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Basic Estonian / Eesti keel


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I'm a native Estonian speaker here and I thought that I would share some basic Estonian here. 

Tere - hello, hi

Tere hommikust! - Good morning! (hommik - morning)

Tere päevast! - Good afternoon! (päev - day)

Tere õhtust! - Good evening! (õhtu - evening)

Tere tulemast! - Welcome! 

Head aega! - Goodbye! (literal translation Hea - good, aeg - time)

Nägemist! - Goodbye!/See you! 

Head ööd! - Good night! (öö - night)

Aitäh - Thank you

Tänan - Thank you

Palun - Please; You're welcome

Jah - yes

Ei - no

Minu nimi on ... - My name is ...

Mina olen... - I am ...


And here's an example how to pronounce letters (I found it on the internet)

Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 2.19.38 PM.png

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26 minutes ago, linguaholic said:

Great posts! Thanks so much for introducing those Estonian Basics. Much appreciated!

I see that your native language is German, so I'm glad to inform you that there are German loans in Estonian. 

For example:

  • arst (Arzt, doctor)
  • suhkur (Zucker, sugar)
  • loss (Schloss, castle/palace)
  • kleit (Kleid, dress)
  • tass (Tasse, cup)

There are many exampes. Estonian also has Swedish and Russian loans due to ocupations in the past. 

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