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Preya Says Hello


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Hello! Bonjour! Hola! Aloha! Namaste! Buongiorno! Ciao! Konichiwa! Vanakkam!

My name is Preya and I adore learning new languages. I try my best to learn about the various cultures that have blessed Toronto for many years. In my opinion one of the best ways to learn about other cultures is to learn common greetings in their mother tongue. I'm not a dictionary of greetings, but I try to remember what I can. I hope to learn more from all of you.  :smile:

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Welcome Preya. Agreed with what you're saying. Greetings and good byes are the first step towards learning a language. Another word that should be learned is of course, thank you.  :smile:

EDIT- I always thought ciao was used only for goodbye and not for both hello and bye. Ah well, you learn something new everyday.

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Welcome Preya-M, it's true ciao for the Italians is both for hello and goodbye. You seemed to have missed Olá, after all Portuguese is the 4rd most spoken language in the world!  :tongue:

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Hello Preya!

It's nice to meet you. It seems like you are doing pretty well with saying hello in different languages. I agree, we all can teach each oither. I just learned a few hello's from you. Thanks! :wink:

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