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Capitalization is very important in any of the writing. I do pay attention to capitalization because it considers professional. I do see people don't care much about capitalization, but for me, it's is important and necessary to always use capitalization on the first word when you start off a new sentence.

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Capitalization is also important for proper nouns. It signals that you are talking about a specific thing or person instead of a general one. For instance, if you are talking about a place called The Bar (that being the name of the establishment), capitalizing the name indicates that you are talking about a specific bar with that name instead of just some bar. It gives a bit of a point of reference.

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To some extent I agree. Capitalisation seems unnecessary on Facebook or on personal messages and emails, but it's the same as asking the question 'why do we bother to spell words correctly?' We do so because it's correct grammatically, not necessarily because there is any logical basis behind it.

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I have never really thought about it.. but now that I do, it seems to me that capitalization isn't that important.. In order to know when the sentence begins and ends, we have dots.. so maybe after some time it will gradually disappear.. :)

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In my personal opinion it just looks better and helps you read trough a whole bunch of text. For example if I was reading a book, I would have a hard time distinguishing sentences which started with a non-capital letter and it would simply turn into a mess. Other than that, I don't think it looks childish.

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  • 1 month later...

That's the way we were taught in school so we adhere to the rules of correct capitalization of the first letters of words. Capitalization of certain words denote their importance among a group of words in a sentence. It also signifies respect for a person's name, a place, etc. :)

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Capitalization would consider a professional kind of writing because it looks better if some words capitalize in order to avoid confusion. I believe it also gives the readers that it's properly use because it's better for people to distinguish there's a difference between each sentence.

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In my personal opinion it just looks better and helps you read trough a whole bunch of text. For example if I was reading a book, I would have a hard time distinguishing sentences which started with a non-capital letter and it would simply turn into a mess. Other than that, I don't think it looks childish.

Agree that capitalization is necessary as it is line breaks for a better reading.

To me lack of capitalization does not only look childish but like if the person writing that way would not have the most essential knowledge of grammar, particularly when they write "I" in lowercase.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's just how things were made from plenty of years ago.

I prefer to use capitalization. I think that it looks better. Even if I didn't want to use it, my fingers just kind of go to the shift button on habit.

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When You've been following the gramma rules for a while it does'nt take much effort to do the right thing :cool:. Capitalization is necessary for a number of reasons. Firstly, for nouns such as names and places. It also lets you know when a new sentence has began. If you are corresponding informally then that might be alright but it is certainly needed for formal corresponding.

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