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Everything posted by Oakster

  1. I'm Portuguese and living in Portugal but I think in English, there are just some expressions that simply don't exist in Portuguese and so it's easier to think in English for me.
  2. I know it's a cliche, but I just think that German sounds angry, no matter what is being said.
  3. Por fin es Viernes, esta semana ha sido muy dura con mucho trabajo. Espero un bueno fin de semana relajante.
  4. When you want to say something in your native language but can only think of the English expression...
  5. As sort of an exclamation I've heard something like "Oh jeez/geez, I can't believe that". How do you write that? My doubts are between jeez, geez, jeeze and geeze based on the pronunciations I've heard.
  6. For the purposes of finding work, what's generally more recommended? TOEFLS or IELTS? I'm thinking of taking one of them but I'm afraid of taking one and then finding out that most companies are looking for the other.
  7. I'll vote for French and Italian, anything you say in Italian sounds great and French is very good for more intimate moments
  8. Wow this looks really interesting, I'll sign up now, I just have 1 question. It asks me to log in through Facebook, will it spam my Facebook or my friends?
  9. I'd be very happy to teach someone some Portuguese to anyone who wants or clear some doubts people might have.
  10. The way I think about it is: bring is from *there* to *here* take is from *here* to *there* But I can see there are situations where it's more complicated than this of course.
  11. I like the work "klutz" which is a clumsy person. I think the sounds just fits the meaning very well, if someone doesn't know the word but hears "You are such a klutz!" they know exactly what is meant
  12. Don't know if it has already been mentioned but my favorite is: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right.” ― Henry Ford
  13. For me it depends heavily on the language. In Spanish, I have a much harder time writing but I can speak well enough to carry out a conversation. In English (I'm Portuguese) when I'm reading I don't even acknowledge it as a foreign language, it just comes naturally, but when I'm talking I have to get "in the zone", but maybe that's just because I read and write in English much more often than I speak.
  14. I'm 26 year-old Phil from Portugal and I'm looking forward to learning from you all I've always been interested in learning foreign languages since very young, I started speaking ENglish at around 6-7 from watching movies A couple of years ago I got a job in a hotel which allowed me to interact with many different people who spoke Spanish, French and German and I picked up a few things (not very much in German). So I think I'm in the right place to improve my skills a bit
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