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Is learning French difficult?


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To be honest, I'm not that interested in learning French. But I'm just curious, for non-native French speakers, how difficult was it for you to learn it?

I have a hard time even trying to make out the way to speak. It sounds like sort of gibberish or mumblings (No offense intended). Other languages like German are still possible for me to listen to. I can at least make out the sounds. French is nearly impossible for me to even listen to, let alone understand.

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I'm in the process of learning it and I find it very difficult as the language is so far away from my native one. I am determined to learn it though as it is one of my most beloved foreign languages because it just sounds so good to me. I just hope one day I get to be fluent enough that I could speak it naturally without even thinking and that the pronunciations will come naturally as well, but I know it will take a lot of time since the pronunciations are very different from the asian languages I grew up with. 

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French is a verb conjugating nightmare just like spanish, with an additional layer of difficulty with the tricky pronunciation. Common belief claim that native spanish and italians can learn french more easily than people from germanic backgrounds, but I really can't tell.

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