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10 Celebrities Who Speak More Languages Than You Think!

10 Celebrities Who Speak More Languages Than You Think!

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Lights, camera, and… multiple languages? Our favorite celebrities are not just masters of the screen but also linguistic wizards! Imagine Natalie Portman dazzling you in six languages or Bradley Cooper charming the French press with his fluency.

These stars prove that their talents go beyond acting and singing—they can switch tongues like it’s a casual stroll in the park. Curious to know who else made the list?

Prepare to be wowed by their polyglot prowess!

1. Natalie Portman: The Multilingual Marvel

Languages: Hebrew, English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish

Born in Jerusalem, Israel, Natalie Portman is an award-winning actress and a brilliant linguist. Her native language is Hebrew, and she learned English when her family moved to the United States when she was three years old.

Natalie’s talent for languages goes beyond the screen. She studied at Harvard University, where she majored in psychology, and even took graduate courses at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her linguistic skills are showcased in various interviews and movies, making her a true polyglot.

When asked about her passion for languages, Natalie said, “I get a real kick out of being able to speak different languages. It opens up so many worlds and opportunities.”

Check out this video of Natalie Portman speaking six languages! Natalie Portman Speaks Six Languages!

Interesting Tidbit: Did you know that Natalie dubbed her own voice for the Hebrew version of the film V for Vendetta? It’s not every day that you see an actress dubbing her roles in multiple languages!

2. Viggo Mortensen: The Linguistic Adventurer

Languages: English, Spanish, Danish, Italian, Arabic

Viggo Mortensen is not just the fearless Aragorn from “The Lord of the Rings”; he’s also a fearless language learner. Born to an American mother and a Danish father, he spent part of his childhood in Argentina, which explains his flawless Spanish.

Viggo’s dedication to languages is as intense as his dedication to acting. He often immerses himself in the culture and language of the places he visits or films. This linguistic passion has helped him master multiple languages, making him a true polyglot.

Viggo once said, “Learning a new language opens up your mind to different ways of thinking and new perspectives on life. It’s like discovering a whole new world.”

Interesting tidbit: Viggo’s multilingual skills were tested in the movie The Two Faces of January, where he spoke fluent Greek and Turkish for his role. He even charmed the local crew with his linguistic talents during filming.

3. Shakira: The Musical Polyglot

Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, Catalan, Arabic

International superstar Shakira isn’t just known for her incredible voice and hip-shaking dance moves; she’s also a remarkable polyglot. Born and raised in Barranquilla, Colombia, Shakira’s native language is Spanish, but her linguistic talents extend far beyond her mother tongue.

Shakira’s ability to communicate in multiple languages has significantly contributed to her global success. Her English, Spanish, and Portuguese songs have topped charts worldwide, and she often uses her language skills in interviews and while connecting with fans from different cultures.

Shakira has said, “Learning languages has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. It allows me to reach out and connect with people worldwide.”

Interesting Tidbit: Did you know that Shakira recorded her first album in Portuguese after learning the language in just a few months? Her dedication to mastering languages is truly inspiring.

4. Jodie Foster: The Intellectual Polyglot

Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Jodie Foster isn’t just an acclaimed actress and director and a linguistic genius. Foster attended the Lycée Français de Los Angeles, where she received a bilingual education and became fluent in French. She even delivered her 2011 Golden Globe acceptance speech in French!

Jodie’s language skills are a testament to her intellectual curiosity and dedication. She has used her multilingual abilities to connect with international audiences and bring authenticity to her roles in foreign films.

Jodie once remarked, “Learning languages is a way to understand different cultures and perspectives. It’s an essential part of being a global citizen.”

Interesting Tidbit: Jodie Foster dubbed her own voice for the French versions of many of her films, showcasing her impeccable language skills and commitment to her craft.

5. Tom Hiddleston: The Charming Polyglot

Languages: English, French, Spanish, Greek, Italian

Tom Hiddleston, widely known for his role as Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is a talented actor and a skilled linguist. His classical education at Eton College and Cambridge University sparked his interest in languages.

Tom’s linguistic abilities have often been showcased during his international promotional tours. He charms audiences and interviewers with his fluency in multiple languages, and his passion for languages is evident in his effortless switching between them.

Tom has said, “Languages are the key to understanding different cultures. It’s a privilege to be able to communicate with people in their native tongue.”

Interesting Tidbit: Tom Hiddleston once recited Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18” in multiple languages during an interview, leaving his fans and the interviewer in awe of his linguistic prowess.

6. Sandra Bullock: The Multilingual Superstar

Languages: English, German, Spanish, French

Sandra Bullock is a Hollywood icon known for her versatility on screen, but many people don’t know she’s also fluent in German. Sandra spent much of her childhood in Germany, where her mother, a German opera singer, often performed.

Sandra’s fluency in German has allowed her to connect deeply with her European roots and communicate effortlessly in a second language. Her ability to speak multiple languages has also enabled her to engage with a broader international audience.

Sandra once explained, “Speaking different languages allows you to understand and appreciate the nuances of different cultures. It’s an incredible gift.”

Interesting Tidbit: Sandra Bullock often uses her German language skills to surprise fans and reporters during interviews. She even gave a part of her acceptance speech at the Bambi Awards in Germany entirely in German.

7. Bradley Cooper: The Charismatic Polyglot

Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish

Bradley Cooper, the star of films like “A Star is Born” and “Silver Linings Playbook,” surprised many fans with his fluent French. While in college, he learned the language during a six-month exchange program in Aix-en-Provence, France.

Bradley’s fluency in French has often been showcased in interviews and press tours. His ability to speak multiple languages has allowed him to connect with international fans and take on diverse roles in global cinema.

Bradley once said, “Learning French was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. It opened my mind to a new culture and a new way of thinking.”

Interesting Tidbit: Bradley Cooper’s linguistic skills were highlighted when he appeared on French television, giving entire interviews in fluent French and charming the audience with his effortless command of the language.

8. Salma Hayek: The Passionate Polyglot

Languages: Spanish, English, Arabic, Portuguese, (French)

Salma Hayek, the dynamic actress known for her roles in “Frida” and “Desperado,” is a true polyglot. Born in Mexico, Spanish is her native language, but her international career has led her to master several other languages.

Salma’s linguistic skills are as diverse as her film roles. Her ability to speak multiple languages has allowed her to engage with fans across different cultures and bring a unique depth to her characters.

Salma once said, “Languages are a bridge to understanding and appreciating different cultures. They’ve opened many doors for me in my career and personal life.”

Interesting Tidbit: Salma Hayek often uses her multilingual abilities during international press tours, seamlessly switching between languages to communicate with a global audience.

9. Edward Norton: The Intellectual Polyglot

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Japanese

Edward Norton, known for his roles in “Fight Club” and “American History X,” is a talented actor and a dedicated linguist. He studied Japanese at Yale University and has shown his proficiency in Spanish and French in various interviews and public appearances.

Edward’s linguistic talents testify to his intellectual curiosity and commitment to cultural understanding. His ability to speak multiple languages has enriched his career and allowed him to connect with international audiences.

Edward once said, “Languages are the keys to understanding different cultures. They allow you to see the world through a different lens.”

Interesting Tidbit: Edward Norton’s proficiency in Japanese was showcased during his promotion of “The Painted Veil” in Japan, where he charmed the local media by speaking their language.

10. Milla Jovovich: The Multitalented Polyglot

Languages: English, Russian, Serbian, French

Milla Jovovich, the star of the “Resident Evil” franchise, was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, and raised in Los Angeles. Her diverse background has equipped her with fluency in multiple languages, including Russian, her native tongue.

Milla’s multilingual abilities reflect her dynamic career and international appeal. She has used her language skills to connect with fans and media worldwide, showcasing her versatility on and off the screen.

Milla once said, “Speaking different languages helps me connect with my roots and global fan base. It’s a way to bridge cultures and communicate more deeply.”

Interesting Tidbit: Milla’s proficiency in multiple languages has enabled her to take on diverse roles in international films, adding depth and authenticity to her performances.