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Studying abroad is a highly regarded experience that not only expands your skillset but your mind as well. People who have traveled and studied abroad can be more open-minded, and idea-driven, and can often communicate well with others! How can you express this best on a resume? Table of Contents   How Do You Put …

Read More about How to Put Study Abroad Experience on Your Resume — Pro Tips

Nannying is childcare taken to the next level. It often means long hours, multiple responsibilities, and a level of care beyond that of other jobs. However, should this experience be included on a resume? And if so, for how long?    Should You Include a Nanny Experience on a Resume? As nannying is usually a …

Read More about How to Put Nanny Experience on Your Resume — Like a Pro

One of the most important structural rules for every resume is that you need to list your responsibilities of each job as separate points. Most people choose to make use of bullet points to keep their resumes tidy, but how many points should you be listing per job? You should be careful not to clutter …

Read More about How Many Bullet Points per Job on a Resume? — The Answer

If you somehow managed to miss watching Game of Thrones on TV, you have no doubt seen some of the memes, made popular by the series on the Internet, stating ‘Brace yourselves – Winter is coming’, or similar dire warnings.  The pilot series was indeed entitled, “Winter is Coming”, and Ned Stark did utter these …

Read More about “Brace Yourself “— Meaning, Usage & Examples

“Jargon” is the word for specialized language that you encounter in a particular field or situation. One confusing thing about encountering jargon is that it may use language that has a meaning that is familiar to you in other contexts that makes no sense in the new context. To make matters worse, there is a …

Read More about In what capacity — Here’s What It Means on a Job Application

Adding a mission trip to your resume is a good way to show the transferrable skills and relevant experience you gained. A mission trip is a wonderful experience for improving communication, problem-solving and leadership skills, while simultaneously helping others. The planning of the trip is a skill itself as you would have to do sufficient …

Read More about How to Put a Mission Trip on a Resume — All You Need to Know

There are certain words that have a general meaning that is widely understood. Then, within a very specific context, that word might have another meaning. This can be confusing, especially if you are not a native speaker of the language or if, for some reason, you simply have not encountered the word in that context …

Read More about What Does “Prefix” Mean on a Job Application? — The Answer

When you say the words “I’m sorry” to someone, you are apologizing to them. That should be simple and straightforward, right? Of course, that isn’t the case when you are dealing with commas! The good news about commas and “sorry” is that using the comma wrong rarely affects comprehension. Knowing when “sorry” should be followed …

Read More about Comma after “sorry” — The Complete Guide