the words I don't know :)

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I like what I read here. It is just awesome that you have so much dedication and will, and motivation for that matter, to spend your entire days to studying languages and dedicate your time and energy to many languages. I am just not sure how you do that without getting confused or mix them up. It is incredible. Just go on doing a great work with languages, you just made me rethink the whole thing again - maybe I will find some inspiration in this fact. :)

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I have all my core language learning and work scheduled.
During dead times I continue with language learning, which can be at any possible time.
And while working I just put up music in the target language.

So you can say I'm a bit addicted to language learning too, but it's not as extreme as it is for you Wanda.

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Sometimes I suffer from cramps in my calves, especially when I sleep. Last night was the worst ever- they woke me up three times. So this morning my calves are tender, and it's uncomfortable to stand up. But here I am, at my standing desk, studying languages. That's how I know I'm addicted!

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