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19 New Words for All Language Buffs (OED September 2024 Update)

19 New Words for All Language Buffs (OED September 2024 Update)

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Just when you thought English couldn’t get any more fun, the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) has decided to throw a few curveballs into the mix. This latest update brings words that are guaranteed to leave you smiling, scratching your head, or maybe both. These aren’t just any words—they’ve got personality, and they’re ready to take your vocabulary game to the next level.

We’re not going to spoil the surprise just yet, but let’s just say, if you’ve ever found yourself needing the perfect term for that strange, awkward, or oddly specific moment in life, it’s in here. Prepare to meet some new favorites!

1. African Massage (n.)

Definition: The shaky, jolting effect of being in a vehicle driven on a bumpy, uneven African road.

Forget soothing oils and gentle kneading—this is the kind of “massage” that leaves you gripping the car door for dear life. An African massage isn’t exactly what comes to mind when you think of relaxation, but it’s a rite of passage for anyone braving the rugged roads of the African wilderness. Every bump and jolt turns a simple drive into a full-body workout.

You’re cruising through the savannah, wildlife on the horizon, when the real adventure begins—suddenly, every pothole and rut in the road turns your vehicle into a shaking, rattling amusement ride. It’s the perfect mix of adrenaline and, well, unplanned chiropractic care. If you’ve ever found yourself laughing and wincing at the same time during a road trip, you’ve experienced this unforgettable “massage.”


  1. “The safari was unforgettable, but the African massage on the way there? That really got the adrenaline going!”
  2. “After two hours of African massage in the back of a Land Rover, my back feels like it’s been realigned by Mother Nature herself.”

2. Bantu Knot (n.)

Definition: A section of hair twisted and coiled into a small, tight knot, as part of a hairstyle consisting of several such knots.

The Bantu knot is more than just a hairstyle—it’s a cultural statement. Originating from African traditions, these tight, coiled knots are not only stylish but packed with history and pride. You’ll often see them arranged in intricate patterns, creating a bold look that’s both elegant and practical. Whether they’re worn as a protective style or as a bold fashion statement, Bantu knots have made their mark far beyond their origins, popping up everywhere from runways to social media.

These little knots pack a punch—they’re functional, stylish, and timeless. And let’s be honest, they look amazing. Plus, they’re versatile! Wear them as they are or unravel them for beautiful curls the next day. It’s like getting two styles in one.


  1. “She rocked a set of Bantu knots at the festival, and honestly, her hair stole the show.”
  2. “After a week of wearing Bantu knots, I unraveled them and had the most gorgeous, bouncy curls.”

3. Beer League (n.)

Definition: An amateur or recreational sports league, especially one with an emphasis on socializing and informality.

The beer league is where sports meet camaraderie. It’s not about winning trophies (though bragging rights are always nice)—it’s about the post-game pints and the stories that go along with them. Whether it’s softball, hockey, or any other recreational sport, beer leagues have one thing in common: the real action happens off the field, in the pub. It’s where you and your team can bond over how close that last game was… even if no one’s really keeping score.

In a beer league, the pressure to perform is as low as the stakes, but the fun factor is through the roof. You can miss a catch, trip over your own feet, and still be the MVP as long as you’re the first to suggest heading to the bar. After all, it’s less about the game and more about the shared laughs, friendly rivalries, and, of course, the beer.


  1. “Our beer league softball team isn’t the best, but we definitely win when it comes to post-game drinks!”
  2. “I joined a beer league to stay active, but I think I’ve consumed more beer than burned calories!”

4. Chatty Cathy (n.)

Definition: A person (originally and often a woman or girl) who is especially talkative or chatty.

We all know a Chatty Cathy—the one who can turn a quick hello into a 30-minute conversation. Whether they’re filling you in on their weekend, giving a detailed rundown of their breakfast, or offering their opinion on, well, everything, Chatty Cathys keep the conversation flowing. Sometimes, all you need to do is nod, and they’ll take care of the rest. Their gift of gab is as impressive as it is endless.

It’s a term that’s lighthearted and fun, used to lovingly describe those folks who just love to talk. You might run into a Chatty Cathy at work, at the grocery store, or even in your own family—and if you’re lucky, they’ll always have an entertaining story up their sleeve.


  1. “I sat next to a Chatty Cathy on the plane, and by the end of the flight, I knew her entire life story.”
  2. “You can always count on Uncle Bob to be the Chatty Cathy at family gatherings—he never runs out of things to say.”

5. Hard Ears (adj. & n.)

Definition: Unwilling to listen; disobedient; stubborn (often used in reference to children).

When someone’s being hard ears, you can talk, plead, and explain all you want—they’re just not having it. This Caribbean expression is perfect for those moments when a person, often a child, stubbornly refuses to listen to reason or instructions. You might give them all the advice in the world, but hard ears means they’ve already made up their mind to do things their way.

It’s one of those phrases that’s both endearing and a little exasperating. Whether it’s a kid refusing to eat their veggies or a friend who’s determined to ignore your warnings about a questionable decision, hard ears sums it up perfectly.


  1. “No matter how much I told him not to touch the stove, he was just too hard ears to listen—now look, a burned finger!”
  2. “My little sister’s always so hard ears. She’ll only learn the hard way, even if I explain things a hundred times.”

6. Bierkeller (n.)

Definition: An establishment, often a basement or cellar, where beer is served and consumed, particularly in Germany and other German-speaking areas.

If you’re in the mood for a cold pint and some good company, a bierkeller is the perfect spot. These traditional beer halls, often found in the heart of Germany, have an atmosphere that’s cozy, lively, and filled with the clinking of steins. Whether you’re seated at long communal tables or tucked away in a corner booth, you’ll likely find yourself chatting with strangers, laughing with friends, and soaking in the charm of this quintessential beer-drinking experience.

The beauty of a bierkeller isn’t just the beer (though that’s always a highlight); it’s the vibe. Picture dim lighting, exposed brick walls, and the sound of cheerful toasts echoing through the room. It’s where people come to unwind, celebrate, and enjoy good brews in great company.


  1. “We spent the evening at a bierkeller in Munich, sipping on local brews and joining in on the lively toasts.”
  2. “There’s nothing quite like the atmosphere of a German bierkeller—everyone’s a friend after the first pint!”

7. Dwarf Forest (n.)

Definition: A forest consisting of stunted or small trees, typically occurring near the treeline and as a result of harsh conditions such as strong winds or poor soil.

A dwarf forest might sound like something out of a fantasy novel, but it’s very real and completely fascinating. These forests, often found in high-altitude or harsh environments, feature trees that are much smaller than their counterparts in typical woodlands. Despite their size, these trees are tough survivors, enduring extreme winds, cold temperatures, and rocky soils. What they lack in height, they make up for in resilience.

Walking through a dwarf forest is like stepping into another world, where everything feels miniature but no less majestic. The trees may be small, but their twisted, weather-beaten forms tell the story of survival in some of the planet’s most challenging environments.


  1. “We hiked through a dwarf forest near the mountain’s peak—tiny, gnarled trees surrounded us, looking like something straight out of a fairy tale.”
  2. “The harsh winds and rocky soil have created a dwarf forest that’s home to some of the toughest trees I’ve ever seen.”

8. Elfame (n.)

Definition: An imaginary land or realm inhabited by elves; fairyland.

Welcome to Elfame, the magical, mysterious land where elves dwell and mischief reigns. Think of it as the ultimate fairyland, a place filled with shimmering forests, enchanted rivers, and perhaps a little bit of trickery. While Elfame might only exist in folklore, the name has a way of transporting you into a world of magic, where anything is possible, and reality bends just a little.

For those with a vivid imagination or a love for fantasy, Elfame is the perfect escape. Whether you’re reading tales of elves and fairies or simply daydreaming about a land where the rules of nature don’t apply, Elfame offers a bit of that timeless wonder we all need every now and then.


  1. “The ancient story tells of travelers who wandered into Elfame and returned with tales of glittering forests and mischievous sprites.”
  2. “As a child, I used to imagine Elfame was real—a hidden land just beyond the woods where elves and magic ruled the day.”

9. Fashion Mongering (n.)

Definition: The action or practice of following the latest fashions or trends, often with an emphasis on appearance and style over substance.

Fashion mongering is all about chasing trends, whether it’s the latest runway looks, social media fads, or whatever the influencers are wearing this season. While some might see it as a way to stay stylish and current, others view it as a bit shallow, focusing more on appearance than substance. But hey, to each their own!

In the world of fashion mongering, it’s not about whether you need that oversized jacket or those neon boots—it’s about whether they’re “in” right now. If you’re a self-proclaimed trendsetter or someone who loves keeping up with what’s hot, you’ve probably dabbled in a little fashion mongering yourself.


  1. “She’s been fashion mongering all year, constantly updating her wardrobe to match every new trend.”
  2. “His fashion mongering might leave his bank account empty, but at least he’s always the most stylish person in the room.”

10. Girlboss (n.)

Definition: An entrepreneurial, ambitious woman, often running her own business; later used more skeptically to refer to women who are perceived as overly aggressive in pursuing success.

The term girlboss started out as a badge of empowerment, symbolizing women who hustle, build businesses, and break glass ceilings with confidence. It’s all about taking control, owning your career, and being unapologetically ambitious. The original girlboss was the go-getter, the woman who paved her own path and inspired others to follow suit.

But over time, the term has taken on a slightly different tone. While some still use it to describe women who lead with drive and determination, it’s also been used more critically to describe someone who might be a bit too focused on success—sometimes at the expense of others. Still, whether celebrated or critiqued, the girlboss represents a strong, ambitious woman carving out her place in the world.


  1. “She’s the ultimate girlboss—she started her own company from scratch and turned it into a global brand.”
  2. “Some people call her a girlboss, but others think she’s just a little too ruthless in how she handles her team.”

11. Iechyd Da (int.)

Definition: Used as a toast or salutation before drinking, meaning “good health” in Welsh.

If you ever find yourself at a pub in Wales, don’t forget to raise your glass and say iechyd da! This traditional Welsh toast means “good health” and is the perfect way to cheers with friends and family. Whether you’re sipping on a pint of beer or a glass of fine wine, this phrase brings a bit of Welsh charm to any celebration. It’s short, sweet, and has a lovely ring to it—especially after a few rounds.

You don’t need to be Welsh to use it either—add iechyd da to your toasting repertoire, and you’ll impress everyone at the table with your multilingual skills. Just don’t be surprised if people start asking you how to pronounce it!


  1. “We all raised our glasses, shouted iechyd da, and clinked our pints in celebration.”
  2. “At the Welsh wedding, the guests toasted with iechyd da before every meal.”

12. Intermittent Fasting (n.)

Definition: The practice of alternating periods of eating and fasting, often followed as a health or weight-loss strategy.

Intermittent fasting has become the go-to lifestyle change for many people looking to improve their health or shed a few pounds. Instead of counting calories or following strict diets, you simply limit your eating to certain hours of the day, then fast for the rest. The idea is that by giving your body a break from constant digestion, you can reset your metabolism and enjoy various health benefits.

Whether it’s the 16/8 method (16 hours of fasting, 8 hours of eating) or a more casual approach, intermittent fasting has gained a lot of popularity, with devotees swearing by its simplicity and effectiveness. Just be prepared for some serious hunger pangs during the fasting period—and maybe a bit of hangry attitude!


  1. “I started intermittent fasting last month, and it’s actually easier than I thought—except when someone brings donuts to the office at 9 AM.”
  2. “He’s been doing intermittent fasting for a year now, and swears it’s the secret to his newfound energy.”

13. Kitu Kidogo (n.)

Definition: Money offered or accepted as an inducement or bribe; a small tip or token payment.

In some places, when someone asks for a little kitu kidogo, they’re looking for a small “something extra” to grease the wheels—whether it’s a tip, a favor, or, in less savory cases, a bribe. This Swahili phrase is often used to refer to those situations where a little money or a small favor can make things move a bit smoother or faster, especially in bureaucratic settings.

While it’s common in certain cultures to offer kitu kidogo as a token of appreciation or to keep things running smoothly, it can sometimes toe the line between a friendly gesture and something more questionable. Either way, it’s a term that gets straight to the point when it comes to those subtle exchanges.


  1. “He handed the officer a small kitu kidogo to speed up the paperwork process.”
  2. “In some markets, giving a kitu kidogo is just a polite way to thank someone for their help.”

14. Mustang Court (n.)

Definition: An unofficial court with no legal authority, often convened ad hoc to try someone regarded, often without evidence, as guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.

A mustang court isn’t your typical courtroom drama. This informal and often makeshift “court” operates without any legal standing, but it’s still used by people who want to dish out their own brand of justice. Whether it’s among friends, in a small community, or even in a workplace, a mustang court is where accusations fly, evidence may be optional, and the verdict is often decided by public opinion rather than facts.

While it sounds dramatic (and it often is), the term can also be used more lightheartedly to describe situations where people are quick to judge or point fingers without the proper investigation.


  1. “The group held a mustang court to decide who was responsible for the office prank, even though no one had real proof.”
  2. “In small towns, mustang courts can spring up when gossip and accusations get out of hand, with neighbors acting as judge and jury.”

15. Rain Stick (n.)

Definition: A percussion instrument consisting of a hollow tube partially filled with small objects, which create a sound like falling rain when the stick is tilted.

A rain stick is both soothing and mesmerizing. Traditionally used in ceremonies by indigenous peoples, this instrument is made from a hollowed-out cactus or bamboo tube filled with pebbles, seeds, or small beads. As you tilt it, the objects inside trickle down through the stick, producing a gentle, rain-like sound that can calm the mind or add an atmospheric touch to music.

Nowadays, rain sticks are popular in both music therapy and as novelty instruments. Whether you’re trying to create a peaceful ambiance or just love the sound of raindrops without getting wet, the rain stick is your go-to.


  1. “The kids loved playing with the rain stick at the music workshop—it was like creating their own little rainstorm indoors.”
  2. “We used a rain stick during the meditation session, and the soft, calming sound helped everyone relax.”

16. Seggae (n.)

Definition: A style of music originating in Mauritius that combines elements of sega and reggae.

Seggae is the musical lovechild of Mauritius, blending the island’s traditional sega rhythms with the laid-back vibes of reggae. The result? A genre that’s both soulful and rhythmic, with a distinctly tropical flavor. Whether you’re swaying to the beat on a sunny beach or relaxing at a local festival, seggae brings together the best of both worlds: the upbeat tempo of sega and the smooth, mellow sounds of reggae.

More than just music, seggae is also a cultural expression, reflecting the history and spirit of Mauritius. It’s the perfect soundtrack for good times, with lyrics often centered around themes of unity, love, and social justice.


  1. “We danced to seggae all night at the festival—the mix of sega and reggae rhythms kept everyone on their feet.”
  2. “If you haven’t heard seggae yet, you’re missing out on one of the most vibrant, feel-good music genres out there.”

17. Steampunkish (adj.)

Definition: Characteristic of or resembling the steampunk genre, which combines futuristic technology with 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.

If you’ve ever seen a world filled with brass goggles, top hats, and steam-powered contraptions, you’ve encountered something steampunkish. This style draws from Victorian-era aesthetics but adds a futuristic twist—imagine robots powered by steam or airships floating above bustling industrial cities. It’s like stepping into an alternate history where technology took a different turn, one filled with gears, cogs, and a dash of fantasy.

Steampunkish doesn’t just describe stories or visuals—it’s a whole vibe, influencing fashion, art, and even interior design. It’s where retro meets future, and it’s as cool as it sounds.


  1. “Her outfit was so steampunkish, with the brass buttons, leather straps, and those awesome goggles—it felt like stepping into a sci-fi novel.”
  2. “The café had a steampunkish decor, with old clocks, exposed pipes, and steam-powered coffee machines that looked straight out of a futuristic Victorian era.”

18. Trolley Problem (n.)

Definition: A thought experiment in ethics where a person must decide whether to divert a runaway trolley to avoid hitting a group of people, knowing that by doing so, it will hit one person on another track.

The trolley problem is the ultimate ethical dilemma that keeps philosophy students—and anyone with a moral compass—up at night. You’re faced with a runaway trolley heading toward five people tied to the track. You have the power to pull a lever and divert the trolley to another track, where only one person is tied. What do you do? Save the many or sacrifice one? It’s a moral conundrum that forces you to weigh the value of human life, and it’s been debated in classrooms, boardrooms, and even TV shows for years.

It’s more than just an abstract thought experiment, though. The trolley problem makes you think about real-world decisions, where there’s no perfect outcome—just hard choices.


  1. “We debated the trolley problem in class today, and it’s amazing how divided people can be over pulling that lever.”
  2. “The trolley problem might be hypothetical, but it really makes you think about the tough choices we face in life.”

19. Windbag (n.)

Definition: A person who talks a lot but says very little of substance.

We all know a windbag—someone who can go on and on without ever really getting to the point. These are the people who turn a simple question into a long-winded monologue, filling the air with words but not much meaning. While they might think they’re delivering pearls of wisdom, to everyone else, it’s just a lot of hot air.

Whether it’s at a family dinner or a work meeting, a windbag loves the sound of their own voice, and they can turn even the most mundane topics into a marathon of unnecessary details. At least they keep the conversation flowing, even if it’s mostly fluff!


  1. “The meeting could’ve been over in 20 minutes, but the windbag in the room had to give his opinion on every little detail.”
  2. “Every family gathering, Uncle Joe turns into a total windbag, telling stories that go nowhere and last forever.”