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Is there a comma before since? There is usually no comma before since, as “since” is a subordinating conjunction. “Since” can also function as both a preposition and an adverb. In these roles, too, a comma preceding ‘since’ is generally unnecessary.   ”Since” as a preposition — Comma Rules When “since” acts as a preposition, …

Read More about Comma Before “since”: Rules & Examples

 The purpose of commas is to make writing clearer by splitting the words and phrases that make up a sentence apart. Despite this fairly simple purpose, comma usage can often be confusing to new and veteran writers alike. There seem to be too many possible rules, and sometimes the rule will change depending on whom …

Read More about Comma before “until”: The Complete Guide

 Whenever you start learning a language, there are always a few things that are bound to stump you. There are words that have multiple meanings, and the only way to figure out the meaning is from the surrounding contexts. There are phrases and expressions that are completely idiomatic and have nothing to do with the …

Read More about Comma before “though”: Rules, Tips & Example Sentences

There are certain words and expressions in the English language that don’t come by often, but when they do, they stick out from the rest and become memorable. What makes these words and expressions unique can be one of many things. Some of them sound pleasant, while others may make you cringe. After all, a …

Read More about “A lack thereof”: Here’s What it Means and How You Use it

 Not many writers think commas are fun. In fact, they stress a lot of people out. But commas don’t have to make you pull your hair! The trick to understanding commas is to break apart the sentence itself, identify the parts of it, and then use a few simple rules to determine when and where …

Read More about Comma before “anyway”: Here’s What You Need to Know

Any writer worth their salt knows the importance of having a dictionary handy and nearby. There are countless situations where you need a little help to find the right word that perfectly describes what you want to say. Moreover, there are other scenarios where you know the right word but want to use one of …

Read More about Synonyms of “in order to”: The Complete Guide

Language is a funny thing. Even though it purports to have clear rules, these rules are constantly being broken or changed. The thing that most people forget is that language is not like math. It isn’t made up of rigid rules that never change with time. Instead, language is a living, breathing creature, one that …

Read More about “Freer” vs. “More Free”: Here’s The Correct Version

In any language, there are unique and interesting expressions that sprout up from time to time. These expressions tend to originate in a certain area, and some of them end up spreading all over the globe. Additionally, some of these expressions are the basis for other new expressions in turn. “Catch these hands” is one …

Read More about “Catch these hands“: Meaning, Origin and Examples