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Thank You For Reaching Out To Me: Meaning & Examples

Thank You For Reaching Out To Me: Meaning & Examples

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What is the meaning of “Thank you for reaching out to me”?

“Thank you for reaching out to me” simply means “Thank you for contacting me.” This formal expression is commonly used in written (business) correspondence, often as part of an introductory phrase in thank-you notes and other kinds of formal letters, with the intent of presenting your thanks for services and opportunities provided.


Thank you for reaching out to me: Alternatives

What are some alternative ways to say “Thank you for reaching out to me”?:

  • Thank you for contacting me
  • Thank you for getting in touch with me (less formal than “Thank you for reaching out to me”)
  • Thank you for reaching out
  • I appreciate you reaching out
  • Thank you so much for reaching out to me
  • Thank you for making contact (more formal than “Thank you for reaching out to me”)


Thank you for reaching out to me: Example sentences


#Example 1:

Thank you for reaching out to me regarding this opportunity. 


#Example 2: 

Thank you for reaching out to me on LinkedIn and considering me for the position of Hiring Manager with Linguaholic Inc.


#Example 3:

Thank you for reaching out to me. Your opinion on this subject matter is highly appreciated. 


#Example 4:

Thank you for reaching out to me. I really enjoyed my stay in your apartment and will make sure to come back next year.


#Example 5:

Thank you for reaching out to me regarding my inquiry about the current price of the new MPC X.