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Comma after “especially” — The Ultimate Guide

Comma after “especially” — The Ultimate Guide

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Using a comma after a particular word is guided by punctuation rules that are fundamentally and arbitrarily based on syntax and stylistics.

Put simply, a particular word does not necessarily determine the comma placement, but instead, it is either the sentence structure or the writing style.

In our article today, we cover the comma-placement subtleties after the word “especially” to answer one of the most frequently asked questions in the world of writing.


When do we use a comma after “especially”?

A comma is placed after “especially” when it is used as a stylistic element in a sentence, as in parenthetical insertions. The post-comma is also necessary when punctuation rules dictate so, such as in a direct address, quoted speech, compound or complex sentence, and introductory expressions.


Identifying the circumstances that necessitate a comma after “especially”

Without punctuation, the most eloquently written texts could be futile because punctuation marks are tools that bridge the writer’s thoughts and emotions to the reader.

Apart from making texts intelligible and unambiguous, commas do have the power to entice readers to keep reading.

The commas, therefore, are mainly responsible for making written texts thrive and survive for many generations.

A comma after “especially” is essential either when syntax or stylistics dictate so. 

To make the distinction clear, we have listed the circumstances that guide this post-comma placement concern.


When “especially” is followed by a direct addressee’s name

More technically called the vocative case, a direct address is a grammatical construct that informs the reader that the text is directed toward a particular message receiver.

Using a direct address means that a writer is textually representing the idea that he or she is directly conveying, as opposed to merely reporting, a piece of information to an addressee.

To set these two ideas apart, we need a comma before the addressee’s name to represent a text written in the vocative case. 

However, we need to drop the comma if we simply want to report or declare the message.

Hence, a comma after “especially” is necessary when it is used right before a direct addressee’s name in the textual world.


John: I’m going to ask some of my friends to take you out on a date.

Grace: That’s okay, but don’t ask Tom especially, John.


When “especially” appears at the end of an introductory expression

Another hard rule that we had better bear in mind is the use of “especially” at the end of an introductory statement.

Introductory elements are offset with commas from the rest of the main part or parts of a sentence for pre-contextualization and enticement reasons.

This is also true with any other words used as introductory expressions or at the end of it. So, again, this is a generalizable rule that we can apply in any other circumstances.


With Tom especially, Dana is relatively more tempestuous.


When “especially” comes before a parenthesis

In stylistics, a parenthetical statement is an auxiliary rhetorical device that induces the reader to read a specific sentential part with emphasis.

Parenthetical elements are always set off with commas no matter where they appear in a sentence.

And, obviously enough, we must encapsulate a mid-sentence parenthesis with two commas to mark its grammatical independence from the rest of the sentence.

Therefore, the opening parenthetical comma should automatically come after “especially” when it precedes the parenthetical insertion, be it midway or towards the end of the sentence. 


Sonia’s interaction was a bit awkward with Joseph especially, something that most of us did notice, which means that she might still be attracted to him.


When “especially” appears at the end of a parenthesis

Since a comma is needed to mark the end of a parenthetical remark, the same comma should be used when “especially” is used as the last word in the parenthesis.

Note, though, that “especially” is more frequently used as the first word in a parenthetical remark rather than at the end of it.

But, should you stylistically want to calibrate your sentence and use “especially” as the last word in a parenthetical statement, then feel free to do so.

After all, commas may also be used to represent any writer’s style of writing, but, of course, bearing in mind that the sentence is not ambiguously formed.


My dog is afraid of everything that moves all of a sudden, curtains especially, which is why I’m using roller blinds in the house.


When “especially” appears before the conjunction in a compound sentence

Grammatical conventions suggest that a comma should separate two stand-alone clauses that make up a compound sentence, and is known to most, if not all, good writers out there. 

Compound sentences are formed by linking two independent clauses with coordinating conjunctions, also known as the FANBOYS, and a pre-comma.

This simply suggests that a comma should also come after “especially” when it happens to be the last word in the first independent clause in a compound sentence.


Hubert and Cassey treat each other especially, for they used to be childhood sweethearts.


When “especially” appears at the end of the dependent clause in a reversed-order complex sentence

Another grammatical comma hard-rule is observed in building complex sentences, particularly with the reversed or inverted type.

The ordinary complex sentence structure, which is made up of an independent followed by a dependent clause, does not entail any comma placement.

However, a comma should mark the end of the dependent clause when it is used before the main or independent clause.


Unless you go on a date with Dianne especially, their dad won’t let them go to the prom. 


When “especially” appears at the end of a quoted speech

Finally, a comma after “especially” is also needed when it appears at the end of a quoted remark followed by a reported statement.

The comma is used to mark the end of the quoted speech which then informs the reader that a reported speech is still to be expected afterward.

Especially when you’re a follower of American English, the comma is to be directly placed after the last word of the quotation.

Meanwhile, the comma comes after the closing quotation mark in British English grammatical conventions.


“This is custom-made for you especially,” said the violin shop owner.


Understanding when not to use a comma after “especially”

Now that we already know when to use a necessary comma after “especially,” we can now proceed to the cases in which using a post-comma makes the sentence ill-formed.

As “especially” is an adverb, particularly classified as an adverb of focus, it can be conveniently used to modify adjectives, verbs, as well as other adverbs.

No comma should be used when these three modification processes occur, especially when “especially” pre-or-post-modifies the word.


When “especially” modifies an adjective

First, we should remember to drop the comma when “especially” adjacently modifies an adjective, just like what ordinary adverbs do.

This is because the focusing power of “especially” is directed towards the target adjective rather than an entire phrase or clause.


Women in poverty-stricken areas are especially prone to teenage pregnancy.


When “especially” modifies a verb

Next, the comma is needed to be omitted when “especially” modifies an adjacent verb, which has the same logic as the previous rule explained.

In the example below, “especially” is used to modify the verb “to love” which is inflected in the simple present tense.

In the sense of the next example sentence, placing a comma before or after “especially” would make the sentence ungrammatical.


She especially loves locally produced handicrafts.


When “especially” modifies an adverb

Lastly, we must not use any commas when our goal in our sentence construction is to modify an adjacent adverb.

Bearing the same argument as the last two given guidelines, a comma before or after “especially” would also make the sentence ill-formed when we aim to modify another adverb.

This time, the modifying function of “especially” is directed to its adjacent word “here” which is called a spatial adverb.

By the way, “here” is a deictic word whose meaning shifts depending on the point of view of the language user, just like the words “there” and “now.”

Example: Romeo loves stargazing especially here in this spot.


Punctuating “especially” at the beginning of a sentence

Some students may mistakenly think that “especially” can be a convenient replacement either for “in particular” or “specifically.”

Conventionally speaking, “especially” is not used as a single introductory element in sentences because it cannot stand on its own as a word.

Instead, we can add an adverbial clause to make the thought more complete, just like in the example below.


Especially when you keep gaslighting yourself, it’s really hard to move on from your dark past.


When this happens, no comma should come after “especially,” but it should rather be placed at the end of the entire clause.

You can try inverting the sentence to make it more sensible. After inverting, you will notice that the especially-clause is simply a parenthetical element that is used in a sentence-final position.

Imagine placing a comma after “especially” in the sentence below, and you’ll see how it would make the sentence ungrammatical.

It’s really hard to move on from your dark past, especially when you keep gaslighting yourself.


Frequently Asked Questions on “Comma After ‘Especially’”


What’s the difference between using “specifically” and “especially”?

Although “specifically” and “especially” are synonymous in meaning, the former is used to particularize a certain entity, while the latter is used to exceptionalize an entity.


Can we use “especially” at the beginning of a sentence?

Yes, we can use “especially” as the first word of our sentence but not as a single item, for we need to add a phrase or a clause to contextualize the introductory expression. Most people use “especially” at the beginning of a sentence when they actually intend to use “in particular.”


Where does the comma go in “especially because”?

The comma goes before “especially” when using the phrase “especially because” when towards the end of a sentence. If the sentence structure were to be inverted, the comma goes after the entire clause.



Writing is a tricky activity that contains its own can of worms. It can be a hard nut to crack if and when we fail to keep doing it.

But, just like any other task that we need to do, writing only gets better through constant reading and execution.

Let’s tickle our neurons again in our next comma post. See you!