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Everything posted by Miya

  1. I don't think my countries have a name for that type of person xD. I know Chinese people call stubborn people ox or cow and in America, we call lazy people sloths or slugs. But I don't think we have a specific name for those who have all the qualities you listed
  2. When you do have the time though, do try studying katakana. While it's not as useful as hiragana (in my opinion, that is), it's still worth studying since Japan has adopted a lot of loan words. Plus your name (assuming you're not Japanese) is always written in katakana so that's definitely something you would want to know.
  3. Interesting! These are fun to watch and the site is really cute. Perfect for reviewing Japanese!
  4. Is this site like youku and tudou? I love streaming Chinese videos on youku and tudou, but I've never heard of iqiyi. For anyone who has trouble viewing the videos, you can download this chrome plug-in. It allows you to bypass the "This video can only be viewed in China" error when trying to view videos.
  5. I think a whole new subforum would be created for this type of stuff. For example, we can call this section "Relax & Make Friends" section. In this section, everyone can come together regardless of what language they're interested in. We can move the introduction there and also add a few others subcategories. Some suggestions for the subcategories: Off-topic- self-explanatory, all off-topic and random topics go in here Creative Corner - I'm thinking that people can post their works here. They can post art, stories they've written, poems, songs, etc. Limit to one thread per user... so you would have to post all your work in one topic. Game corner- a place for members to play games (in any language). Since we will probably be playing word games and it will probably be one word responses, posts in this thread should not count towards our post count. Travel & Photography - Post pictures of your country or places you have traveled to. You would need to say a little about the pictures too, not just post a picture. One thread per user. I think those subcategories all have a little bit to do with language learning (other than off-topic, ofc). In the creative corner, people can proofread and take note of other people's style of work. And we get to see places around the world in the travel thread. I don't know, these are just some suggestions to make the forum more active. We don't have to use them if we don't want, lol XD
  6. ^If you don't mind me asking, are you studying on your own or are you taking a class? Or I guess what I'm trying to ask is: is there a book you would recommend for learning Dutch?
  7. I don't know either of those languages, but I understand what you mean because I have the same experience with Japanese and Chinese. I speak fluent Chinese and because of that, I can understand Japanese (a little bit). That's the interesting about language -- you don't really have to completely know a language to understand it. If you know a language that's kind of similar, then you'll more or less understand bits of the foreign language.
  8. It's probably due to the Kpop boom. Where I'm from, most people only want to learn Korean so they can watch and understand their favorite Korean drama. Once the Kpop boom is over, the number of people who want to learn Korean should decrease (imo at least).
  9. Being multilingual comes in handy when I'm traveling to different places and can't get around. Even if I can't read/write another language, as long as I can speak it, I won't have a problem finding my way. I love traveling and learning about different cultures so being able to speak their language really comes in handy for me. It's also nice to help out others who struggle with English. There are quite a few tourist around where I live and I'm often asked for directions in Chinese or Japanese. I get a little disappointed in myself when a Spanish speaker comes and asks me for directions and I have to tell them "I don't know" because I can't understand what they're asking.
  10. I'm a big fan of Chinese history and stories. I've never actually read a full Chinese novel in Chinese, but I've heard the stories and watched dramas about it. What are your favorite Chinese stories? I know someone mentioned 三國演義 (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) in the other topic. My personal favorites are 西遊記 (Journey to the West) and 封神榜 (The Creation of the Gods), but I like 帝女花 (Di Nu Hua) a lot too. I'm most interested in stories with Chinese mythology so if you know any good ones, please post them here
  11. ... when you're in French class and don't know how to answer a question and you want to say "Wakarimasen (わかりません). ... when you hear someone nearby talk in another language and you eavesdrop because you think you know the language too (when you really don't).
  12. Totally agree with mareebaybay. Language videos are fun to watch. The people who make them are usually very entertaining and try to throw in jokes every now and then. Even if I'm not interested in the language they're teaching, I can still enjoy it as a type of entertainment.
  13. I use the words "Oh" and "okay" the most XD You can use those words in pretty much every situation. I don't think I can go a day without saying (or typing if I'm online) those two words.
  14. 這個句子正確的寫法應該是: 我的嗜好是讀書和聽音樂. 中文和英文都是subject first。 我的嗜好是看TVB劇和聽日本音樂. 你喜歡聽什麼音樂?喜歡聽中文歌嗎?
  15. I'm not really into graphic novels, but thanks anyway for the recommendation .
  16. There's a similar topic in the Japanese forum for Japanese phrases. Maybe you can make one like that for Dutch. Here's the topic: http://linguaholic.com/japanese-vocabulary/basic-japanese-greetings/msg3936/#msg3936 It doesn't have to have the same phrases. You can add other phrases that you think are useful.
  17. ここで敬語だけ使ってください。 私はミヤと申します。二年間日本語を勉強しております。私は書くのが好きでございます。よろしくお願いします。 (私は敬語を使うのが下手でございます。もし間違いがあれば、ぜひなおしてください。)
  18. In my Japanese book, there are 3 types of respect language: honorific expressions, extra-modest expressions, and humble expressions. I'm having a lot of trouble memorizing the different honorifics verbs and when to use which type of respect language. Can someone give me some tips on how to memorize and learn Japanese keigo? Is there a less painful way to learn keigo other than just plain memorizing?
  19. 伊万,你好。我叫Miya. 歡迎來到 linguaholic. 你有什麼嗜好?為什麼你對中文有興趣?
  20. Here are two more I see people at my school mess up on: le bras = arms (not bra) chance = luck (not chance) Freshmen always get a giggle or two from the first one
  21. Since last year, people around me have been saying YOLO (You only live once) a lot. Is this an American thing or do people from other countries use it as well?
  22. I definitely over-use lol. Even when things aren't funny, I say 'lol' just to have a response. When things are funny, 'lol' becomes 'LOL'.
  23. I learned hiragana first because that's what my book taught first. Because I don't live in Japan, I honestly don't think it matters which one is studied first as long as you get a good grasp of both. If I lived in Japan though, it's probably better to learn hiragana first since it's more widely used. Plus Kanjis have furigana (small hiragana written next to or above the Kanji) so if you struggle with Kanji, knowing hiragana would be more helpful.
  24. I actually care a lot. It's okay when I'm with my friends but when I have to do a presentation in front of unknown people, I care a LOT about what others think. It makes me uncomfortable when I can't express myself properly or when I use the wrong grammar due to nervousness.
  25. 漢字 (kanji) - Chinese characters 感じ (kanji) - feelings ふりがなは同じです、でも漢字は違いがあります。気をつけてください。 それに ”は”(ha) = wa. この ”わ” (wa) はじょしじゃないです。 私はサンフランシスコのそばに住んでいます。
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