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Everything posted by Trellum

  1. Call me crazy, but I believe they aren't correct at all, the verb ''feeling'' should plural. It's kinda funny tho. For some reason this reminded me of someone's English, this person's English isn't so bad, but isn't so good either By the way, I took a look at this quiz and you are right, one of the choices was always so obvious it was impossible not to guess right. Of course, it could look like that to us because our English is good, but for others who are just starting... this quiz could be really hard to answer.
  2. I'd say it's really worth it if you have a real passion for the languages you want to learn... I'd never try to learn a set of new languages I'm not even passionate about. Back when I was a teen I really wanted to learn Norwegian, Swedish, finish, danish, old Norse and Icelandic! I wanted to do that because I was in love with those countries and their culture... I loved Norse mythology and everything that had something to do with those countries. So... if you are really passionate about learning languages, then yes... learning multiple languages is definitely worth it
  3. Beautiful! I love the fact they don't only talk about those grammar mistakes, but they also try to explain you whats wrong and how to correct it. Amazing! Thanks a lot for sharing this with us, I'm sure this will help a lot people out, I have made the ''loose/lose'' one myself. I know some native English speakers who open use then instead of than and vice versa. Or your and you're.
  4. I blame it on TV and video games... kids and adults in general are becoming more and more dependent on their gadgets. So much they no longer seem to be able to be creative or really think for themselves. It's really scary if you ask me, because back in the day we had to actually use our own imagination if we wanted to have fun playing outside. Nowadays everything is already laid out... no need to think or be creative. Of course, the environmental factors are also present nowadays... so in certain zones in the world they might not have access to all the gadgets most people do, but they might have other things in their mind that don't allow them to express themselves properly.
  5. Nope, not a story, but actually writing did help me learn the language. I wrote about things familiar and close to me, like for example my life and that kind of things. Writing can help, but what you write about makes a big difference. For me it was like that, since I was never able to learn using grammar books or at school (not like we had the greatest English ever o anything like that, lol). I think feeling deeply immersed in your learning experience is the key here, to feel a real interest and the excitement that comes after realizing you just communicated with another human being in their own language and you were understood by the person! Nothing more thrilling than that! That's why I think char rooms and writing mails is great for students.
  6. I don't think your writing is bad or that you have a poor grammar, but I'm guessing some editors from those content sites you work with are really strict! Maybe you have made a couple of mistakes when writing in English, but that doesn't qualify to me as poor grammar, actually whoever told you that didn't give you a truly objective opinion. Most likely he made that comment based on a very subjective opinion, and was made with the mere purpose to make you doubt your own skills.
  7. I do it a lot with my boyfriend, I just repeat the word he just said the right way, I do it just like that. Casually! Because I know he doesn't like to be corrected at all, but sometimes I do need to correct his English, because he pronounces some words really badly. The way I do it is better than just telling him he pronounced that word wrong, I'm not sure if it's really helping him, but I think he is starting to understand why I do that, lol. He doesn't argue with me or anything tho I guess he is starting to understand I do that to help him, not to make him feel small or anything like that.
  8. For me the most efficient way to learn English was by simply using it as much as I could. I know I have said this before maaaaaaaaaaaany times, but I have to do it again, lol! Ah well... I learnt English all on my own when I was 16 years old, no previous knowledge or anything like that. I learn it by just sitting on a yahoo chat room and pay attention to the things the people there wrote or said on the mic. Yup, it really was as simple as that. I know this isn't the way to go for most people, but it was for me. I learnt it (I believe) mostly because I got a real curiosity and interest (almost without knowing it) in the language, so much I kept doing what I did everyday. I then started participating in the chat, then got myself a few pen pals...
  9. Yeah, I bet that learning dutch in Holland is easier. I actually didn't find the language any easier to learn when I was there, I thought it was so hard! Hearing people speak dutch... made me shiver. But I bet that if take a course over there and get to hear it and practice it on a daily basis... that will surely make a difference for me I will have to wait to see for sure tho I'm sure learning another language is way easier when the person gets to be in the country where said language is spoken. Sadly not many people have that choice. In the end what really counts is the passion and interest of the person to learn the language
  10. No, I don't speak sign language, but I know a few words I learnt back when I was going to elementary school. I actually took a few classes with deaf kids who often used sign language. I learn a few words over there, but sadly most... if not all of the words I learnt there where bad words. I've always wondered how big were the differences between the people of different countries who use sign language. I wondered things like... will a deaf kid from Peru be able to communicate using sing language with a deaf kid from the US? Things like that Would be nice if someone could clear that doubt for me.
  11. True for me as well, but it seems this is rather common for most people. I tend to imagine everything I'm told, I often daydream as well, so this isn't uncommon for me at all! I can imagine whole stories or recreate memories from the past fairly easy. Sometimes when someone tells me a joke I only laugh because of how the joke is instantaneously pictured in my head.
  12. I have also noticed they are no longer using the word cheque. I guess that's because people rarely use them nowadays, which is understandable, since there are so many ways to pay and get paid nowadays. I'm guessing this word will no longer be in the dictionaries after a while, after all new words are added to the dictionary with almost every new edition. The English language is like a living being... it's evolving! So old words that no longer have any kind of relevance must be taken out from the dictionary. I'd not be surprised it cheque is already gone or will be gone soon.
  13. I'd love to start writing dutch, specially when chatting with my boyfriend's family and him. I think that would help me a lot! After all writing was the most important step when I was just learning English. That's how everything started: I saw what people on Yahoo chat wrote and then I started to use what I learnt by writing it. It made no sense at first, but after a while it did. I could communicate!!!!! I made a lot mistakes at first, but those mistakes helped me to learn even more Amazing experience. I bet the same could happen with Dutch...
  14. Hahahaha, yes, it has happened to me, but it's a rather rare occurrence It has happened to me tho. It's not so uncommon when you are with a guy who speak a totally different language from yours, so both of you have to communicate in English. That kind of relationship is bound to have that kind of little ''misunderstandings'' Well, more often than not speaking in a different language has caused me quite a few embarrassments! Specially when talking to people whose mother language isn't English! Like that one time I thought I was using a set of words t form an expression I thought it was quite acceptable, but I made a mistake with only one word! Amazing how things can go south so fast!
  15. This is such a great reminder for everyone that, that, a language is like a living being that is always evolving. I always feel amazed when I see something like this happen! 150 new words added to that dictionary! Just amazing how the English language is evolving, just amazing to see how the actual trends are pushing the creation of more and more new words So excited to see all those words being added to the dictionary, just to make it official Because I know there are a lot people around the world already using them. Actually my first encounter with the ''gamification'' word was last year.
  16. Yes! Plenty of web sites in Dutch out there. I specially like to read news sites in Dutch, I like this one a lot: http://www.telegraaf.nl/ Media is such a great way to learn and practice the language of your interest! I have actually learnt quite a few words thanks to that web site The pronunciation is a totally different thing tho. I feel those learning English have it quite easy tho, because you can't never compare the wide range of free media for English speakers available online! Even on TV! In my country there are many channels that are in English, some of them don't even have subtitles! So, students learning English have a clear advantage! I'm still happy there is plenty of dutch material to work with online
  17. Chinese is really hard to learn I respect so much all those folks who have dared to learn it. I have heard so much about this language, but there are so many things I don't know about it. I did know about it being a tonal language, but I've always had such a hard time trying to understand that. For someone like me it's hard to imagine, since my mother is Spanish... a language that has nothing to do with Chinese! So for people like us, I really think that listening would be harder than speaking it, at least when it comes to Chinese
  18. I don't like to learn a language by focusing on the grammatical forms in the books, most text books I've seen are so wrong! Because they first focus on the grammar and an endless list of exercises. As a former teacher and an actual student, I can tell you that some people can't learn a language this way. Some people need to practice the language on a daily basis if possible. Actually (I know I have mentioned this many times before, but believe me, I need to do it again!) I learnt English on my own when I was 16 years old, no memorizing examples of tenses or grammatical forms never helped me. Hence I just can't stand grammar and books full of it!
  19. Well, if you are brave enough to learn japanese, I'm sure that you will find dutch easy to learn. If you manage to master japanese, then you will surely manage to master dutch. By the way, why are you planning to learn dutch? Are you planning to visit the country or move there? A friend of mine is trying to learn japanese, for me the hardest part (from what he and you say) are the darn dialects! They sound like the most complicated part of learning japanese.
  20. The OP's example made me laugh so badly! LOL, I actually had a friend who learn English just to understand the porn he watched, lol. Yup, he confessed that to us once when he was drunk. Oh yeah, that guy said way too many things to us when he was drunk, things I wish he had never said to us, lol. Oh, if i could only forget those things :frozen: To be honest with you, I'm not sure there is a dumb or bad reason to learn a language, as long as your passion and interest for the language you are learning is completely legitimate. Because let's be honest; leaning a new language requires effort and interest! If you don't have that, then there is a huge chance you won't get too far, no matter how much external pressure you are getting.
  21. I completely understand, a friend of mine is trying to learn japanese and I must say it doesn't seem easy at all. I actually admire all those who dare to learn it, because I know it's a very hard language! I cant even imagine myself trying to learn it. Dutch seems so simple if I compare it to Japanese I'm actually glad I need to learn Dutch and not japanese! Phew! I've heard a lot about japanese... the writing and the dialects, plus other things. Kudos on studying that language The only language I think is harder than japanese is Chinese... yikes!
  22. Quite often, since I never paid a lot attention to grammatical terms in general and when I learn English I did it on my own. I know that grammar rules offer a lot structure, but some people actually have it harder when they try to learn English this way. I'm one of those persons, and that's why I could never learn English by following grammatical rules printed in books. I often need to refresh my memory by looking up some grammatical terms in my own language, just to remind me, since I didn't learn my language that way, neither did I learn English paying attention to grammatical rules. In my opinion there is nothing to be ashamed about; we all learn in different ways
  23. Oh, the very same thing has happened to me in other languages! Like for example Chinese, arabic and German. The people in my dream seem to speak those languages perfectly, but for some reason when I try it I just can't. Just the other day I had a dream in Hebrew, I tried to use my reduced Hebrew vocabulary, but it seems I was experiencing a serious brain fog in my own dream. It's a bit frustrating when that happens, it happens a lot when I'm trying to pray in Hebrew during a dream. I'm having that kind of dreams quite often...
  24. I don't blame you at all for having issues pronouncing dutch! Man, that language is way harder that German (both pronouncing and the spelling). I'm having such a hard time trying to learn dutch, the pronunciation is so hard for me, I'm sure a lot people will have such a hard time trying to understand whatever I try to say in Dutch. Ah well, at least I will be doing my best I think I will do the same you are doing: study the phonetics of the language and watch their mouth movements.
  25. Ugh, I hate it when they walk up to me and assume I'm of certain ethnicity because of the way I look. That's so rude! I really don't mind the fact they think I'm of x ethnicity, what I mind is they try to push their language on me! If they can speak English they should try to speak it with me. This happens to me every time I travel, those flight attendants are so rude, hehehe!
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