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Everything posted by pftsusan

  1. I think it's more natural to go with the flow and not putting to much thought into the exact words. This is more about going with the meaning of the subject at hand.
  2. I imagine that it would be tricky because it's a matter of going with the flow and pros, not with the literal word. Google and see if you could find any transulations already made in English for your poem. I hope this helps.
  3. In the US, they usually look for true to word and true to meaning for court cases. Thank you for sharing. This is very interesting.
  4. It's not accurate as I would not expect it to be, because there are many dialects of all the languages. I like it better than the others because google made their's better.
  5. It's so important to me that I corrected my lawyer on a legal document today. She left out the verb "the".
  6. One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch. I could mean that one bad kid doesn't ruin it for the rest of the kids.
  7. Thank you for sharing the link. I looked up:" A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". It means that it's better to have lesser, but the probility of having more could be greater or nothing at all. The historic meaning refers to the mid-evil Falconry where the bird is a valiable asset and certainly worth more than two in the bush.
  8. Don't let the door hit you in the rear- bad behavior reaps fire coming back at you What goes around, comes around- what ones says and does to others, comes back to them. So make what you benefiary to others and positive.
  9. This means that if you breakup your relationship that there is more people out there for you to choose from. You can still find Mister or Misses right.
  10. I'm not sure about Bee Knee's. But cat's ass means that one doesn't care about the other.
  11. Crackerjack It's suppose to mean that you are good at something.
  12. Today, in learning Spanish, you have many more jobs open to you. Bilinqual is a plus in this society. There are many Spanish speaking people, who have a hard time in learning American English. Some are not applying themselves as they should, but for others who work very hard at it, it's difficult for themat first.
  13. I would like to learn more Spanish. This because there is a need where I live, for Spanish people, who don't understand the American English and they need someone to teach it to them.
  14. Yes, it's very important to learn the profanity. This is so you can make a choice to remove yourself from the situation if you are uncomfortable with it or redirect someone to another topic. Then if you like it, you will be able to take part in the discussion. An added advantage, if you are mad at someone who doesn't like profanity, you can cuss them out in another language that they don't know. Learning the profanity, allows you the speaker to make informed decisions.
  15. I'm better at learning the language on my own. Then to have some students there, once in a while to share and learn more is a plus.
  16. Grammar is king. It's the most important part of the communication process. I agree that you need to be in the environment, first to learn the lanquage at hand. Once you picked up a few of the words and how they are used in that language, you really need to learn the correct usage of the verbs and nouns.
  17. This is very interesting. I haven't moved out of the USA. While I live in NJ, I once lived in AL. I lived in Alabama for eight months in 1979-1980. When I moved back to NJ, my home state, people thought and still think that I speak with a southern withdrawal. Now in the South states, they think I have a southern withdrawal with a northern accent. Yes, you lose some of your original accent while you pick up others. :love:
  18. In MO if you watch them without the subtitle, you may learn the language better. For subjects that interest me like Martial Arts, I will choose the films in Spanish or Chinese to pick up the flow of the language. This is a good start, although I really would have to learn the verbs and nouns later. By the way, I know of some people who live in Portugal, who speak better Native American English as their second tongue, more clearer than me. :-)
  19. We make the words for the dictionary. So irregardless is a word. The usage, however, is incorrect grammar. I understand your frustration here. Say "regardless", instead.
  20. "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself". Eleanor Roosevelt "Don't be afraid of failure, because your failure is what you are going to turn into your success". "We got the tail wagging the dog, instead of the dog wagging its tail". "Raise the cards one higher". "Forgiveness removes you from being the victum". "Power and Strength are from within".
  21. Lets not forget that the brain is powerful. I think it's good for everyone to learn English. And no, they will not lose anything from their mother tonque, when they keep everything going. Participate in both languages and cultures.
  22. English. Then they should also have British, American, Canandian and Austrailian English.
  23. American English is my native tongue. In grammar school, my parents bought me, "The Three Bears" in English, French, Spanish and German. There were four books. In each of the books, the top line the sentence was written in the language to learn. The second line was the translation of it in American English so that you can the other language. I had fun studying how to use the verbs. Then in high school, I was required to take a language for credits for graduation. We had the choice between French and Spanish. I took Spanish I and II.
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