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Did you study French in high school or college?

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Did you study French in high school or college?

I did study in high school. But then in college I kind of veered of fin another direction and didn't take a language. I regret that now because I could have taken advantage of so many classes where I went to college.

Now it's a little bit like starting over in some ways. I do remember a lot, but not as much as I'd hoped!

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On 7/20/2016 at 9:52 PM, GingerCat said:

Did you study French in high school or college?

I did study in high school. But then in college I kind of veered of fin another direction and didn't take a language. I regret that now because I could have taken advantage of so many classes where I went to college.

Now it's a little bit like starting over in some ways. I do remember a lot, but not as much as I'd hoped!

I would have liked learning it, my high school education was focused in English (no surprise there), although some careers in the humanities do see French, and even notions of Latin. I was a science student in high school so for me English was the only foreign language in sight, but I would have liked very much to have had the opportunity to learn French in my high school years. Very much indeed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am currently learning French in high school, but due to scheduling issues I have a gap year between French last year (my second to last French class) and the last French class offered at my school. In college, I might start to learn another language rather than continue in French.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I wish I did. I grew up being trained in Chinese and as much as I appreciate it, I just prefer french a lot more even though technically it is a little less practical and useful for me since I have lots more people to talk to around me in Chinese than in french. Overall though I just like the language the most out of every other one including my own native one. Not that I dislike the Chinese language or my local one but I just have such an affinity for the french language that I sometimes wish I had spent the initial few decades of my life learning that instead. 

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  • 3 weeks later...


Yeah you need to work on your conversational French again. You'd be surprised how fast you can speak french if you already started learning it.
It takes a lot of time but the more you practice the better you get !

An american friend of mine started learning French on his own 7 years ago while meeting a lot of French speakers
Now he's fluent, lives in Paris and is a French tutor. ^^

Here's a couple lessons and tips on his youtube channel


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