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20 Fresh Words Making Waves in Merriam-Webster Dictionary!

20 Fresh Words Making Waves in Merriam-Webster Dictionary!

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Language is always evolving, and dictionaries like Merriam-Webster keep up with the times by adding new words that reflect our changing world.

The latest Merriam-Webster update has added 690 new words to its dictionary, capturing the latest trends in culture, technology, and society. Have a look into twenty of the most interesting new entries that you might find yourself using soon!

1. Smishing

Definition: The practice of sending text messages to trick people into revealing personal information for criminal purposes.

Have you ever received a text message that looked a little too good to be true? Maybe it promised a free gift or claimed urgent action was needed for your bank account. Welcome to the world of smishing!

This clever blend of SMS (text messaging) and phishing (fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information) is like a digital con artist, slipping into your inbox with messages that seem harmless but are actually traps designed to steal your data.

Just as we’ve learned to delete those dubious emails from supposed foreign princes, it’s crucial to be just as skeptical of suspicious texts.

Sample sentence: “Be wary of smishing attempts that ask for your bank details via text message.”

2. Passkey

Definition: An authentication method using biometrics like fingerprint or facial recognition to grant access.

Gone are the days when a simple password could keep your digital world secure. Enter the passkey, a high-tech hero that uses your unique biometric data—like fingerprints or facial recognition—to grant access.

Imagine unlocking your phone or logging into your bank account just by looking at your device or touching a sensor. It’s like having a personal bodyguard who only recognizes you.

Sample sentence: “Using a passkey to unlock your phone is both convenient and secure.”

3. Nyctinasty

Definition: Plant movement in response to changes in light, such as the closing of flowers at night.

Nyctinasty might sound like a wizard’s spell, but it’s actually a fascinating natural phenomenon. Picture flowers closing their petals as the sun sets, almost like they’re tucking themselves in for the night.

This plant behavior showcases nature’s remarkable ability to adapt and respond to its environment. It’s like the botanical world’s version of a bedtime routine.

Sample sentence: “The nyctinasty of the tulips was evident as their petals closed when the sun set.”

4. Rewild

Definition: To return to a more natural state by reducing human activity and reintroducing plant and animal species.

Rewilding is like hitting the reset button on nature. By reducing human impact and reintroducing native species, we can help ecosystems recover and flourish. Imagine turning a barren field back into a lush forest, teeming with wildlife.

It’s a powerful reminder that sometimes the best way to move forward is to go back to the basics of nature.

Sample sentence: “The rewild project aims to bring wolves back to the national park to restore the natural balance.”

5. Jorts

Definition: Shorts made of denim or jeans.

Jorts, the lovechild of jeans and shorts, are a fashion staple that combines the rugged durability of denim with the breezy comfort of shorts. Perfect for summer barbecues or casual strolls, jorts are all about easy-going style. They’re the embodiment of laid-back fashion, proving that you don’t need to sacrifice comfort for coolness.

Sample sentence: “Jorts are perfect for summer, offering the durability of denim with the comfort of shorts.”

6. Cutscene

Definition: A non-interactive video sequence in a video game that provides background or storyline.

Cutscenes are the cinematic moments in video games that pull you deeper into the story. These non-interactive sequences are like mini-movies, providing crucial background details and advancing the plot without any input from the player.

It’s like taking a short break from gameplay to enjoy a story segment, making the gaming experience richer and more immersive.

Sample sentence: “The cutscene revealed crucial plot details about the hero’s past.”

7. Thirst Trap

Definition: A photo or video shared to attract attention or desire.

Thirst traps are the digital age’s way of grabbing attention, often used to showcase attractiveness or to seek validation through likes and comments. It’s a playful yet strategic move in the social media game, where a well-posed photo or a carefully crafted video can boost one’s online presence and engagement.

Think of it as the modern equivalent of peacocking, but with filters and hashtags.

Sample sentence: “She posted a thirst trap on Instagram, and it quickly racked up hundreds of likes.”

8. Doomscroll

Definition: To spend excessive time online scrolling through news or content that makes one feel anxious or sad.

Doomscrolling is the digital equivalent of staring at a car crash—you know it’s bad for you, but you just can’t look away. This term describes the habit of endlessly scrolling through negative news and social media posts, often leading to increased anxiety and despair.

It’s a reminder to put down the phone and take a break from the constant barrage of bad news.

Sample sentence: “He realized he had been doomscrolling for hours, feeling more anxious with each headline.”

9. Quiet Quit

Definition: Doing the minimum amount of work required for a job.

Quiet quitting is a workplace trend where employees do just enough to meet their job requirements without going above and beyond. It’s a subtle form of rebellion against overwork and burnout, reflecting a shift towards prioritizing work-life balance.

Think of it as setting firm boundaries in the professional world, ensuring that your job doesn’t consume your entire life.

Sample sentence: “Tired of the lack of recognition, she decided to quiet quit and only did what was absolutely necessary.”

10. Chef’s Kiss

Definition: A gesture of satisfaction or approval, often made by kissing the fingertips and then spreading the fingers.

Often used humorously, this term signifies something exceptionally well done, akin to a chef’s approval of a perfect dish. It’s a playful way to express that something is absolutely top-notch, whether it’s a delicious meal, a brilliant idea, or an outstanding performance.

Sample sentence: “The new pasta recipe was a chef’s kiss, absolutely delicious.”

These new words not only enrich our vocabulary but also provide a snapshot of contemporary life and the evolving nature of language. Whether it’s through technological advancements, social media trends, or environmental consciousness, these words reflect the dynamic world we live in.

11. Beast Mode

Definition: An extremely aggressive or energetic style or manner that someone (such as an athlete) adopts temporarily (as to overpower an opponent in a fight or competition).

Ever watched an athlete turn into an unstoppable force, plowing through the competition with sheer willpower? That’s beast mode. It’s when someone taps into their inner strength and goes all out, whether in sports, workouts, or any intense activity.

It’s like flipping a switch from normal to supercharged, leaving everyone else in the dust.

Sample sentence: “He went into beast mode during the final quarter, scoring three touchdowns.”

12. Sharrow

Definition: A street marking that indicates a lane that is shared by both bicycles and motor vehicles.

Sharrows are the unsung heroes of urban cycling, guiding cyclists and motorists to coexist peacefully on the same roads. These street markings are like friendly reminders that both bikes and cars have a place on the street, promoting safer, more organized traffic flow.

By providing visual cues, sharrows help reduce accidents and encourage more people to consider cycling as a viable mode of transportation, contributing to greener, more sustainable cities.

Sample sentence: “The city added sharrows to Main Street to improve safety for cyclists.”

13. Nearlywed

Definition: A person who lives with someone in a life partnership, sometimes engaged but not yet married.

In today’s world, relationships come in all shapes and sizes. Nearlywed captures those couples who are committed to each other, often living together and sometimes engaged, but not yet walking down the aisle. It’s a nod to the evolving definitions of partnership and commitment. This term reflects changing societal norms around marriage and the recognition that deep, meaningful relationships do not always follow traditional timelines or conventions.

Sample sentence: “They’ve been nearlyweds for five years and are perfectly happy with their arrangement.”

14. Mountweazel

Definition: A fictitious entry deliberately inserted in a reference work.

Mountweazels are the mischievous Easter eggs of the reference world. These fake entries are intentionally added to dictionaries and encyclopedias as a clever way to catch copyright violators. If you ever stumble upon a bizarre, out-of-place fact, you might just have found a mountweazel! This concept underscores the lengths to which publishers will go to protect their intellectual property and adds an element of intrigue to the world of reference materials.

Sample sentence: “The dictionary’s mountweazel was a fictional animal supposedly discovered in the Amazon.”

15. Rage Quit

Definition: To suddenly stop participating or engaging in an activity out of frustration or anger.

We’ve all been there—losing a game or facing a frustrating situation and just walking away in a huff. That’s rage quitting. It’s a dramatic exit, a way of saying “I’m done!” without any further explanation. It’s common in gaming but applies to any scenario where frustration gets the best of us. Rage quitting highlights the emotional intensity of certain activities and the human tendency to retreat in the face of overwhelming anger or disappointment.

Sample sentence: “After losing the match, he rage quit and didn’t come back online for hours.”

16. Textspeak

Definition: Language regarded as characteristic of text messages, consisting of abbreviations, acronyms, and emoticons.

Textspeak is the shorthand language of the digital age. With abbreviations like “LOL” and “BRB,” it’s a quick, efficient way to communicate in the fast-paced world of texting and online messaging. It’s the evolution of language, making it more concise and, sometimes, more playful. Textspeak reflects the influence of technology on communication, emphasizing speed and brevity while also introducing a new form of linguistic creativity.

Sample sentence: “Her messages were full of textspeak, like ‘LOL’ and ‘BRB.'”

17. Freegan

Definition: Someone who rejects consumerism and seeks to reduce waste by retrieving and using discarded items.

Freeganism combines ‘free’ and ‘vegan,’ highlighting a lifestyle focused on sustainability and anti-consumerism. Freegans often find perfectly good food in supermarket dumpsters and use discarded items to reduce waste and environmental impact. This lifestyle challenges traditional notions of consumption and promotes a more resourceful, environmentally conscious way of living.

Sample sentence: “As a freegan, she often finds perfectly good food in supermarket dumpsters.”

18. Silver Fox

Definition: An attractive middle-aged or older man with mostly gray or silver hair.

This term celebrates aging gracefully and the appeal of mature, sophisticated men. The ‘silver fox’ is often seen as a charismatic figure who exudes confidence and experience, making him attractive to people of all ages. This term shifts the cultural narrative around aging, emphasizing that attractiveness and desirability do not diminish with age but can actually increase.

Sample sentence: “The actor has become a silver fox, admired by fans of all ages.”

19. Banh Mi

Definition: A Vietnamese sandwich consisting of a baguette filled with various ingredients such as meat, vegetables, and condiments.

Banh mi brings together French and Vietnamese culinary traditions in a delicious, portable meal. This sandwich typically features a crispy baguette filled with savory ingredients like grilled meats, pickled vegetables, fresh herbs, and spicy condiments. The banh mi is a perfect example of culinary fusion, showcasing how different cultures can blend to create something uniquely delicious.

Sample sentence: “The food truck on the corner sells the best banh mi with crispy pork.”

20. Zoodle

Definition: A long, thin strip of zucchini that resembles a string or narrow ribbon of pasta.

Zoodles are a popular low-carb, gluten-free alternative to traditional pasta, embraced by health-conscious eaters. These zucchini noodles can be used in various dishes, providing a lighter, vegetable-based option that still satisfies the craving for pasta. Zoodles represent a broader trend towards healthier eating and creative ways to incorporate more vegetables into everyday meals.

Sample sentence: “She made a light dinner with zoodles and a fresh tomato sauce.”

These new words not only enrich our vocabulary but also provide a snapshot of contemporary life and the evolving nature of language.

Whether it’s through technological advancements, social media trends, or environmental consciousness, these words reflect the dynamic world we live in.