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Writing a resume can be a daunting task for high-schoolers, new graduates, or those changing career fields. Sometimes there seems to be too much blank space no matter how hard you try. Let’s check into some tips to get your resume filled out and impressive enough to land that job! There are many different experiences …

Read More about “My Resume Is Too Short” — Do THIS!

There is perhaps no more frustrating feeling than trying to accomplish something and getting nowhere.  Many of us are familiar with the ancient Greek legend of Sisyphus. The story goes that Sisyphus, the King of Corinth, was punished by the god Zeus for defying the laws of nature by cheating death twice.  Sisyphus was given …

Read More about “Pushing rope” — Meaning, Context & Examples

Prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs are all parts of speech that tend to confuse writers. In part, this is because nobody remembers being taught about them properly. But they can also require you to completely change the order of the phrases in a sentence when they appear. For example, “as a result” and “as a result …

Read More about How to Use “as a result” in a Sentence — Your One-stop Guide

When we go online reading different plant care guides and all, we often stumble upon technical terms that are hard to understand, especially for the novice plant grower. What’s more, this glossary is a precious resource if you’re looking to add new words to your arsenal of plant-related words.  This extensive list will most certainly …

Read More about The Ultimate Plant Words Glossary

A work anniversary is a celebration of the day on which a person joined a company or organization. If it is someone’s tenth work anniversary, that means they have been working at the same business or institution for ten years.  As an employer, showing your employees that you value their time and energy is a …

Read More about The 32 Best Work Anniversary Wishes For Any Situation

It is quite an understatement to say that many writers grapple and scuffle with punctuation and abbreviation systems like clockwork- And by extension, these two grammatical writing systems may have to be interwoven at times, thereby making matters more ill-fated than they already are. But if we bear in mind that we, humans, are hyper-creative …

Read More about “Et al.’s” vs. “et al.” — Here’s the Difference

There is perhaps no more famous literary expression in the world than “star-cross’d lovers,” from the prologue of William Shakespeare’s quintessential love story Romeo and Juliet.  This line implies that the tragic fate of the two young lovers, who both commit suicide, was pre-destined. Their stars were crossed, not aligned, and therefore their love was …

Read More about The Spiritual Meaning of Stars — Very interesting, indeed!

Telling prepositional verbs apart is a back-breaking, Herculean mental task for both native English language users and non-natives alike. Interestingly, this is quite an unsurprising phenomenon according to language experts, as learning prepositions entail a higher level of grammatical maturity. So, you should never, ever panic about why you cannot easily make out the difference …

Read More about “Translate into” vs. “Translate to”: Here’s the Difference

Addresses seem like they should be simple, but many fine details are involved. Is the address for a building? A P.O. Box? How do you properly abbreviate “court”? What name should you use for the recipient? The situation has only gotten more complicated as email and websites have changed the meaning of the word “address” …

Read More about Here’s What to Put when a Form asks for “Street Address”