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      宇崎ちゃん's Content - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      Everything posted by 宇崎ちゃん

      1. Free humans don't obey to the government. All these "mandates" never had anything to do with health at all, if you look at it, they're all designed to worsen your health even, the "crazy conspiracy theorists" (including literal doctors and nurses, because everyone who even slightly disagrees with TV news is considered a "crazy conspiracy theorist" these days) have been pointing that out for 2 years, only to get censored by the mainstream, and then 2 years later the very same the mainstream is wondering where everyone was to warn humanity about the dangers of these "mandates". But the side effect is, while it utterly destroyed the old good things (Comiket for example) because they all bend the knee, it did establish many new good things all around the world because the new good things that replaced the old good things are run by libertarians/anarchists (and therefore have an actually functioning brain to think with instead of having to rely on brainwashing devices I mean television and criminals I mean politicians for that).
      2. Here in Japan, I've never seen anyone obey to the soycialist distance bullcrap.
      3. As a non-Japanese living in Japan, knowing Japanese has massive amounts of benefits over not knowing. Actually, before moving to Japan I thought it's common sense to be able to speak Japanese if you decide to live here for longer than 90 days. However, I've met so many foreigners here, yet just a few of them can actually speak the language, and a couple more are in the process of learning, but about 98% doesn't speak it at all, even those who have been living here for over 20 years.
      4. Points 1, 5, and 6: good points. Point 2: doesn't matter, you can be very old, and still be able to learn language. The only reason why old people are "bad" at learning languages is because they're either lazy, or too occupied with their full time jobs to find any time to learn. Point 3: it helps, but not necessarily true. I was already trilingual when I started learning Japanese, and it wasn't really easy at the beginning, because school brainwashed me into believing that language is a bunch of rules. But when I realised once again that language is instead a basic human skill, it got much easier. Point 4: doesn't matter. Actually, I think it's easier to learn languages if you lack talent. Because if you're talented, you're most likely occupied, and thus don't have the time to learn languages. The untalented are usually jobless, and have all the time in the world to learn languages. Point 7: there is no such a thing as living in the past or future, there's only a living in the now.
      5. Depends on the room design. The DK and LDK type or rooms indeed have it in 1, but the K type of rooms have it separated. It's more common to have it combined in big cities due to the lack of space, but in the countryside there's so much room, it's more common to have kitchen separated from the living room. My first 2 apartments had a kitchen in the hallway, the first one was separated by a door, but the other one had no door, so it was separated by a higher step instead. My current house on the other hand has a dedicated kitchen, though my last apartment in a big city before moving to nature had the kitchen and living room in the same space, kitchen was right at the frontdoor like the other apartments, but since it was much further away from Tokyo, it was pretty spacious, and I could finally cut food in the kitchen for the first time since my arrival in Japan. The first 2 apartments were so tiny, I had to cut meat and vegetables near my computer desk, which was right next to my bed, so my bed doubled as a desk chair.
      6. It's pretty uncommon indeed, but whether it's intimate or not, dunno.
      7. 水車 is 2 separate words is "mizu kuruma", but as 1 word is "suisha". Technically, both ways it's correct, but it depends on the context.
      8. 星 = star or planet 寿司 = sushi Though a bit odd, as "Planet Sushi" would be either 惑星寿司, or "寿司の星".
      9. Slightly. Instead of 私に弟を, it should be 私の弟に. Correct. 父がちょうど今帰宅しながら、何か食べたい物を教えくれましょうか。 Just remove the 私は and に, and you'll be fine.
      10. Sounds OK, but 犯人 should be replaced by 泥棒. 犯人 is more like a criminal in general, which can be anything from theft to damaging your stuff to killing you to extorting you to violating one of the government made up so-called "laws", while 泥棒 is specifically someone who steals stuff. Also, assuming your wallet has already been stolen, 盗みます should be in past tense: 盗みました. By saying 盗みます, you're giving the impression that the thief is conspiring to steal your wallet, and is not yet stolen.
      11. Bloatware and soy. Nowadays you need to have the highest possible end PC in order to buy from an online webshop, and then they wonder why everyone prefers to buy offline or on Amazon instead.
      12. Anything with native speakers in it is recommended. Just make sure you're not seen as a disturbance.
      13. Not. There is technology that enhances language learning, like online (voice/text/video) chatrooms, but for the most part, technology makes you refrain from language learning. Most people would rather put shit in an automated translator than to take the effort to learn a language.
      14. Not sure I can ever know how that feels like, considering me being the opposite gender. But it sure is tiring to keep looking at such a small screen, and stressful to actually type on it. But then again I'm the generation that grew up using desktop computers, and later on laptops as well, smartphones haven't really been part of my childhood or even teenagehood, so naturally I feel way more comfortable using an actual computer with a physical keyboard (mouse is just optional to me, as there's very little things I can't do without a mouse anyway) than a little toy which doesn't have a properly functioning keyboard (or rahter, at all) and has no way of keeping the screen readable because of the fingerprints all over the screen.
      15. Without learning sound, you won't really get far. This is a mistake pretty much everyone is doing or has done (including myself). It's not limited to just Germanic languages, it's pretty much every language. They think all they need is a book, they need to see the word to understand. They'll understand in written form, but then they go to the country their target language is spoken, and won't understand anything at all, neither spoken nor written language.
      16. It's not about permission or advise, it's about not having anything to do with the question of the person asking. It's like if somebody is asking where in a certain rural area you can get your drivers license cheapest and easiest, and someone else would say "well I advise you just get yourself an iPhone, or go dine outdoors more often".
      17. This is like comparing apples to oranges to bananas. Grammarly is simply grammar correction software (think spell check in office software, but for grammar instead of spelling). Italki is a site to find remote language teachers or language exchange enthusiasts. Duolingo is a fun game you play as a distraction while having nothing else to do.
      18. Yup, Catalonia. I visited Barcelona a few years ago, beautiful city with a lot of stuff to do. Do your best I'd say, you already know 3 languages, and a commonly agreed minimum to be considered a polyglot is 6 languages (so I'm not one of them sadly). I had a dream of becoming a polyglot in the past too, but I realised that trying to reach that status was at the cost of mastery in the language, so I decided to take the slow path instead, and not move to the next language until I at the very least rival a native speaker of that particular language.
      19. I don't think an extreme children's picturebook would be suitable. Jokes aside, you don't really provide any examples of your book, the title seems rather generic if you ask me both ways. If the question is about with or without "the", I'd say: ・If Nice and Naughty are the names of the characters, no "the". ・If Nice and Naughty are titles to describe the characters, with "the".
      20. Not a native speaker, but I believe that a semicolon is used kind of in between a comma and a colon. So you'd list stuff like with a colon, but don't separate a sentence like with a comma so to say. I have apple, orange, and banana. (Regular sentence) I have 3 fruits: ・Apple ・Orange ・Banana (Sentence followed by a list) I have 3 fruits; apple, orange, and banana. (List within a sentence)
      21. English is a very irregular language when it comes to letters. Once you become fluent in English, you'll understand that in English, writing doesn't matter so much. For example, the "K" in "knife" is silent, while in "kitchen" it's clearly pronounced. Likewise, the "E" in "axe" is silent, but in "recipe" each "E" sound is pronounced completely different. For such reasons I prefer to use Japanese writing system for phonetics, because Japanese syllables are almost always consistant. With latin that's not the case, because in each language it uses the pronunciation is different, and in the case of English it's even different in every word. Go to YouTube and search for "english weird spelling", you'll see many videos about this + explanation and examples.
      22. Immigrante Chapter 6.5: How to use free online and offline materials to learn a language? As a follow up chapter, I'll now explain how you can use free online materials to learn a language as promised. But since this is Immigrante, I'll add offline to the mix too, as this is an essential acceleration. Without paying anything, what do you already have online? YouTube (or any other video platform like Niconico, Billibilli, LBRY/Odysee, Bitchute, just to name a few). Blogs. Company websites or personal portfolios. SNS (Twitter, Fakebook, Parler, Mastodon (my favourite right now is Pawoo), Gab, Instagrandma, Mixi, and so on). Search engines (Google, DuckDuckGo, Qwant, Bing/Yahoo, etc.). If you're living in the country of your target language, what do you already have offline? TV (including both fakenews and entertainment). Magazines, comics, novels, fakenewspapers, etc. (those cost money, but in some countries nobody will stop you if you just stand and read). Road signs (focus on those with writings on them). Restaurant menus (avoid English menu, unless you actually intend on learning English in a non-Asian country). Announcements in stores, train stations, etc. Here comes the shocker: did you know that (with the exception of magazines/comics/novels) free materials are actually more effective than paid? Because most of what I provided in the 2 lists are only available in the target language, and they're made for the local people. Of course the online materials have multiple languages, but nothing is stopping you from filtering out the languages you're not learning. If you're using YouTube or a different video platform, find 1 or 2 YouTubers that actually speak, preferrably those that speak throughout the videos all the time. Make sure the YouTubers are of about the same age range and same gender as you are, and make sure they are entertaining. This is important, because you'll be listening to their voices, and if you listen to them for a long time at very many times, you'll end up mimicking their voices too in the long run. So make sure you want to sound just like them, something must be terribly wrong if you're a young man sounding like an elderly woman for example! Listen to them as much as possible. If you have a busy schedule, just download an entire playlist or channel they have, convert to MP3, put them on your phone, and listen offline all the time. It adds up a lot. When you have the time to listen, try to catch words, and imagine its meaning (not translate, that's something different). If you don't, just listen without paying attention, that way you're training your ears and brain to understand the language naturally. As for other online sources, read, read, read, and read! Look up what you want to know in the target language, read what you get multiple times until you understand it. Therefore, only read texts that consist of only a few sentences at the beginning, and work yourself up to more text and more complex sentences. You'll be amazed by how quickly you'll start to understand! However, reading is always harder to accomplish than listening, so my advise is to start off with listening only, and then add reading once you feel like you can understand the spoken language well enough. On top of that, the amount of language that exists in spoken language is generally far, far, far less than what exists in written language. To be honest, I made this mistake myself too for a very long time, which resulted in knowing how to read the language, but I was literally brain dead once I had to listen to a sentence longer than 6 words, and I had to write the sentence out in order to understand it. As for offline resources, threat them the same as the online resources, with without internet (and without search). Of course the spoken content is what you should start with, but you'll be amazed by how much you can gain from things like "You are here", "turn right", or "caution". As I already said, avoid English menu's. What abount bilingual ones (local language with an English translation)? Once you see the following menu's in Russian and Chinese, you'll immediately see why you should avoid that as well: Not too helpful right?
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