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21 Slang Words to Keep You Trendy at Any Age

21 Slang Words to Keep You Trendy at Any Age

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Welcome to the vibrant world of modern slang! While you might hear younger generations tossing around these trendy terms, they can be a fun way to spice up conversations and connect with your grandchildren or younger friends.

In this guide, we’ll explore 21 popular slang words, breaking down their meanings and how you can use them in everyday sentences.

Whether you’re looking to stay current or simply curious, this journey through contemporary language promises to be both enlightening and entertaining.

Let’s dive into the lively lexicon of today’s slang!


“Lit” is a slang term used to describe something that is exceptionally good, exciting, or fun. Originally derived from the word “lit” (as in “lit up”), it has evolved to signify anything that causes great enthusiasm or enjoyment.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “That concert last night was so lit! I had the best time.”
  2. “This party is lit, I’m glad I came out tonight!”


“GOAT” stands for “Greatest Of All Time.” It’s often used to describe someone who is considered the best in their field or at what they do.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “Serena Williams is the GOAT of tennis, no doubt about it.”
  2. “After that performance, he proved he’s the GOAT of stand-up comedy.”


“Tea” refers to gossip or interesting news, often about someone’s personal life. It’s like saying you have juicy details to share.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “Come over here, I have some tea to spill about the new manager.”
  2. “Did you hear the tea about Sarah and her new job?”


“Slay” means to do something exceptionally well or to be outstanding in some way. It’s often used to compliment someone’s performance or appearance.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “You totally slayed that presentation today!”
  2. “She slayed at the fashion show with her stunning outfit.”


“Woke” describes being aware and informed about social and political issues, especially those related to justice and equality.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “Staying woke about environmental issues is crucial for our future.”
  2. “He’s very woke and always participates in social justice movements.”


“Salty” is used to describe someone who is feeling bitter, upset, or angry, often over something minor or trivial.

**Sample Sentences:

  1. “He’s still salty about losing the video game last night.”
  2. “Don’t be salty just because you didn’t get the last slice of pizza.”


“Flex” means to show off or display something in a boastful manner. It can refer to possessions, skills, or achievements.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “He loves to flex his new watch whenever he gets the chance.”
  2. “Posting all those vacation photos is just a way to flex on social media.”


“Shade” refers to subtle disrespect or criticism. It’s often used to describe underhanded comments or actions that are meant to put someone down.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “Did you catch the shade she threw at his outfit?”
  2. “Throwing shade won’t make you look any better.”


“Ghost” means to suddenly cut off all communication with someone without any explanation, often in the context of dating or friendships.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “I thought we were getting along great, but then he just ghosted me.”
  2. “Ghosting someone is such a disrespectful way to end things.”


“Bae” is a term of endearment for a significant other. It stands for “before anyone else” and is used to refer to someone you care deeply about.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “Spending the weekend with my bae was the highlight of my week.”
  2. “Bae surprised me with breakfast in bed this morning.”


“Squad” refers to a group of friends or people you hang out with regularly. It emphasizes the close bond within the group.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “Going to the beach with my squad this weekend.”
  2. “Squad goals: traveling the world together.”


“Mood” is used to describe a relatable feeling or vibe, often capturing how someone feels in the moment.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “Eating ice cream in bed is such a mood right now.”
  2. “That lazy Sunday mood is exactly what I need.”


“YOLO” stands for “You Only Live Once,” encouraging people to take risks and live life to the fullest.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “I decided to go skydiving because YOLO!”
  2. “Quitting my job to travel the world, because YOLO!”


“Savage” describes someone who is boldly tough or cool, often in a way that is unfiltered or unapologetic.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “Her response to the critic was absolutely savage.”
  2. “That prank was savage but hilarious.”


“Hype” means extremely excited or energetic about something. It often refers to the build-up of excitement around events or releases.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “I’m so hype for the new movie coming out this weekend!”
  2. “The crowd was hype as the band took the stage.”


“Low-key” means slightly or secretly, often used to describe something understated or not widely known.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “I’m low-key obsessed with this new TV show.”
  2. “They’re trying to keep their relationship low-key.”


“Extra” describes someone who is over the top, excessive, or dramatic in their behavior or appearance.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “Wearing that outfit to the grocery store is so extra.”
  2. “He’s always so extra about everything, even the smallest things.”


“Basic” refers to someone or something that is mainstream, unoriginal, or follows popular trends without much individuality.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “Ordering a pumpkin spice latte is so basic.”
  2. “Wearing Ugg boots and leggings is pretty basic.”


“Turnt” means extremely excited, energetic, or intoxicated, often in the context of parties or events.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “Everyone was turnt at the festival last night.”
  2. “We’re getting turnt for my birthday party this weekend!”

Sample Sentences:

  1. “I binged the entire series in one weekend.”
  2. “We’re planning to binge all the Harry Potter movies.”

Throw Shade

“Throw shade” means to make a subtly critical or disrespectful remark about someone.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “She threw shade at his outfit without even realizing.”
  2. “Stop throwing shade and just be honest.”


“Boujée” describes something or someone that is high-class, fancy, or luxurious, often used in a playful or ironic way.

Sample Sentences:

  1. “That restaurant is so boujée with its gold-plated menus.”
  2. “She’s acting all boujée with her designer bags and fancy clothes.”