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How to overcome tiredness during language learning?


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Hi guys,

I am currently learning French and German and I am struggling with one major problem... it makes me super tired. It wipes me out and I actually have to stop and either do something totally different, or sometimes actually even sleep. As a result I am not getting very far because I can't spend that much time studying. I can read a book in English for hours, cover to cover no problems.... but I am reading a book in German at the moment and after a few pages I am zonked, and fall asleep (it's not a boring book).

Does anyone else suffer with this issue? Any ideas how to get less tired and achieve more? It makes me feel super lazy and un-dedicated.





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15 hours ago, Tuscan said:

Hi guys,

I am currently learning French and German and I am struggling with one major problem... it makes me super tired. It wipes me out and I actually have to stop and either do something totally different, or sometimes actually even sleep. As a result I am not getting very far because I can't spend that much time studying. I can read a book in English for hours, cover to cover no problems.... but I am reading a book in German at the moment and after a few pages I am zonked, and fall asleep (it's not a boring book).

Does anyone else suffer with this issue? Any ideas how to get less tired and achieve more? It makes me feel super lazy and un-dedicated.





15 hours ago, Tuscan said:

Hi guys,

I am currently learning French and German and I am struggling with one major problem... it makes me super tired. It wipes me out and I actually have to stop and either do something totally different, or sometimes actually even sleep. As a result I am not getting very far because I can't spend that much time studying. I can read a book in English for hours, cover to cover no problems.... but I am reading a book in German at the moment and after a few pages I am zonked, and fall asleep (it's not a boring book).

Does anyone else suffer with this issue? Any ideas how to get less tired and achieve more? It makes me feel super lazy and un-dedicated.





hmm, maybe you are simply reading something a little bit too difficult, then?

When I am rading stuff in Chinese, I do face a similar problem but I think it has to do with the fact that it is just a little bit overwhelming and I need to check lots of words and characters...and thus I feel tired. 

However, even when reading a book in my native language, it often makes me very tired and I am basically only reading books when my mind is still fresh (so basically just in the morning, hehe). 

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Shorter work and miscellaneous supports could help. Limit your "work" to 10 minutes each day for instance. Start again at lower level. Use Youtube video songs you like (with subtitles) to get a better motivation. Use an app like lingodeer to "play". https://labdeslangues.blog/2019/04/07/lingodeer-quand-on-est-aux-abois-en-langue/ 

Alternate in order to not get bored!

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I agree with both linguaholic and Xequeo.

My suggestion is to just change to an easier and more interesting book. I always wonder if there's research to prove my hypothesis, i.e. if the study material can be understood about 70 or 80%, you'll have the highest efficiency and make the fastest progress. This is about both reading and listening.

Nowadays I don't allocate large chunks of time studying languages. I mostly read one page of Facebook newsfeed from Le Figaro, Der Spiegel, ... sometimes plus readers' comments, and memorize a few words or expressions I didn't know or know well. (I use an outdated web browser to read Facebook to avoid infinite scrolling.) Reading one page takes little time. But I do this a few times a day. Studying languages many times a day, but for a short duration every time, is efficient for me and keeps me interested.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why not try learning language with a language partner as direct or supplementary language learning tool?

Learn it in a funny, relaxing and joyful way. Why should we learn language in a tiring and exhausting way?

Just try some new thing of language learning which is quite different from traditional classes - finding a language partner. I download and try the app FYLP. Quite amazing. 

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